麥當勞 SHAKESHAKE 粉含致癌禁糖停售 12 月 7 日 星期日 02:50 更新 【明報專訊】香港麥當勞聘用偶像歌手容祖兒(相關新聞 - 網站)全力促銷的薯條調味料「香 烤蜜糖味 Shake Shake 粉」 ,懷疑含有本港禁用可致癌物和不育的甜菊糖 ,昨日 全面停售,食物環境衛生署亦派員抽取有關調味粉的樣本進行化驗,若結果顯示麥當勞出售 違禁調味料,會即時提出檢控,最高可判罰 5 萬元及入獄半年。 麥當勞最近推出為薯條和炸雞翼的 Shake Shake 調味粉,包括香檸胡椒、洋蔥香蒜、香烤蜜糖 3 種口味,出現問題的香烤蜜糖味 Shake Shake 粉,包裝袋的成分標籤上清楚列明含有甜菊糖, 昨晨有市民發現後向傳媒投訴,食環署接報後即時派員到麥當勞領取樣本以作化驗,並勸喻 麥當勞停售該種調味料,最快可望一周後有化驗結果。 香烤蜜糖味 含微量甜菊糖 麥當勞昨晚 10 時發表聲明,表示已全線停售懷疑含微量甜菊糖 粉,並與食環署緊密聯繫及跟進事件。 的香烤蜜糖味 Shake Shake 至於為何食環署昨日沒有主動向民公布,該署發言人解釋,由於該調味粉是隨食品附送,並 不是放在貨架上零售,加上仍未有化驗結果,故沒主動公布。發言人又指,其餘兩項口味的 300 倍,不含卡路里, 市面多項食品如牛奶、即食麵、香口膠和飲料亦曾發現含有。去年有研究發現甜菊糖 含有 可致癌物質並可致不育後,本港食環署即下令回收及停售市面上 70 多款含甜菊糖 產品,並 將之列作禁用添加物料,美國更列作不安全食品添加劑。但目前中國、日本及南韓仍認可使 用。 甜菊 2002 年曾指出,甜菊糖 可直接損害人體的 DNA 和令細胞變化,長時間接觸的話可能致癌。 Source: Mingpao <http://hk.news.yahoo.com/031206/12/vu79.html> Date of the article: 7-12-2003 Economics Assignment: News Report Recently, the McDonald’s in Hong Kong are using a pop star to advertise three kinds of SHAKESHAKE powder which are used to be served with French fries. In order to attract more customers, the powder is accompanied with the set meals free of charge. However, stevioside is found in the honey-favoured one several days ago. If people take in stevioside continuously, it may cause cancer or infertility in human bodies. Moreover, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department states that it is illegal to sell food containing this kind of sugar in Hong Kong. The McDonald’s have already cut off all the supply of this honey-favoured powder. In economics, the SHAKESHAKE powder and French fries are complements. They are classified as economic good and consumer non-durable good. After the introduction of SHAKESHAKE powder in McDonald’s, there is a stronger demand for set-meals. As people always want to try new stuff, they will buy more set-meals to get the free powder. Taste of consumers is the factor which affects the demand. In order to meet the increasing demand, producer increases output to satisfy consumers’ wants. Therefore, the McDonald’s increases the supply of set-meals, as well as the SHAKESHAKE powder since they are in joint supply. Increase in demand equals increase in supply, price of set-meals does not change. (Illustrated in Fig.1) Unfortunately, stevioside found in the honey-favoured powder may frighten the people. They are afraid of getting cancer or infertility and thus decrease their demand for the honey-favoured powder. The demand for set-meals will also decrease. Meanwhile, McDonald’s stops the supply of honey-favoured powder. This leads to a decrease in supply of set-meals. In result, both demand and supply of set-meals decrease. Decrease in demand equals to decrease in supply, price of set-meals remains unchanged. (Illustrated in Fig.2) In conclusion, the changes in demand and supply of set-meals are caused by other factors, but not because of price. If McDonald’s want to increase its revenue, we think it is necessary to guarantee their fast food is safe to eat and have further promotions in the future. P P S1 S2 S1 S2 Pe Pe D1 D2 0 D2 Q Q1 Q2 McDonald’s set-meals Fig.1 D1 0 Q Q2 Q1 McDonald’s set-meals Fig.2