2006-07 EPA Project F.3B Asian Restaurant Group members: Macrina Sharon Lilian Rosa Rachel Page Content 1. Business Type 2. Interview with Miss Lee, Restaurant Owner in England 3. Questionnaire 4. Result of Survey 5. Target Customer 6. Location 7. Floor Plan 8. Original Design of product 9. Price Setting 10. Investment Capital 11. Monthly Costs 12. Interview with Restaurant Owners in Causeway Bay 13. Monthly Revenue 14. Profit Prospect 15. Promotion and Advertisement 16. Reflection 17. Duty List 18. Reference List Page Business Type As an Asian world city, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian restaurants are very popular and common in Hong Kong. Hong Kong people love to eat. The cuisine in Hong Kong can best be described as a fusion of eastern and western style cuisine. From the most standard to the most up-scale, Hong Kong cuisine provides an unlimited variety in every class. Complex combinations and international gourmet expertise have given Hong Kong the reputable label of "Gourmet Paradise" and "World's Fair of Food". Therefore, we are also very interested in operating a business in the catering sector. However, restaurant offering one typical country’s cuisine seems too common in Hong Kong. Therefore, we interview Miss Lee, who lives in England and is also a successful restaurant owner in England, to share her experience of operating a restaurant with us. The restaurant Miss Lee owes in England is very different from other typical restaurants in Hong Kong. She operates an international restaurant, providing cuisines specially selected from the most three popular countries’ cuisines of the British. According to Miss Lee, the idea of an international restaurant is so innovative that it quickly attracts many local people or even foreigners after its opening. It is so profitable that she was able to cover the initial capital within 3 months. The example of Miss Lee’s restaurant is so successful in England that we strongly believe there is potential in operating an international restaurant and operating an innovative international restaurant would also be a huge success in Hong Kong. The favour of tastes of the British and Hong Kong citizens are different and before operating an international restaurant, we conducted a survey in on their opinions towards different countries’ cuisines in Hong Kong, the eating habits of Hong Kong citizens,and also to find out which three countries’ food are the favorites of Hong Kong citizens. Causeway Bay is a place always crowded with people. Therefore, we picked it as the location to interview citizens We aimed to interview 80 citizens in Causeway Bay and we successfully interviewed 68 interviewees in the end.. Page Page INTERVIEW A INTERVIEW WITH MISS LEE, A RESTAURANT OWNER IN ENGLAND (MISS LEE IS ONE OF OUR GROUP MATES, ROSA'S AUNT) Q: ROSA A: MISS.LEE Q: Why did you come up with an idea of opening such kind of special restaurant? A: Actually it's my husband and I came up with this idea. We both think that if we just run a restaurant without any creative, attracting ideas, we couldn't really earn much, as there are so many restaurants in England. Also, we think that if we could provide different kinds of cuisines for customers to enjoy, they will be more willing to come and that's a really good way of earning profits. Q: Were you successful at last? A: Of course! People were attracted by the idea of providing 3 different types of cuisines in one restaurant. We only used 3 months to cover the initial capital. We didn't do much advertising. It's just because of this creative idea, we could already earn a lot from it. Q: What suggestions will u give if we want to run a similar restaurant in Hong Kong? A: First, you have to note one thing, that's really important. You have to choose carefully of which 3 types of cuisines you are going to serve in your restaurant. You must choose the most popular types, which could have a larger market. You could find it out in many ways, like doing a survey, or do some research on the internet. Second, you must choose a place with high accessibility, it will be great if the place is near residential area. Q: Thanks for doing the interview! A: You're welcome. Good luck with your work. Page 嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院 EPA F.3 Second Term Group Project 小姐/先生,您好!我們是嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院中三級的學生。 我們正在做一個關於香港食肆的調查,想咨詢市民的意見。請問閣下可否用幾分鐘 完成這份問卷呢?所有個人資料將會保密,並在完成報告後銷毀。 1」除了中菜外,你會到餐廳品嚐其他國家的特色食物嗎? 會 不會 2」你較常光顧東南亞菜色的餐廳或是西方菜色的餐廳呢? 東南亞菜色 西方菜色 3」你較常光顧哪一個國家的特色食物? (可選擇多項) 日本料理 韓國菜 泰國菜 越南菜 印度菜 法國菜 _ ___德國菜 _ ___義大利菜 ____ 俄羅斯菜 ____ 美國菜 其他〈請註明︰ 4」你和伴侶較常會於一星期中的哪一天外出用膳? 平日 週五 _____ 週末 _____ 星期天 _____ 沒有特定 5」你和朋友、家人較常會於一星期中的哪一天外出用膳? 平日 週五 _____ 週末 _____ 星期天 _____ 沒有特定 6」你會花費多少錢光顧國家東南亞的特色食物? 100 元以下 100-200 元 200-300 元 300 以上 7」個人資料︰ 性別︰ 男 女 年齡︰ 16–18 19–29 30–39 40–50 51 或以上 教育程度︰ 小學 中三以下 中四至中七 大學或以上 職業︰ 文職人員 勞工 商人 公務員 學生 待業 專業人士 其他〈請註明︰ 〉 Page 〉 The results are shown as followings, Do you like to try cuisines from other countries except Chinese cuisine? No, 4% Yes, 96% Do you prefer to go to South Asian restaurants or Western restaurants? Western Restaurant 21% South Asia Restaurant 79% As we can see in the two graphs, among the 68 interviewees we interviewed, almost all of the interviewees like to try other countries and a majority of them prefer to go to South Asian restaurants to Western restaurants. Page Which countries' cuisine do you prefer? French 2% German 0% Russian 2% Indian 18% American 1% Japanese 27% Vietnamese 13% Korean 16% Thai 21% As for the question “Which countries’ cuisine do you prefer?”, Japanese cuisine seems to be the most popular as about one third of the interviewees choose it as their favourite. The second cuisine most loved by the interviewees is Thai food. More than one fifth of the interviewees picked it. Followed by Indian cuisine, around one fifth of the interviewees voted to it. Page When will you and your lover usually go out for dinner? Weekdays 6% Sundays 32% Fridays 21% Saturadays 41% When will you and your friends and families usually go out for dinner? Weekdays 6% Fridays 25% Sundays 38% Saturadays 31% According to the two graphs, a majority of of the interviewees and their lovers like to go out to for dinner at Saturdays. While they and their families prefer to go out for dinner on Sundays. Summary As a conclusion for our survey, we discover from the results that Hong Kong citizens prefer South Asian cuisine to Western cuisine and the three most popular countries’ cuisine are Japan, Thailand and India. Therefore, we decided to run an international restaurant named Asian Restaurant offering cuisines from these three countries. Most lovers like to go out for dinner on Saturdays and most families enjoy going out for dinner on Sundays. Therefore, in order to attract more customers, we could arrange a candle night dinner on Saturdays to attract more lovers and arrange some shows on Sundays to entertain the families having dinner on our family day night. Page Target Customers From the survey we have conducted, we discover no matter how old, male or female, Hong Kong citizens really like going out to have meals or dinners with their families, lovers and friends during weekdays and weekends. Moreover, after doing the survey, we find out that Causeway Bay seems to be a very popular weekday and weekend destination of Hong Kong citizens and we consider choosing the site for our restaurant in Causeway Bay. And we could use the data collected from our survey to know more about our target customers who usually go to Causeway bay for meals. According to the survey, the results show that exactly one quarter of our interviewees work as office ladies. About one fifth of them are businessmen and professionals. Only a minority of them are unemployed, which tells us that our target customers mainly belongs to the middle class sector. Having a stable income, they would be more willing to spend more when they go out for dinner. Therefore, our target customers of our international restaurant are mainly families and lovers which belongs to the middle class Occupation of the interviewees Pofessionals 18% Office Ladies 25% Students 7% Workers 12% Civil Servers 16% Businessman 19% Page Unemployed 3% Location The site we have chosen for our restaurant is located in Wun Sha Street, Causeway Bay. In the past, Wun Sha Street was a residential area. Nowadays, it has become the famous “food street” because a lot of characteristic restaurants has been opened here. Wun Sha Street The site we have chosen is 37 Wun Sha Street. Page 37 Wun Sha Street Transportation The transportation facilities are also very convenient. Here is the bus shop of Wun Sha Street. People can take 2, 19, 25, 914 to arrive here. Bus Stop There is also a large area of parking. People can drive themselves to the street and choose what they like to eat as there are many choices. So, we think that Wun Sha Street is a potential “Food Street”. Parking areas Page Restaurants nearby There are some characteristic restaurants in Wun Sha Street, such as Lacomotive, Cherry Garden, YOKO YAMA, Wun Sha Kitchen, etc. Later, we will interview these restaurants for the type of customers and the price-setting of the menu. YOKO YAMA Wun Sha Street Lacomotive and Cherry Garden Map of our restaurant Page Moreover, you can also take the MTR and get off the train at Tin Hau station. The Exit is A1. Walk along Tung Lo Wan Road and turn right and go into Wun Sha Street. Floor Plan of our restaurant Page Original Design of Product CUISINE RECIPES JAPANESE FOOD NOODLES Page Yakiudon --------------------------------------- $45 INGREDIENTS: 4 servings boiled udon noodles 1/2 carrot 1/2 onion 4 leaves cabbage 1/4 lb thinly sliced pork/beef 1/3 cup bean sprouts 2 green peppers 1/4 cup Worcester sauce For topping: Beni-shoga (red ginger) *vegetable oil PREPARATION: Cut cabbage, carrot, green pepper, and pork/beef into bite sizes. Thinly slice onion. Heat some oil in a frying pan, and saute the meat. Add cabbage, carrot, green pepper, and onion in the pan and saute together. Add bean sprouts and udon noodles in the pan and saute together. Pour Worcester sauce over the ingredients and udon. Stir well. Put some beni-shoga on top of yakiudon if you would like. Makes 4 servings. Tsukimi Soba --------------------------------------- $40 INGREDIENTS: 4 eggs 4 servings soba noodles 6 cups dashi soup 1/3 cup soy sauce 2 tbsp mirin 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 negi onion PREPARATION: Slice negi onion thinly. Heat dashi, soy sauce, mirin, and salt in a pan to make soup. Boil soba noodles in another pan, according to the cooking instructions indicated in noodle packages. Page Serve soba noodles into four bowls. Pour hot soup over soba noodles. Crack an egg on top of the noodles in each bowl. Sprinkle negi onion slices on top of noodles. Make 4 servings. SOUP Edamame Soup --------------------------------------- $20 INGREDIENTS: 3/4 lb edamame 1/2 small onion 1/2 cup chicken soup stock 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil 12/3 cup milk 11/2 tbsp butter PREPARATION: Cook edamame, following the edamame recipe. Shell edamame and set aside. Slice onion thinly. Heat oil in a deep pan and saute onion slices. Add chicken soup stock in the pan and simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. Add edamame in the soup. Put the soup in a blender and mix well. Put the soup back in a deep pan and add milk. Put the soup on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes on low heat. Add butter, salt, and pepper to season. Makes 4 servings. SUSHI Inari-sushi --------------------------------------- $28 INGREDIENTS: 6 abura-age (fried tofu) 4 cups sushi rice *rice and sweet vinegar mixture 1/2 cup dashi soup stock 2 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp mirin 3 tbsp soy sauce PREPARATION: Put abura-age into boiling water for a moment and drain well. Cut the abura-age in half so that Page each piece have an open end. Put dashi soup stock, sugar, mirin, and soy sauce in a pan and bring to a boil. Add abura-age pieces to the pan and lower the heat. Put a lid over the pan and simmer for 15 minutes. Take out the abura-age into a plate and lightly press to remove the liquid. Shape into small sized ovals and press into an abura-age pocket. Fold in the open side to close the pocket. Tuna Sushi Roll --------------------------------------- $28 INGREDIENTS: 4 cups sushi rice 4 sheets of nori (dried seaweed) 4 ounces raw tuna sashimi PREPARATION: Cut the tuna into thin and long sticks. Put a nori sheet on top of a bamboo mat (makisu). Spread the sushi rice on top of the nori sheet. Place the tuna sticks lengthwise on the rice. Salmon Sushi Roll --------------------------------------- $28 INGREDIENTS: 4 cups sushi rice 4 sheets of nori (dried seaweed) 4 ounces raw salmon sashimi PREPARATION: Cut the tuna into thin and long sticks. Put a nori sheet on top of a bamboo mat (makisu). Spread the sushi rice on top of the nori sheet. Place the tuna sticks lengthwise on the rice. SASHIMI ( 4 pieces / each ) Tuna Sashimi --------------------------------------- $25 INGREDIENTS: • 4 ounces raw tuna sashimi PREPARATION: Cut the tuna sashimi into thin pieces. Place it on the plate and serve it. Salmon Sashimi --------------------------------------- $25 Page INGREDIENTS: • 4 ounces raw salmon sashimi PREPARATION: Cut the salmon sashimi into thin pieces. Place it on the plate and serve it. Shrimp Sashimi --------------------------------------- $25 INGREDIENTS: • 4 ounces raw shrimp sashimi PREPARATION: Cut the shrimp sashimi into thin pieces. Place it on the plate and serve it. .................................................................... ............................................................................. INDIAN FOOD INDIAN PICKLE Nimbu Ka Achar ( Lemon Pickle ) --------------------------------------- $45 INGREDIENTS: • 35 Lemons • 5 cups water • 1 tsp asafetida powder • 4 tsp salt • 30 Black peppercorns • 2 tsp black cardamom seeds • 3 tbsp salt • 2 tsp Red chili powder • 1 tbsp White cumin seeds • 15 cloves • 3 tbsp sugar • 3 tbsp vinegar PREPARATION: Wash and clean lemons. Now boil the water and put 25 lemons in it for 2-3 minutes. Take them out, dry them and cut into quarters. Using sterilized jars for the pickle, sprinkle the asafetida powder and half the salt over the base. Grind all the paste ingredients to make a smooth mixture and Page smear it all over the lemon quarters. Drop these spiced lemons into the jar. Squeeze the juice from the remaining 10 lemons over them and sprinkle rest of salt. Cover the jar with a clean cloth and leave out in sun. The pickle should be ready within 2 weeks. Gaajar Ka Achar ( Carrot Pickle )--------------------------------------- $40 INGREDIENTS: • 3 cups water • 230gms carrots (scraped and cut into 2"long sticks) • 11/2 tbsp mustard seeds • 1/2 tsp chili powder • 1/8 th tsp each ground mace, cloves and cardamom • 2tsp salt • 1/4 th cup shredded jaggery (gur) • 1/3rd cup mustard oil PREPARATION: Boil the water in 2-litre saucepan. Add carrots and blanch for a minute. Drain the water and then spread carrots on a clean cloth and sundry (or spread them on a towel lined cookie tray and air dry in an oven (200-degree Fahrenheit) for an hour). In a bowl mix the mace, cloves, cardamom, salt and jaggery. Add the carrots and toss to mix. Transfer to a sterilized glass jar. Pour the mustard oil into a small saucepan and place it over a moderate heat. As soon as oil begins to smoke remove it from the heat and cool it for 4 minutes, then pour it into the jar and cover it with a clean cloth. Set the jar in sunlight for 13-14 days, bringing it indoor evrynight. Shake the jar two or three times daily. SOUP Baked Potato Soup --------------------------------------- $22 INGREDIENTS: • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese • 14.5 oz chicken broth • 1/4 cup flour • 1/4 cup butter • 4 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled • 2 large baking potatoes, baked • 3 tblsp sliced green onions • 1/4 cup chopped onion • 12 oz evaporated milk Page • Salt and pepper to taste PREPARATION: Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for one to two minutes or until tender. Stir in flour.Gradually stir in broth and evaporated milk. Scoop potato pulp from one potato and mash them. Add pulp to the broth mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture just comes to a boil. Dice remaining potato skin and potato and add to soup. Heat through. Season with salt and pepper. Top each serving with bacon, cheese and green onion. SALAD Egg Salad --------------------------------------- $25 INGREDIENTS: • 6 eggs (fully boiled) • 2 boiled Potatoes • 1 Capsicum 1 onion (thinly sliced into rings) • 1 Tomato (thinly sliced into rings) • 2tsp lemon juice • salt to taste • Black pepper to taste • Finely Chopped coriander leaves PREPARATION: Cut eggs into halves. Take out the yolk and mash with boiled potatoes. Mix salt, pepper, lemon juice and chopped coriander. Fill eggs whites with the mixture. garnished with onion, tomatoes, chopped capsicum & coriander. Sprouted Moong Salad --------------------------------------- $25 INGREDIENTS: • 1 cup Steamed Sprouted Moong • 1 Onion chopped • 1 Tomato chopped • salt to taste • Red chili powder to taste • 11/2 tsp. lemon juice • 1/4th tsp. roasted cumin (Jeera) powder • Finely chopped coriander leaves Page Serve the egg salad in a tray • 1/2 tsp. grounded sugar (optional) PREPARATION: Wash and drain sprouts. Add Onion, tomato and other ingredients. Mix well. Garnish with coriander. Note: Other sprouted lentils can also be used in place of moong. Vegetable Salad --------------------------------------- $25 INGREDIENTS: • 10-12 Salad leaves • 1 small cabbage (shredded) • 1 Onion (Thinly sliced into rings) • 1 Cucumber (Sliced into rings) • 2-3 Carrots (peeled and thinly sliced) • 1 Radish (peeled and thinly sliced) • 1 banana (cut into rings) • 1 Guava sliced • 1 apple thinly sliced • 1 tomato (thinly sliced into rings) • 2tsp lemon juice • Salt to taste • Chaat masala to taste PREPARATION: Take big plate and arrange salad leaves. Add shredded cabbage, onions, carrot, cucumber, and radish. Now arrange tomato, banana, apples, and guavas. Sprinkle salt and chaat masala. Pour lemon juice. RAITA Bathue Raita --------------------------------------- $22 INGREDIENTS: • 1 Cup Curd (Yogurt) • 1/2 cup Bathua (boiled and mashed) • 1tsp roasted Cumin (jeera) powder • Salt to taste • Red chili powder to taste PREPARATION: Stir the curd with hand mixer (mathani). Add bathua paste and mix well. If it becomes thick add Page little milk and mix it. Now add salt, cumin powder and chili powder, mix well. Keep in refrigerator for an hour or so. Serve chilled bathue raita with rice, parathas etc. Boondi Raita --------------------------------------- $22 INGREDIENTS: • 2 Cups Curd (Yogurt) • 100 gms Gram flour(Besan) • 1/2tsp Roasted Cumin(jeera) powder • salt to taste • Red chili powder to taste • very little garam masala • Finely Chopped coriander leaves • Oil to fry PREPARATION: Add water to gram flour and mix well to spreading consistency. Add salt & beat till becomes light. Heat oil & pass the paste through draining spoon. Fry till golden & crisp. Stir the curd with hand mixer(mathani). Add boondi and mix gently. If it becomes thick add little milk and mix it. Now add salt, cumin powder and chili powder, mix well. Sprinkle garam masala and garnish with chopped coriander. Keep in refrigerator for an hour or so. Serve boondi raita chilled. Onion Raita --------------------------------------- $22 INGREDIENTS: • 1/2 kg curd • 2 onion (finely chopped) • 1 green chiily (finely chopped) • 1 ginger (finely chopped) • few coriander leaves (finely chopped) • 1 tsp oil for tadka • 1/4 mustard seeds (small) • 1 tsp salt PREPARATION: Beat curd. Add onion, salt, green chilly and coriander leaves. Heat oil in a large spoon. Add mustard seeds. Add it to the raita. Mix well. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving. Serve the onion raita with imli rice. ................................................................................................................................................. Page THAI FOOD NOODLES Guai Thiau Gai ( Fried noodles with chicken )--------------------------------------- $45 INGREDIENTS: • 300 g (10 oz) rice noodle • 400 g (13 oz) chicken fillets • 1 tb oil • 1 tb soy sauce • 500 g (1 lb) broccoli • 2 eggs • 3 tb sweet soy sauce • 1/5 tb sugar PREPARATION: Slice chicken and marinade with oil and soy sauce. In a pot bring water to boil and cook rice noodles for five minutes. Drain noodles and wash with cold water. Cut broccoli into bite-size pieces and stew in a pot with some salt water. Take out of the water and set aside. Heat oil in a wok or a pan. Add chicken and stir-fry. Push chicken to one side and quickly add beaten eggs. Once they begin to set, gently scramble them. Stir chicken and eggs. Add broccolli and stir-fry. Add noodles, fish sauce, soy sauce and sugar and stir well. RICE Khao Pad ( Fried rice with tomatoes )--------------------------------------- $45 INGREDIENTS: • 2 onions • 3 spring onions • 3 tomatoes • 300 g (10 oz) rice • 1 tb ketchup • 1 ts sugar PREPARATION: In a pot bring water to boil and add rice. Cook for ten minutes and pour off water. Let rice cool down. Dice onions and tomotoes, cut spring onions into 2 cm long pieces. Heat oil in a wok or a Page pan and add onions. Stir-fry onions until golden. Add ospring onions and tomatoes and continue to stir-fry. Stir in rice and heat. Season with fish sauce, ketchup and sugar. SALAD Yam Wunsen ( Glas noodle salad ) --------------------------------------- $22 INGREDIENTS: • 200 g (6 1/2 oz) glass noodles • 300 g (10 oz) minced beef • 4 spring onions • 5 tomatoes • 1/2 Kaffir-lime • 1 tb brown sugar • 1/2 ts chilli paste • 2-3 tb light soy sauce • 1 ts sesame oil • 1 tb fish sauce PREPARATION: Soak glass noodles in warm water for ten minutes, drain and wash with cold water. With a pair of scissors cut noodles into smaller pieces. Cut onions into 2 cm long pieces. Heat oil in a pan. Fry beef. Take out of the pan and set aside. Fry spring onions in the pan and set aside. Wash tomatoes and dice into bite-size pieces. Mix all ingredients. Season with lime juice, chilli paste, sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce and fish sauce. Som Tam Thai ( Pawpaw salad ) --------------------------------------- $22 INGREDIENTS: • 1 green pawpaw • 4 long green beans • 3 tomatoes • 3 tb unsalted peanuts • 3 clove garlic • 1 Kaffir-lime • 2 ts chilli paste • 1 tb palm sugar • 1 tb fish sauce • 6 dried shrimps Page PREPARATION: Peel pawpaw, cut into half, take out the seeds. Dice pawpaw into small pieces. Cut beans into 1 cm long pieces, dice tomatoes, chop peanuts, peel garlic. Mix and chop chilli paste, garlic, palm sugar, fish sauce, shrimps and 1 tb of the pawpaw in a food processor. Add this paste to the rest of the pawpaw, beans, tomatoes and peanuts and season with lime juice. SOUP Sub Khao Pod ( Corn Soup ) --------------------------------------- $20 INGREDIENTS: • 2 onions • 1 tb oil • 2 cans corn • 400 ml (13 fl oz) coconut milk • 3 tb fish sauce • 1 ts rice vinegar • 1/2 l (16 fl oz) water PREPARATION: Dice onions. Heat oil and stir in onions. Roast until golden. Add half of the corn, half of the coconut milk and water. Mash onions and corn. Pour in rest of the coconut milk and rest of the corn. Bring soup to boil. Season with fish sauce and rice vinegar. Tom Yam Gung ( Spicy Prawn Soup ) --------------------------------------- $20 INGREDIENTS: • 200 g mushrooms • 2 spring onions • 16 peeled prawns • 1 l chicken soup stock • 3 tbs lemon juice • 1 ts chili paste • 3 tbs fish sauce • 1/2 Kaffir-lime PREPARATION: In a pot bring chicken soup stock to boil. Cut mushrooms into half. Cut spring onions into 2 cm long pieces. Wash prawns. Add lemon juice, chilipaste and fish sauce to the chicken soup stock and stir. Add mushrooms, spring onions and prawns and let simmer for ten minutes. Reduce heat Page and season with Kaffir-lime juice. Investment capital 1. Monthly rental is around $20000. $20000X3 =$60000 Reference: www.centanet.com/chome.htm Page 2. Decoration: $50000 3. Furniture: Sofa Price: Purple: 3X $2490 = $7470 Red : 3 X$2490 = $7470 4. Chairs: The top one Red Black Light Blue Brown Total Price =$9944 Reference: www.ikea.com Dinning Table: Price =8X799 Page =$699 X =$599 X =$659 X =$759 X =$499 X =$6392 Reference: http://www.made-in-china.com/products/show/premium/DAwMjMzNjQz N/DAwMTAzMjA5N/3/_Dinning_Table_(CF-806).html Lamps: Price =599 X 2 =$1198 Reference:http://www.orientalscreens.com/ thestore/prods/LMPLAMAY.html Price =459X2 =$918 Reference:http://www.americanhomesteadantiques.com/assets/images/ Page 4. Equipments: Refrigerator: Price=$6569 Reference: http://mocoloco.com/archives/in.kitchen_equipment_thumb_apr_04.jpg Gas stove: Price=$15000 Reference: http://www.svi-avsystems.com/images/ecc/ShowcaseKitchen3.jpg Oven: Price=$3999 Reference: http://www.fuzing.com/members/5/52/00061552/76296.300x300.jpg Page Cooking Equipment: Price =$2000X3 =$6000 Reference: http://www.foodequipmentunlimited.com/art/Food%20equipment%203.j pg Cutlery: Each of them: 50 Cutlery set : $29 Bowl :$9 Plate : $15 Cup : $29 Chopsticks : $5 Total Price : 50(29+9+15+29+5) = $4350 Reference: http://www.everbe.com/Products/tableware/ Page Total Investment Capital: 3 months’ rental: $60000 Decoration: $50000 Equipment: $35918 Furniture: $33392 Total: $179310 Page Monthly Costs Total costs per month Monthly rental: $20000 Salaries: $53500 Staff Arrangement Post: Number of people in charge: Salaries: Manager 1 people $4800 Waiter 3 people $4500 Cashier 1 people $3200 Cook 3 people $5000 Cleaner 2 people $3000 Entertainer 2 people $5500 Energy charge: $5000 Water charge: $1500 Raw materials: $5500 -----------------------------------------------------------Total: $85500 Sources of references: Websites: 1. http://www.ld.gov.hk/ 2. http://edu.singtao.com/article/article_detail.asp?id=334 3. http://www.dsd.gov.hk/sewage_charges/polluter_pays_principle/inde x.htm 4. http://www.civic-exchange.org/n_chinese/enviro/enviro_chinese/n_c hi_env_impact/n_chi_env_water/n_chi_env_water_sewage_charge.ht m Page INTERVIEW B INTERVIEW WITH MR.CHEUNG, OWNER OF THE RESTAURANT "CHERRY GARDEN" IN WUN SHA STREET, CAUSEWAY BAY Q: ROSA A: MR.CHEUNG Q: How many customers patronize your restaurant during weekdays? A: I think it's about 100-120 customers per day. Q: How many customers patronize your restaurant during weekends? A: Oh! There's more people patronizing during weekends. I think it's about 180-200 customers per day. Q: How much do you pay for the electricity and water fees when running your shop? A: Haha! That' much more higher than the fees you pay for your house! Electricity fee is about $30000-$35000 per month, water fee is about $25000 per quarter of a year. Q: That's really a large sum of money! How many months did you use to recover your initial capital? A: I used about 5 months to recover my initial capital. Q: Thanks for doing the interview! A: You're welcome. Page INTERVIEW C INTERVIEW WITH MR.CHAN, OWNER OF THE RESTAURANT "YOKO YAMA" IN WUN SHA STRRET, CAUSEWAY BAY Q: RACHEL A: MR.CHAN Q: First of all I want to ask about the location of your restaurant, why you will choose Wun Sha Street as the location? A: I choose here because first, we are located in Wun Sha Street and it is near the residential area which is easier to attract more customers. Second, although there are other restaurants on Wun Sha Street, all of them are just selling the western food and Chinese food, we are selling the Japanese food so there are no competitions between us. Q: I have heard about that restaurants have to pay extra fee. What is that charge actually? A: Yes, there is an extra charge called sewage charges. It means dischargers are required to pay the cost of the sewage services according to the quality and quantity of their discharge. Sewage charges contain two components: the Sewage Charge (SC) and the Trade Effluent Surcharge (TES). Q: What do these two charges mean? A: The SC aims at recovering the cost of collecting and treating wastewater at or below domestic strength. The TES aims at recovering the additional cost of treating trade effluent with pollution strength exceeding the domestic sewage. Q: Thanks for interviewing. A: You're welcome. Page PROFIT PROSPECT According to interview B & C, the number of customers during weekdays patronizing our restaurant will be approximately 110, while the number of customers patronizing our restaurant during weekends will be approximately 190. The mean price of one dish ( mean price means the average selling price ) is $38.4, Profit made during weekdays / week can be calculated as follow: =mean price of one dish x the number of customers during weekdays patronizing our restaurant =$38.4 x 110 =$4224 Profit made during weekends / week can be calculated as follow: =mean price of one dish x the number of customers during weekdays patronizing our restaurant =$38.4 x 190 =$7296 Profit made in one month can be calculated as follow: Assume that there are 3 weeks in 1 month, =( profit made during weekdays / week + profit made during weekends / week ) x 3 weeks =($4224 + $7296) x 3 = $34560 We can estimated that the time used to cover the initial investment capital by calculating as follow: = Initial investment capital / Profit made in one month = $179310 / $34560 = 5.2 ( corr. to 3 sig.fig ) Therefore, we need about 5 months to cover the initial investment capital. Page Reference List Websites: 1. http://www.wikipedia.com 2. http://www.hktourismboard.com/eng/gourmet/index .jhtml 3. http://www.ld.gov.hk/ 4. http://edu.singtao.com/article/article_detail.asp?id= 334 5. http://www.dsd.gov.hk/sewage_charges/polluter_pa ys_principle/index.htm 6. http://www.civic-exchange.org/n_chinese/enviro/en viro_chinese/n_chi_env_impact/n_chi_env_water/n_ chi_env_water_sewage_charge.htm 7. http://www.centanet.com/chome.htm 8. http://www.ikea.com 9. http://www.made-in-china.com/products/show/pre mium/DAwMjMzNjQzN/DAwMTAzMjA5N/3/_Dinning_T able_(CF-806).html 10. http://www.orientalscreens.com/thestore/prods/LMP LAMAY.html 11. http://www.foodequipmentunlimited.com/ Page