1 1. Cover page 1 2. Content list 2 3. Business type 3-10 4. Target of Customers 11-16 5. Location 17-20 6. Original Design of product 21-26 7. Price Setting 27-32 8. Investment Capital 33-36 9. Monthly Cost 37-38 10. Monthly Revenue 39 11. Profit Prospect 39 12. Promotion and advertisement- 40-43 13. Reflection- Cherish Yiu (39) 44 Clara Chan (2) Prudence Lachica (13) Cissy So (31) Grace Wong (36) 45 45 46 47 14. Division of Labor 48 2 Why do we choose to open a healthy fast food shop? Nowadays, people in Hong Kong are more concerned about their health but in fact they are as busy as ants. They don’t have time to do exercise. Serving cuisines at home seems to be more impossible. However, they are still trying their best to maintain a healthy diet by choosing more vegetables when dieting out. In fact, fast food shops, restaurants, Cha chaan teng in Hong Kong always offer meals with large amount of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), high salt, high sugar and large amount of oil. If people intake those food for a certain period of time, this will lead to different kinds of serious long-term diseases, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease, etc. In order to provide customers with some healthy and fresh food, we have decided to open a fast food shop called ChingChing which provides customers with Eastern and Western Style of healthy set meals. Besides, we also offer carryout lunchbox services if the customer ordered food which is over $50. On the other hand, some special dishes are designed for the long-term case invalid, children and people who want to reduce weight. We are certainly different from the others (e.g. Maxims, Café De Coral) as our food MUST contain no MSG, low sugar, low salt and less oil. We hope that the message about the importance of having healthy food will be widely spread in Hong Kong. Lastly, we wish that ChingChing will be successful and very popular. 3 Ms /Mr. / Mrs., we are now having an EPA Project on starting our own business. We have decided to open a healthy fast food shop. Would you please take a little time to give us some information? Age □ 10-17 □ 18-35 □ 36-60 □ 61 or above Gender □ male □ female 1. How often do you dine out? □ One/ two days a week □ three/ four days a week □ five/ six days a week □ everyday □ weekends or holidays only □ never 2. How much are you willing to spend on the meal? □ Below $25 □ $26–$50 □ $51–$100 □ 3. Which types of cuisines do you fond of? □ Japanese food □ Chinese food □ Western food □ French food □ Others:___________ 4. Where do you often dine? □ restaurants □ fast food shop □ Cha Chaan Teng (茶餐廳) less or more:__________ □ Italian food □ sidewalk snack booths (大排檔) 5. Do you think that these foods contain lots of monosodium glutamate (MSG)? □ strongly agree □ agree □ neutral □ disagree □ strongly disagree 6. Will you consider healthy food? (e.g. no/ less MSG, oil, sugar, salt) □ Yes, sure □ maybe □ No, never □ other:___________ 7. What does a healthy meal mean to you? □ more vegetables with less meat □ all kinds of food but contain less oil 4 □ non-fried foods □ more cereal products □ others:________ 8. What services, facilities or dishes do you think that the opened fast food shop must improve? _____________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your kind cooperation. Your answers above will be very valuable for us. In this project, we have made a questionnaire and interviewed 30 respondents The number of days Hong Kong people eat out per week 10% 0% 10% 17% One/ two days a week Three/ four days a week Five/ six days a week Everyday 33% Weekends or holidays only seldom 30% Among the respondents, most of them eat out everyday. Nearly one-third of them (30%) eat out five/ six days per week. 17% of them eat out three/ four days per week. The same numbers of the respondents (10%) eat out one/ two days, weekends or holidays only per week. None of them seldom eat out per week. 5 The amount of money people are willing to spend on eating out 10% 27% 17% Below $40 $40-$100 $101-$200 $200 or more 46% The largest numbers of the respondents are willing to spend $40-$100 on eating out. 27% of them are willing to spend below $40 on eating out. 17% of them are willing to spend $101-$200 on eating out. One-tenth (10%) of them are willing to spend more than $200 on eating out. The variety of foods people choose 7% 7% 20% Japanese food Chinese food Western food Italian food 7% 23% French food 36% Others The majority of respondents (36%) are fond of Chinese food. 23% of them are fond of Western food. One-fifth of them (20%) are fond of Japanese food. The same numbers of respondents are fond of French food, Italian food and others. 6 Places people choose to dine out Resturants 20% 30% Fast food shop 17% Sidewalk snack booths 33% Cha Chaan Teng One-third of the respondents (33%) choose Fast food shop when they dine out. 30% of them choose restaurants when they dine out. One-fifth of them (20%) choose Cha Chaan Teng when they dine out. The minority of them (17%) choose Sidewalk snack booths when they dine out. Distribution of people think the food outside containing lots of MSG 7% 0% stongly agree 13% agree 27% neutral disagree strongly disagree 53% More than half of the respondents (53%) agree that the food outside contains lots of MSG. 27% of them are neutral. 13% of them strongly agree that the food outside contains lots of MSG. Less than one-tenth (7%) of them disagree that the food outside contains lots of MSG. None of them strongly disagree that the food outside contains lots of MSG. 7 Distribution of people considering healthy food 10% Yes, sure Maybe 33% No, never 57% Most of the respondents (57%) consider healthy food. One-third of them (33%) may consider healthy food. 10% of them never consider healthy food. The Meaning of Healthy meals towards Hong Kong People 17% more vegetables with less meat 7% 43% all kinds of food but contain less oil non-fried foods more cereal products 23% others 10% The largest numbers of respondents (43%) think that healthy food is food contain more vegetables with less meat. 23% of them think that healthy food is non-fried foods. 17% of them think that healthy food One-tenth of them (10%) think that the meaning of healthy food is all kinds of food that contain less oil. The least numbers of them (7%) think that healthy food is food contain more 8 cereal products. We are honored to have this opportunity to have an interview with a healthy fast food shop’s owner (Charlie’s Dish), Mary. Here is the conversation between us. Cherish: Good afternoon, Mary. How long have u opened this fast food shop? Mary: About Three and a half years. Cherish: Why did you open a HEALTHY fast food shop? Mary: As the society has been developed rapidly. People realized the importance of healthy life. Besides, the government has noticed all the catering industry that the meals must contain less oil, less salt, less sugar. These are called the Three Less. 9 Cherish: What are so special about your dishes? Mary: They are of course fit with the three less and also no MSG. Besides that, our food is all fresh, for example, fresh meat, fish, and vegetables, etc. This is very different from common fast food shop because we want customers to have more nutrition so that they can be able to fight against the diseases. Cherish: Which types of customers usually have meals in your shop? Mary: Customers are often Chinese and tourists. Office-ladies always have lunch here as they don’t want to get fat easily. There are also lots of working people having dinner here lately. As we have posted advertisements in newspapers, magazines, this attracts lots of tourists. They often come here to try the Chinese dishes and they praise us that the dishes are delicious. Cherish: Thank you very much for giving us such precious information. Mrs. Samantha Yeung is a businessman. She is around 30-40 years old. She always goes to Charlie’s Dish. Here is a conversation between us. Cherish: Good evening, Mrs. Yeung. How long have you patronized Charlie’s Dish and how often do you have meals here? Mrs. Yeung: I have patronized Charlie’s Dish since three years ago. I have dinner here four-five times a week. Cherish: How do you know this healthy fast food shop? Mrs. Yeung: From the advertisement on the magazine. Charlie’s Dish is greatly praised by consumers. Cherish: Why do you choose to have meals here? Mrs.Yeung: As I am a businessman, I always finish my work late and so I don’t have time to cook. The food in fast food shop is oily and contains lots of MSG; 10 I don’t think that I can eat them everyday. However, the food in Charlie’s Dish is healthier. I won’t feel very thirsty after having meals here because they contain no MSG. Cherish: If there is a similar healthy fast food shop, will you patronize? Mrs. Yeung: Why not!? I have always loved healthy food. I really hoped that the fast food shop In Hong Kong could improve their food quality. Not only caring about if the dishes are delicious or not, they should also aim at providing healthy, fresh, less oil and salt food to customers. I think lots of Hong Kong people have the opinion as mine. Cherish: Thank you very much for giving us such precious information. ChingChing Restaurant is welcomed to all people. Especially to those who are children, teenagers, elderly, obese people, chronic disease patient and even the people with long working hours. Children In 2004, one of the Centers has conducted a health survey for 1,639 pre-school children aged 2-7 by means of parent questionnaires. The results showed that 14.2% of these children were reported over-weight. Nearly 75% of them had a daily intake of vegetables less than 1-2 servings and the intake of fruits less than 1 serving as recommended by dietitian. (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpr/pressrelease/050903e_2.htm) The survey shows that nowadays children are picky about what they are eating. They do not like to eat the high proportion of starchy foods, vegetables and fruits. They always eat the junk food so that they do not have a good appetite to eat in the three main meals. 11 ChingChing Restaurant can help you to solve this problem! As ChingChing Restaurant is a healthy fast food shop, we provide an appropriate amount of energy giving foods to them to obtain carbohydrates. We also provide enough body building foods to them to obtain proteins and minerals for strong bones and teeth and healthy food. We will serve in an attractive way so that the children will want to eat it, e.g. add garnishes or decorations. We will also serve in small portions and cut them into smaller pieces so that they are easy to chew. We will give children some special dish and cutlery. Teenagers A Chinese University survey covered 2,115 students aged 11 to 18, randomly selected from 14 secondary schools. This survey shows that 42% of local adolescents are having problems with excessive body weight, high blood pressure, high blood sugar or abnormal blood fat levels. The survey also shows that 2.9% boys and 2% girls could be said to be suffered from metabolic syndrome, defined as three or more of five risk factors. When analyzed by individual risk factor, 32.2% had high blood pressure, 10.9% had high triglyceride, 2.4% had low HDL-C (good cholesterol), 9% had central obesity, and 0.3% had abnormal blood glucose levels. (http://www.news.gov.hk/en/category/healthandcommunity/061025/html/0 61025en05004.htm As shown by the survey, teenagers in Hong Kong are very unhealthy because of the busy school life, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet and teenagers should have knowledge on healthy food choices to maintain healthier life. ChingChing restaurant will provide plenty protective food such as vegetables and fruits in meals. So that teenagers can obtain vitamins and minerals for protecting the body against symptoms like high blood pressure and keeping the digestive system healthy. We will also provide enough body building food in meals. So that teenagers can obtain enough protein and 12 minerals for protecting the body against diseases like metabolic sickness and maintaining strong bones and healthy blood. ChingChing restaurant also provide deliver services; students can enjoy our meals at school, they can enjoy lunch box with healthy and balance meal without going to our restaurant. Elderly (http://www.nof.org/news/pressreleases/Health_Issues_Survey_Osteoporos is.pdf) As shown by the survey,many elderly have the insufficient calcium in the bones and lead to osteoporosis. This risk of getting osteoporosis and high blood pressure may be higher. 13 ChingChing Restaurant provides enough body building foods to them to obtain proteins for strong bones and teeth and healthy food. At the breakfast, we will provide milk and bread to them. At lunch or dinner, we will provide egg; to-fu, vegetables, soup and some food are rich in calcium. We also provide take-away and deliver services,elderly can enjoy their meals without going to our restaurant. Obese people Obesity is an epidemic problem in both developed and developing countries. Over 30% of the population is considered obese in the USA. While a recent population survey done in Hong Kong found that 30% of Hong Kong people are considered overweight and another 6% are considered obese. Being obese is associated with multiple chronic medical problems. (http://www.hkma.org/download/cmebulletin/cme0009.pdf) As shown by the survey, many Hong Kong people are considered overweight and obese. Nowadays more adults are obese than ever before. The number of obese children is also increasing. It is because they do less physical activities and not having a balance diet. Obesity may eventually lead to various health problems such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and some type of cancer. ChingChing Restaurant will pay close attention to all those obese people. We will plan a balance diet for them daily. The food contain low fat, low sugar, low salt, low cholesterol, less oil, higher dietary fibre and fresh. We will provide more wholemeal cereal products, vegetables and fruits for them to reduce their weights and more healthy. 14 Chronic disease Patient The following table showed the distribution of diseases reported by respondents with chronic diseases Chronic health condition Males Females Arthritis 30.2% 35.2% Hypertension 25.8% 23.6% Chronic bronchitis 18% 14.6% Diabetes Mellitus 11.7% 9.7% Heart disease 8% 7.6% Benign tumor 5% 7.7% Malignant tumor 1.3% 1.6% (http://www.women.gov.hk/download/health_status_of_women pdf) Arthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes are some of the common chronic disease Hong Kong people suffering. These diseases share common risk factors, like smoking, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, etc. therefore, they should have a healthy diet. ChingChing restaurant will provide healthy food such that to keep the patients healthy so as to fight for the long-term sickness. Diabetes is quite serious among Hong Kong people, which may also lead to high blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases, etc. Our restaurant would provide diet with lots of high fibre and wholemeal cereal products, vegetables 15 and fruits for patients suffering from these diseases. People with long working hours In a survey, carried out by lawmaker Mandy Tam Heung-man, interviewed 377 full-time employees, and found that many of them had to work overtime. Almost half (47.5 percent) of the respondents said they had to work 10 to 11 hours a day on average, and 15.1 percent even had to work up to more than 12 hours daily. Nearly 75 percent of those polled said they needed to work overtime at least once a week, 29.7 percent once to twice a week, 29.2 percent three to four times weekly, and 17.8 percent five times or more each week. More than 90 percent of the respondents said their health was being affected because of the long working hours. (http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?pp_cat=11&art_id=34321 &sid=11395869&con_type=1&d_str=20061218) As shown by the survey, many Hong Kong people work with long hours they are really busy and they do not have enough time to have lunch or even dinner, it might greatly affect their health. Beside they do not have time to do exercise; if they do not have a balance diet, it may easily lead to obesity because they need to sit for very long hours everyday without doing any exercise. Also, the employees are aware of this problem as shown by the survey. Ching Ching restaurant will provide healthy meal with grains, vegetables and meat in the ratio of 3:2:1, which is an ideal and balance meal for people. We also provide take-away and deliver services; people can save their time to work, people can enjoy their meals without going to our restaurant. 16 We have decided to open our shop on the ground floor of a building called Po Wo Mansion on 177-179 Wan Chai Street in Wan Chai, and it locates on a street corner. The area of the site is about 1000 s.f. and the monthly rental is $30000. We think that the price it is reasonable, and the area is also suitable for us to open the fast food shop. As the owner of this site before also did the business of diet, some of the cooking utensils left over can be used by us again, this can save some of our budget. This would be the location of our new shop. (美食天地) address: Cross Lane 51-55 17 There is a famous furniture store – PRICERITE just above our shop. There are many cars and people past by our shop. 18 These are photos of the street which opposite to our shop. There are also many cars and people past by the surrounding of our shop. This is a Chinese restaurant opposite our shop. 19 A fruit shop, a Japanese restaurant is found in the surrounding of our shop. Although there are quite a lot of restaurants surrounding us, our fast food shop is special than theirs. It includes Chinese and Western food (Italian, French, Japanese, English, Thai, and Chinese). The most important thing is that they are all healthy! They don’t contain any MSG. This will certainly be the first choice of customers. We also think that if there are more restaurants around us, this will increase the competitiveness. The food quality will be improved a lot. From the map, we can see some commercial buildings (e.g. C.C. Wu Building), there will be many people from offices having lunch in the surrounding at lunch hours, so our fast food shop must be very convenient to them. 20 Schools are found in the surrounding of our shop, same as above, students are welcome to have a new try in our healthy fast food shop! Many bus stops and minibus stops are also found in the surrounding of our shop, which shows a convenient transport network is formed surrounding our shop. For children: 21 Japanese Bento(3 choices) (lunch/dinner) Material: 2 cups of Japanese rice right amount of Laver(紫菜) Grarnishings (sausages, small tomato, broccoli, egg, radish and so on) Sushi rice seasonings: 1/4 cup of white vinegar 1/4 cup of sugar 1/8 cup of fish sauce Procedure: 1. Put the seasoning in a small pot and heat them ,so as to dissolve the sugar. Wait for flameout for spares 22 2. After boiling the rice thoroughly, add thesushi rice seasonings and mix evenly. 3. Places them on a big dish, treat them coolly, then start modeling (rubs the rice with hands. Prepare a cup of boiling water and use wet hands to rub the food in order to avoid mounts hand) 4. Lastly, places the final product in the lunch box or a dish * These dishes is served in an attrative way so that the children will want to eat and increase their appetite. The dishes also provide body building food (egg) for them to obtain proteins. Cold Sliced Chicken Pasta (lunch/dinner) Material: 2 pieces of jelly-like sheet pasta 50 grams of fresh Chicken Grarnishings (for example cucumber, radish, Crab stick ) Seasonings: 23 1 teaspoon of chili sauce 1 teaspoon of Sesame oil 1 soupspoon of Vinegar 1 teaspoon of Chicken powder 2 soupspoon of Soy sauce 1 teaspoon of Ginger sauce 1 teaspoon of Spring onion sauce 1 teaspoon of onion sauce Procedure: 1. Mix the seasonings evenly for spare. 2. Soak the jelly-like sheet pasta in frozen water then in boiling water for 30 minutes so that they can be transparent and soft, then drain them for spare. 3. Boil some water and put in the chicken for 4 minutes, then rip the shredded chicken along the chicken trace 4. Cut the jelly-like sheet pasta in different shape and add the shredded chicken and grarnishings together. 5. Lastly, mix the seasonings evenly, put them into the refrigerator and freeze for approximately 1 hour. To-fu with coriander (lunch/dinner) Material: 24 300gram of To-fu a few of Coriander(中國芫茜) Seasonings: 3 soupspoon of Sesame oil 2 soupspoon of Oyster sauce a few of sugar Procedure: 1. Cut the to-fu and coriander into small pieces. 2. Join all seasonings together. 3. Mix the seasonings and to-fu. 4. Lastly, put the coriander on the top of the to-fu and steam for 7 minutes. *Tofu is high in protein but not fat and easy for people to digest. We recommended ladies to eat more because eat more tofu will become more beautiful. 25 Coconut hearts pudding (desserts) Material: 1 pot of Coconut Milk (400 milliliters) 14 grams of Fish glue powder 1/2 measuring glass of hard sugar 1 measuring glass of Fresh milk 1.5 measuring glasses of Hot water Procedure: 1. Join the hard sugar and hot water and mix evenly for spare 2. Join 1/2 measuring glass of hot water with the fish glue powder and mix evenly. 3. Pour the fish glue powder, sugar, fresh milk and coconut milk into in the large bowl and mix evenly, and then pour the mixture into hearts-shape pudding models. Lastly, put them into the refrigerator and snow to coagulation 26 Watermelon and Berries juice Material: Watermelon Salt little Procedure: 1. Cut the watermelon into small pieces, puts in the mixer, adds the little salt, mix into the fruit juice. After that, add some strawberries, blueberries and mulberries. Chef Recommendation (Special Dishes) A. Cold sliced Chicken with Pasta $35 B. Japanese Bento (For Children) $35 C. To-fu with Coriander $32 D. Coconut Hearts Pudding $15 E. Watermelon and Berries Juice $15 Breakfast Set 7:00a.m.-11:00a.m. 27 All Breakfast Sets Served with a cup of Fresh Milk/ Decaffeinate coffee A. Vegetables , bean curd, Sliced Chicken Noodles $21 B. Vegetables, Egg, Sausage Noodles $21 C. Lettuce, Tomato, ham, egg Sandwich (2 pieces) $21 D. Lettuce, Egg, Tomato, Tuna Fish Sandwich (2 pieces) $21 Snacks 11:00a.m.- 10:00p.m. A. Seasonal Vegetables in Fish Broth $16 B. Steamed Mud Fish Balls $18 C. Steamed or Grilled Dumplings (8 pieces) $20 D. Mini Vegetarian Spring Rolls (6 pieces) $25 Noodles 11:00a.m.- 10:00p.m. A. Chicken Wings Soup Noodles $30 B. Minced Pork with Tomato Soup Noodles $30 C. Fish ball and Wan Ton Soup Noodles $32 D. Cuttlefish Ball& Dumpling Soup Noodles $33 Eastern Style Set meals 11:00a.m.-10:00p.m. Include: Rice or Soup Noodle and Soup of the day of Drink 1. Pan Fried Egg with Char Siu $35 2.Steamed Bean curd with Minced Pork $35 3. Sauté Beef with Seasonal Vegetables $35 4. Pan Fried Shrimps with Egg $35 5. Stir-fried Mixed Vegetables and Fungus $35 6.Steamed Minced Pork with Chinese Mushroom $36 7.Fish Fillet in Sweet corn Sauce $37 28 8. Curry Beef or Chicken $37 9. Sauté Pork Chop in Fresh Tomato Sauce $37 10.Stir-fried Chicken with Cucumber $37 11. Pork Chop in Korean Sauce $37 12.Lemon Chicken $40 13. Beef or Chicken with Pineapple $40 14. Chicken with Wonton in Tomato Sauce $40 15. Steamed Ginger Chicken Leg $40 16.Abalone and Prawn with Vegetable $42 17. Steamed fish with seasonal vegetables $42 1. 14 17 Western Style Set meals 11:00a.m.-10:00p.m. Include: Soup of the day of Drink Salad using low-fat salad dressing 1. Fish Fillet Salad $32 2. Crab Meat Cucumber Salad $32 3. Yoghurt Sliced Turkey Salad $35 4. King Prawn Salad $35 5. Potato Pumpkin Chicken Salad $35 6. Tuna Fish Salad $35 29 7. Tomato Corn Prawn Salad $35 8. Onion Sauce with Pork Chop Spaghetti $36 9. low-fat Cheese Spaghetti Bolognese $36 10. Italian Tuna Fish Pasta $36 11. Hawaiian Pineapple with Ham Spaghetti $36 12. Baked Pasta with Meat Sauce $36 13. Smoked Salmon Salad $36 14. Chicken A’ La King Spaghetti $37 15. Sliced Turkey with Pomelo $37 5 7 15 Drinks Hot Cold 1. Fresh Fruit Juice (Orange, Apple, Mango) $12 2. Green Tea Mango Juice $10 3. Fresh Mandarin Juice $10 $12 4. Apple Aloe Vera $12 5. Mango Aloe Vera $12 6. Iced Red Bean $12 30 7. Ice Mixed Fruit $13 8. Green Tea $6 $8 9. $11 $13 10. Longan Ginger Tea $11 $13 11. Fresh Milk $10 $12 12. Fresh Papaya Milk $12 $14 Orange Tea with Honey 13. Decaffeinate Coffee $15 $17 Dessert 1. Mango Pudding $12 2. Pumpkin Pudding $12 3. Brown Sugar Fresh Egg Pudding $12 4. Chrysanthemum Pudding $13 5. Tofu Pudding with Red bean $14 6. Mixed Fresh Fruit Yogurt $15 7. Black Eyed Bean & Glutinous Rice $15 8. Italian Low-fat ice-cream (Strawberry, Tofu, mango, apple, vanilla) Menus of Real Restaurants 31 $15 Menus of Real Restaurants 32 3 moths’ rental: $30000x3= $90000 Decoration: Willturn design co.: Package for design and works-negotiate price: $200 000 include the followings: 33 Business area design include: lamp, ground, wall, roof etc. Furniture (provide by designer) Machine: Cooking appliance, ranged hood, oven etc Apply business license for food and beverage (provide by designer) Total cost of decorations: $200 000 Website: http://www.yp.com.hk/wt/ Furniture: Table and chair: Price:Chair: $150 Table: $500 Whole set: $999 Reference: Brand:COMMON Type:ZF0906 Color:Silver/ black Other function:Table: 43.5"(W) x 27.5"(D) x 30"(H) Chair: 15.5"(W) x 19.5"(D) x 31.5"(H) Website: http://www.directsale.com.hk/ Total cost of Furniture: $800x9 = $8991 Machine: 34 Cash register: $1300.0 Reference: Marked price HK 1,360.0 For sale HK 1,300.0 Production type: Cash Register Type: TOWA PZ-1 Production: China Website:http://www.infz.com/product_info.php/info/p116_---------------TO WA-PZ-1----------.html Total cost of machine: $1300 Equipment: Kitchen Utensils: $3000 Kitchen Refrigerator: $10000 Kitchen Cupboard for storage: $12000 Reference: no frills no frills 6"plastic forks 6"plastic forks 24pc 24pc $3.90 $3.90 Buy 3 at $9.90 Buy 3 at $9.90 Total: 42pc Total: 42pc 35 first choice 100 plastic straw 100pc $ 6.9 Buy 2 get 1 free total: 10pc Cost: $138.60 Cost: $138.60 Saxa no frills saxa table salt 500gm $7.90 $6.50 total: 10pc Cost: $65.0 sugar granulated 908gm $9.40 $8.20 Total: 6pc Cost:$49.0 Cost: $48.30 first choice 8oz paper cup w/hdl 10pc $6.50 Buy 2 get 1 free total: 100pc Cost:$435.5 Total cost: $138.60+$138.60+$48.30+$65.0+$49.0+$435.5= $875 Website: http://www.wellcome.com.hk/jsp/sys/Sf_render.jsp?hf_s_id=WD11&hf_srv _id=Pv_fcu_home&hs_resol=1024 Reference: Bigger Plate: price: $20 total: 50pc cost: $20x50= $1000 $800 Plastic cup: Price: $5 total: 50pc cost: $5x50= $250 Bowl: price: $10 total: 80pc cost: $10x80= Bigger bowl:: price: $ 30 total: 20pc cost: $30x20= $600 Website: http://www.jkmart.com.tw/product0.asp?LeftClass=4 BONUS 16-piece cutlery set Stainless steel Fork, knife, spoon and teaspoon, 4 of each Dishwasher-safe $49.9/16 pc Total: 22 pc Cost: $49.9x22= $1097.8 36 Motto plate: price: $7.9 total: 50pc cost: $7.9x50= $395 Website: http://www.ikea.com.hk/chi/main.html Toolbar 18cm Pot Price: HKD$214.00 Total: 3 Cost: $214x3= $642 Toolbar 36cm Wok Price: HKD$294.00 Total: 3 Cost: $294x3= $882 Website: http://shop.esdlife.com/b5/eshop/00SHOPESDSpecial/Shop2/ECatMain.jsp ?ecat_code=Household_N Total cost of equipment: $875+$1000+$250+$800+$600+$1097.8+$395+$642+$882+$25000= $30741.8 Total investment capital: $90000+$200000+$1300+$8991+$30741.8= $331032.8 37 Monthly Cost Monthly rental $30,000 Salaries CHEF Number of chef: 1 Salary per working hour: $45 Working hour a week: 48hours Working hours a month: 192hours Salary per month per employee : $8,640 COOK Number of cook: 2 Salary per working hour: $40 Working hour a week: 48hours Working hours a month: 192 hours Salary per month per employee : $7,680 WAITERS Number of waiter: 3 Salary per working hour: $30 Working hour a week: 48hours Working hours a month: 192 hours Salary per month per employee: $5,760 DUSTMAN(part-time) 38 Number of dustman: 1 References websites: Energy charge: http://www.heh.com/hehWeb/CommercialAndIndustrialServices/BillingPay mentAndElectricityTariff/TariffTable/Index_en.htm?NRMODE=Published&NR ORIGINALURL=%2fhehWeb%2fCommercialAndIndustrialServices%2fBillingP aymentAndElectricityTariff%2fTariffTable%2fIndex_en.htm&NRNODEGUID=% 7b9CF0C204-FF92-428B-9968-836D25EAE98C%7d&NRCACHEHINT=G uest Water charge: http://www.wsd.gov.hk/en/html/acct/charges/wcharges.htm#non-domest ic Report of interview: Ex-restaurant operator: Frances chow 39 Approximately No. of customers per day =230 Approximately 40 customers having breakfast (including carryout) - Price of a breakfast set: $21 40x$21 =$840 Approximately 80 customers having lunch (including carryout) –Price of set meals are around $37 - $48 80 x$42.5 =$3400 Approximately 30 customers having tea (including carryout) –Price of snacks are around $16 - $25 80 x $20.5 =$615 Approximately 80 customers having dinner (including carryout) –Price of set meals are around $37 - $48 80 x$42.5 =$3400 40 Approximately Revenue per day =$840+$3400+$615+$3400 =$8255 Approximately Revenue per month=$8255 x30 =$24765 Monthly Profit= Monthly revenue – Monthly costs = $247650 - $96660.5 = $150989.5 Time requires to cover the initial investment capital: = Investment Capital / Monthly Profit = $331032.8 / 150989.5 = 2.5 months (round up.to the 0.5 month) In order to promote our new shop and increase our sales, we are going to give out pamphlets on streets and post up big posters out of our shop. Besides, we will open a website to introduce our shop and let the customers to ask us questions and leave comments. From Monday to Saturday during lunchtime (1:00a.m.-2:30p.m.) and after work time (5:00p.m.-7:00p.m.), on Sunday (1:00-4:00), we will give out pamphlets on busy streets such as Hennessy Road, Queen’s Road East, especially at the MTR Stations and the streets near our shop. 41 Duration and Promotion On the first two months we will give out pamphlets for 15 days a month. After the second month, we will just put pamphlets outside our shop and let the customers get. We will give out about 200 pamphlets a day. Each pamphlet is about $0.2 Costs of pamphlets for the first two months: (giving out on streets) 180 X $0.1 X 30 days =$540 We will also post up two designed posters outside and inside our shop 42 respectively for a long time which cannot be calculated. Each Cost of Poster is $10. Cost of Posters: $10 X2 =$20 It is free to make website= $0 Total Cost of Promotion for the first two months: $20 + $540 =$ 560 Cost of Promotion each month after the first two months: (Pamphlets putting outside our shop) $40 X $0.1 =$4 43 44 In this project, I realized that starting a business is very complicated and difficult. I really appreciate the effort that the successful businessmen had paid on their businesses. I have learnt to use money carefully in planning our investment budget. I have also known more about the English names of the Chinese Dishes. The most unforgettable experience was that I interviewed the owner and customer of Charlie’s Dish. I was very frightened and worried before that. Fortunately, both of them were the past students of our school, they were 45 willing to have an interview with their junior fellow apprentice. I interviewed them in a polite way and became brave to talk with strangers. This was the second chance for me to cooperate with my group members. As a group leader, I learnt to be responsible, understanding, helpful and patient. I must finish my duties much earlier and always reminded my group members to finish theirs as fast as they could, so that we could have time to check and do corrections. I understood that we have lots of homework of the other subjects, so if they could not finish their work on time sometimes, I tried not to get angry with them but to encourage them. At first, we met difficulties in finding market information to explain why we choose this business type. There aren’t references on websites, magazines or newspapers. I was so worried that I had chosen a wrong type of business. However, my group members comfort me to be relaxed. Then, we grouped together and thought of solutions to solve the problem. Whenever we have difficulties, we would help each other. We spent lots of time together and we became closer friends. We never argued as we were all patient and understanding, especially Cissy and Grace. The most unforgettable experience is that I, Cissy and Grace made the model of the shop and food for nearly six hours. I hope that I can do better and pay even more effort in the next projects. In this project, I have learnt to cooperate with my group members. I am responsible for the Questionnaire. I find it difficult to set up questionnaire. I spent time on searching equipment on the Internet. As the money is limited, I must find the cheapest decoration company in order to lower the expenditure. I like doing this project because this topic is interesting. 46 This project is seems to be difficult when I first knew about it, however, we have finished it finally. I have done part three, which is about the location, and I think it is a bit difficult for me to finish it. I had looked for a few days to decide where our shop should be located in. Luckily, with the help of my teammates, I could finish my work on time. We have separated our work well, and our teammates work hard in this project too. As this is the second time for us to work out an EPA project again, we were much more cooperating. Although in the beginning I thought the project would be difficult, I found it was fun and interesting at last. We were really searching for much information to open a fast food shop, and it seems to be real that we were really going to open a shop and be a businesswoman. I think this project is very challenging and meaningful to me because it is the first time for me to start a business and draft a business plan. My group mates have cooperated with each other well. They are also responsible and helpful. We did our own parts on time and express our opinions. When someone has problems, we grouped and discussed together. At first, I was quite worried. When Grace and I did the part of “Target customers”, we don’t know where to find and how to find information. It was quite difficult to find information on magazine and newspapers. So I searched on the internet for almost a week. Luckily, we found some useful information 47 on some websites. I always remind myself not to give up and try my best. Lastly, we finished that part successful. Also, I have some difficulty on translating the terms of the Chinese special dishes’ name into English. Luckily, Cherish and Grace helped me a lot. I have also learnt more vocabulary and terms of food. The most unforgettable experience is that I, Cherish and Grace made the model of the shop and food for nearly six hours. I think they’re beautiful I am pleased that I have gained many experiences in this project. I learnt cooking special dishes from my mother. I used to cook carelessly and badly so this is a great challenge for me. Lastly, when I designed the pamphlets, Cherish and Grace gave me lots of comments so that I can complete the pamphlets successfully. In this project, I have learnt how to start and carry out a business. Form exploring business types to carrying out the business plan, a lot of time and effort is needed; it is really hard to handle a business, so I really appreciate the effort successful businessmen had paid on their businesses. When I grow up and I have enough money, I would like to carry out the business plan we did, because I think a healthy food restaurant can really help people on their health. In this project, we met some problems, my group mates and I found difficult 48 to find market information about customers (e.g. Will they prefer healthier food or not?). Luckily, our group mates, especially Cissy and Cherish that they were so helpful that they interviewed some people and we finally found that a healthy food restaurant will have a strong potential in Hong Kong. In this project, I have also learnt how to cooperate with my group members. I learnt to be responsible and hand in my own part on time. When we faced some problems, we will grouped together and discuss the project and solved the problems. We understand each other very much and we never argue when we are discussing the project. The most unforgettable experience is that I, Cherish and Cissy made the model of the shop and food for nearly six hours. Although I was very tired but I still felt very satisfied with our work. I will pay more effort in the next project. 1.Business typeReasons of choosing business type- Cherish Yiu (39) Setting of Questionnaire- Clara Chan (2), Cherish Yiu (39) Conclusion of results of Questionnaire: Clara Chan (2) Interview with the shop-owner and customer: Cherish Yiu (39) 2. Target of CustomerIntroduction, Children, Elderly, Obese People- Cissy So (31) Teenagers, Chronic disease, People with long working hours- Grace Wong(39) 3. Location- Prudence Lachica (13) 49 4. Original Design of product- Cissy So (31) 5. Price Setting- Cherish Yiu (39) 6. Investment Capital- Clara Chan (2) 7. Monthly Cost- Grace Wong (36) 8. Monthly Revenue- Prudence Lachica (13) 9. Profit Prospect- Cherish Yiu (39) 10. Promotion and advertisementStrategies of Promotion- Cissy So (31), Cherish Yiu (39) Design of Pamphlet- Cissy So (31) Design of Poster- Cherish Yiu (39) 11. Reflection- Cherish Yiu (39) Clara Chan (2) Prudence Lachica (13) Cissy So (31) Grace Wong (36) 12. Model of shop and food- Cherish Yiu (39), Cissy So (31), Grace Wong (36) 50