Liona Li

Name: Liona Li
Class: 3B (22)
EPA Writing Assignment
The main theme of the Policy Address this year is “Breaking New
Ground Together”. One policy proposal given in this Policy Address is to
promote the use of electric vehicles. Another policy proposal is to adopt
more anti-drug policies.
To promote the use of electric vehicles, government will work
together with the two power companies, the Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.
and the CLP Power Hong Kong Limited to launch an electric vehicle
leasing scheme to supply around 200 electric vehicles for local market by
the end of 2010. I totally support this idea. I think this idea is
environmental-friendly. We can use batteries instead of using petroleum.
This can save our earth because batteries will not emit air pollutants and
can improve the air quality of Hong Kong. However, I think the quantity
should be more because only 200 electric more vehicles don’t help a lot
to solve the air pollution problem. Besides, the government should do
more advertising to encourage more private car owners to use electric
vehicles. Though it is quite expensive in adopting the above measure, but
I think everyone should play his role to eliminate the air pollution
problem. May be the government can issue some discount coupons to
the drivers who are using electric vehicles when they are using crossharbor tunnels and using public car parks.
The main idea of adopting more anti-drug policies is to help the
teenagers far away from drug addiction. Government will implement
more drug testing in schools and to bring in hair drug testing. I think this
idea is very good. The problem of teenagers taking drugs is becoming
more and more serious in Hong Kong now. It is very urgent to solve this
problem. I think that not only those schools in the Tai Po should be
selected to do the drug testing, all the teenagers in all the schools in
Hong Kong should also participate in a comprehensive drug testing and
the drug abusers will be notified. They will be advised to contact social
workers. This will ensure that all the students will have equal chance to
take part in the drug testing so that there will not be any discrimination
against anybody.
(366 words)