Annie Lau

In the 2010 Policy Address, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Mr. Donald Tsang laid out
proposals about culture and recreation and national education.
For the culture and recreation, visual art pieces created by budding artists, students
or teams will be displayed in open spaces and government offices. Also, the public
library will provide drop-in boxes at major MTR interchange stations to make it more
convenient for people to return books and other library items. Moreover, the
government will promote the development of football at both the professional and
amateur levels. Lastly, the government will allow more venues which allow dog
lovers to bring in their dogs and build more pet parks.
And for the national education, exchange programmes, study tours and volunteer activities
will be organized. Also, the government will subsidize every primary and secondary school
student to join at least one Mainland exchange programmes. Moreover, moral and national
education will be developed as an independent subject at primary and secondary levels.
For the proposal on culture and recreation, I think it is not enough. Firstly, display the
visual art piece is a good idea but in order to promote art it is not enough. The government
should provide more courses in art and creativity and to train up creativity of the students.
Secondly, government should not only promote the development of football, but also
other kind of sport as not everyone interest in football. The government should
diversify the sport. But I think allow more venues which allow dog lovers to bring in
their dogs and build more pet parks is a good idea because it convenient for pet lovers
to play with their pets in the natural environment more often. And provide drop-in
boxes at major MTR interchange stations to make it more convenient for people to
return books and other library items also is a good idea as it can let the public return
books easily. And maybe be can attract more people to go to the library.
And for the proposal on national education, I think the idea is good but may not
very effective. Although exchange programmes, study tours and volunteer activities
will be organized, not everyone is able to join. Normally, only minority of students
can join. For the other students who cannot join the exchange programmes, study
tours and volunteer activities; only the lessons of moral and national education are not
enough. Apart from exchange programmes, study tours and volunteer activities, I
think the government may also invite some Chinese from mainland to Hong Kong
regularly and share their experience. And let the students who have joined exchange
programmes, study tours and volunteer activities share their experiences also. Then
the students can understand our nation through different points of view.
(word: 456)