Jacintha Chan Vienna Ho

世博測試續亂 10 萬人迫爆
(明 報 )2010 年 4 月 24 日 星 期 六 05:10
垃圾桶塞爆 遍地狼藉
昨 日 有 10 萬 民 眾 入 場 參 與 世 博 試 運 營,秩 序 較 首 次 試 營 運 稍 有 改 善,有 民 眾 表 示 自
己 已 經「 做 過 功 課 」,知 道 中 國 館 改 為 人 手 派 預 約 券,不 料 在 開 園 20 分 鐘 內 已 經 派
日本館排長龍 需等 5 小時
員 稱,每 小 時 放 1000 人 入 場,排 龍 尾 位 置 約 需 等 5 小 時,法 國 館 的 等 候 時 間 亦 在 2
世博「黃牛護照」炒至 5000 元
30 元一本的「世博護照」被炒至 100 元。而在網上,一本蓋齊 200 多個展館印章的護照叫價高達
5000 元。
Jacintha Chan(4)
Vienna Ho(11)
Date: 3rd May, 2010
Source: South China Morning Post, Ming Po
Explanation of the issue
According to the piece newspaper from SCMP,
Recently, Shanghai Expo is opened and it will be held from May1 to October31. It is
the largest scale of exposition which also cost 450 billion US dollars which aims at
providing a platform for different countries, regions as well as organization. On the
first few days, there were long queues of tourist outside some of the popular pavilions.
In order to get in, people had to queue for two to three hours. Since the pavilions are
economic goods, its quantity is insufficient to satisfy all people’s wants. More of them
are preferred. Therefore, people are willing to compete for it through non-price
competition (eg.queue). Hence, there is a positive cost of getting it.
Shanghai Expo is in short run situation which involves fixed factor as well as variable
factors. Fixed factor refers to the factors that does not change (i.e. pavilions) when
output changes. Variable factor refers to the factors that change (i.e.labour) when
output changes.
Besides, the pavilions there are fixed capitals that are man-made resources used in
production. The pavilions are durable capital goods and can be used repeatedly. The
return is named interest and the supply of pavilions can be increased by humans.
There is a cost of producing it as present consumption has to be given up. The
Chinese government can used this large amount of capital to reduce disparity between
the rich and poor as well as building more infrastructures to facilitate the economic
Labour is also used in Shanghai Expo. The security guards and medical personnel
provide human effort, both mental and physical, used in production. Their income is
named wages and the number of security guards and medical personnel can be
increased by humans. There is a cost of producing it as scarce resource is used to train
According to the second piece of newspaper from SCMP (supplement),
Shanghai Expo becomes a popular tourist attraction for mainlanders as well as Hong
Kong people. However, this creates threat to Hong Kong’s tourism sector. Since
Shanghai Expo is a huge exposition that records the civilization of the world and
future expectation, it’s a rare and commendable chance for people to know more
about the development or history about different countries. Therefore, the demand for
Shanghai Expo increases (D1D2) as shown in the graph below. At the same time, as
Hong Kong is praised as the “shoppers’ paradise” and “food paradise”, it is one of the
tourist spots for many foreigners. Moreover, Shanghai Expo becomes a more
attractive spot for tourists to visit than Hong Kong. As the retailing industry of
Shanghai Expo and Hong Kong are substitutes, they are in competitive demand. They
can be replaced by each other to satisfy the same wants. Meanwhile, it causes the
decrease for Hong Kong’s retailing service.
According to the third piece of newspaper from Ming Po (supplement),
The ticket of Shanghai Expo is insufficient to satisfy people’s wants. As shown in the
below graph, supply of tickets is fixed (S). As the market price of the ticket is set
below the equilibrium price, quantity demanded for tickets is greater than quantity
supplied of tickets. Hence, excess demand occurred.
Further, the government has applied price ceiling for the Shanghai Expo passport
which is one of the souvenirs for the visitors. Due to the high equilibrium price, the
government applied price ceiling in order to protect the consumers. Therefore, it is set
below the equilibrium price. Quantity demanded (Qd) for Shanghai Expo passport is
greater than quantity supplied (Qs) of Shanghai Expo passport. Hence, shortage
occurred. However, the price ceiling leads to a black market. The illegal sellers sold
the Shanghai Expo passport illegally at a price ($100) which is much higher than the
price ceiling ($30).