F.4 Economics: News Analysis F.4A Melissa Ho (15), Kelly Yu (40) Newspaper article 輸港數量不變 冬至活雞賣 150 元 (星 島 )2009 年 12 月 17 日 星 期 四 05:30 (綜 合 報 道 ) (星 島 日 報 報 道 )冬 至 大 過 年 , 在 中 國 人 傳 統 喜 歡 「 劏 雞 做 節 」 , 但 政 府 在 評 估 過 禽 流 感 對 本港的威脅,以及自實施「活雞不過夜」措施後,決定不會增加冬至前的內地輸港活雞數 目,只維持在每天七千隻。有業界人士預料下周冬至雞價將升至逾一百五十元一隻,較兩 個月前貴近兩倍。 食 物 及 衞 生 局 發 言 人 昨 表 示,當 局 理 解 活 家 禽 業 界 對 冬 至 前 增 加 輸 港 活 雞 的 訴 求,「 然 而根據『活雞不過夜』措施由去年七月實施至今的情況,輸港和本地活雞的整體供應於節 日時均能應付市民需求。」經評估禽流感對本港的威脅,當局決定維持冬至前的輸港活雞 數目不變。 冰鮮冷凍雞供應穩步升 發言人續指,截至昨日存於本地農場的適齡活雞有共二十一萬一千八百八十隻,預料 冬至前後的活雞供應將可維持穩定及應付需求,同時近年市場上的冰鮮和冷凍雞供應和佔 有率均穩步上升,相信市民亦可作多方面選擇。當局又呼籲,為控制禽流感風險,業界要 盡量避免囤積雞隻。 港九雞鴨行職業公會主席黃詠楠坦言,當局所謂的過往經驗活雞數目不增已滿足到過 節需求,全因為雞價被搶高,一般市民不願意買,形成富貴人家方吃得起活雞的「供求平 衡」。而目前一隻三至五斤的活雞,已由早兩個月前的五、六十元,加價至一百至一百一 十元才有交易,他估計,按趨勢冬至活雞價格將再度攀升至起碼一百五十至六十元一隻。 他指市場直至最近數月,對活雞的信心較明顯地回復過來,需求成功上升了三分一至 一半,若因為活雞價格太貴,再度打擊市民信心,便不值得。記者 陳意婷 Describe Government adopted a “no live poultry at retail premises overnight” policy. Number of fresh chickens supply from Mainland will remain at 7000 every day. As winter solstice is coming, people think the price of fresh chicken will rise. These years the market of supply of chilled chickens increases. People can have choices on fresh chicken or chilled chicken. Explanation Fresh chicken is an economic good. Its quantity is insufficient to satisfy all our wants for it. More of it is preferred. People are willing to pay a price or give up something for it. Hence, there is a positive cost of getting it. P S P2 = 150 P1 = 100 D2 D1 0 Q Q1 = Q2 = 7000 Fresh chickens from Mainland Due to the Chinese tradition(, people buy more chickens at winter solstice. They prefer fresh chickens than chilled chickens. Demand for fresh chickens increases and the demand curve shift to the right from D1 to D2. Equilibrium price increases from P1 to P2. Equilibrium quantity unchanged. P P2 P1 D 0 Q Q2 Q1 Fresh chickens from Mainland According to law of demand, the price of fresh chickens increases, quantity demanded for fresh chickens will decrease, vice versa, ceteris paribus. P S1 S2 P2 P1 D2 D1 0 Q Q1 Q2 Chilled chickens As fresh chickens and chilled chickens are substitutes for each other as either one can satisfy the same want. They are in substitute demand. People may choose chilled chickens to fresh chickens. Demand and supply for chilled chickens will increase. If rise in demand is larger than rise in supply, the equilibrium price will increase, vise versa. If rise in demand is same as rise in supply, equilibrium price unchanged.