Note: To Cross-Cultural Faculty From: Jim Sotherden, Registrar Subj: Registration into IDCC 260 and Discipline-Based Cross-Culturals All sections of IDCC 260 and discipline-based courses will be set up as “instructor approval required.” Students will need to be approved by you in order for them to add the section to their schedule. This happens via the override process. Specific instructions follow. What are registration overrides? A registration override is an entry that a professor can put on a student’s record via Banner Self-Service that will allow that particular student to register for a specific class online for which they would not normally be eligible (pre-requisites not met, class is full, seat reserved for a specific major, instructor approval required, etc.). The entry the professor puts on the student record DOES NOT REGISTER the student for the class, but gives them the permission to do so. The Student must still register for the class online. You will need the student’s ID to perform this function. How do I enter a registration override for a student? After you have logged into Banner Self-Service: 1. Select “Faculty and Advisors” Menu 2. Select “Student Information” Menu 3. Select “Registration Overrides” Menu 4. When requested to Select a Term, select “Spring 2017” and Submit 5. Enter the student ID # (8 digits including two preceding zeroes) or last & first name and Submit. NOTE: In order to use the name query at the bottom of the screen, the student MUST BE either an advisee or already registered in one of your classes. 6. In the drop down boxes, select which type of override you are granting (capacity, major restriction, class year restriction, permission of instructor, etc.) – For cross-cultural courses, select “Instructor Approval Needed”. 7. Then select which class you are granting this override in the class drop down boxes. Only the classes for which you are the primary instructor will be presented in the drop down box. (NOTE: When team taught, only one faculty member (primary) has the override capability.) 8. You may add additional overrides for this student on this screen by repeating these steps on the second and third lines. (i.e. over capacity) 9. Click Submit Important Note: You will want to keep track of how many capacity overrides you grant for your classes. Once an override has been granted, that particular student will always be able to register for your class. If student A registers for an at-capacity class because they were granted permission, then drops the class and Student B is allowed in, Student A may still come back and add the class at some time in the future. Can I remove a registration override? Only the Registrar’s office can remove overrides. If you have mistakenly entered an override on a student’s record, contact