Plant Cells and Tissues An Evolutionary Perspective 1 Web Notes 2 Green Algae All Plants 3 The Vascular Tissue System consists of two complex tissues. Xylem Phloem 4 Vascular Tissue System Xylem: Always has tracheary elements, but always has other cell types too. 5 Vascular Tissue System Xylem: Moves water and minerals up the plant ……and provides support to the plant. 6 Vascular Tissue System Phloem: Always has sieve elements but always has other cell types too. 7 Vascular Tissue System Phloem: Moves photosynthate (usually sucrose) around the plant 8 Xylem is a complex tissue that includes tracheary elements 9 10 Tracheary elements are dead at maturity and have always have a secondary wall. Water moves through these cells by mass flow. The pressure inside tracheary elements is less than the ambient pressure and the secondary walls prevent the cells from collapsing. 11 All Tracheary elements have pits Red = secondary wall Black = primary wall 12 Tracheids only have pits 13 We will consider the structure of tracheids in our lab on the gymnosperms 14 A vessel element is a tracheary element with perforations. 15 A perforation is an area between tracheary elements where both the primary and secondary wall has been removed. 16 Vessels have independently evolved in six different plant groups. Flowering plants have them Conifers Don’t The examples of xylem we will see in the lab all have vessels 17 Phloem is a complex tissue that includes sieve elements Sieve Cells (Conifers) Sieve-Tube Elements (Angiosperms) 18 Sieve Elements Serve as a Conduit for the Movement of Photosynthate This movement is based on a pressure gradient generated osmotically. To generate this gradient sugar must be loaded at the source and unloaded at the sink. Living membranes are necessary both to control the movement of sucrose and for the osmotic movement of the water into and out of the Sieve tubes. Read about phloem transport in the text pp. 722 -726. 19 Sieve elements are greatly reduced.They lose their vacuole, nucleus, and most of the rest of their cellular structure as they mature. Adjacent sieve elements are interconnected by clusters of pores through which materials flow from one element to another. 20 Sieve-tube members are one type of sieve element. They are found only in the flowering plants. 21 Sieve-Tube Members Have Sieve Plates 22 When injured a substance called P-protein will break loose from within the sieve-tube and will plug up the pores, limiting the loss of sugar into the intercellular space. 23 24 Sieve-Tube Members are Associated with Companion Cells 25 Gymnosperms have a different type of sieve element called a sieve cell 26 Associated with albuminous cells 27 Vascular Tissue System Xylem Always includes tracheary elements Tracheids and/or vessel elements May have Parenchyma Fibers Other types we will not consider 28 Vascular Tissue System Phloem Always has sieve elements If sieve-tube members then also companion cells If sieve cells then also albuminous cells Some plants have sieve elements that are neither. In these cases, the cells are simply called sieve elements May also have Parenchyma cells Fibers 29 Part IV: Growth in plants 30 Growth is an irreversible increase in size. In plants, this is a function of cell division coupled with cell elongation/enlargement. 31 In mature tissues, cells are arrested in interphase 32 Growth is Restricted to Meristems 33 There are three types of meristems. 34 Apical meristems extend the length of the plant body 35 36 Lateral meristems extend the girth of a stem or root. 37 38 Intercalary Meristems ……are regions of growth situated between two regions of mature (non-growing) tissue intercalary meristem 39 This is why a cut blade of grass grows upward after it is mowed. Apical Meristems Generate Primary Tissues 40 Lateral Meristems Generate Secondary Tissues 41 Primary growth is a product of Cell division 42 43 Primary growth proceeds from apical meristems and is a product of Cell division Cell elongation 44 45 Primary growth proceeds from apical meristems and is a product of Cell division Cell elongation Ending with cell/tissue differentiation-maturation 46 47 In primary growth, cell division isn’t entirely restricted to the apical meristem proper. Cell division continues in the derived immature tissues behind the apical meristem. These tissues are called Primary Meristematic Tissues. Protoderm matures to form the epidermis Ground Meristem matures to form the ground tissue Procambium matures to form the vascular tissue 48 Undifferentiated Cells of Apical Meristem Protoderm Ground Meristem Procambium Epidermis Ground Tissue Vascular Tissue 49 Primary growth in the root Is simpler than in the shoot as there are no nodes or internodes Always includes a root cap. The apical meristem of the root encompasses some of the area of the root cap 50 Apical Meristem of the Root 51 Primary Meristematic Tissues in a Root Tip Protoderm = outer layer of cells Procambium = inner core of cells Ground Meristem = everything else 52 Protoderm Protoderm 53 Procambium Procambium 54 55 Ground Meristem Ground Meristem Primary Growth in the Shoot Is more complex because it generates both stems and leaves 56 Apical Meristem of the Shoot Gross Morphology 57 Leaf Primordium 58 Protoderm Three primary meristmatic tissues 59 Procambium 60 Ground Meristem 61 Secondary Tissues are Derived from Lateral Meristems Called Cambia 62 Except for the pith and some primary xylem bordering the pith, this is all secondary tissue 63 Secondary growth produces vascular tissue and dermal tissue, but not ground tissue. 64 The Vascular Cambium Produces Xylem to the Inside and Phloem to the Outside 65 The Cork Cambium Produces Dermal Tissue (cork) to the Outside 66 67 Part V: How Structure Follows Function in Plants 68 Not surprisingly, the differences in the tissue organization between the root, stem, and leaf are related to their function. 69 70 The environmental pressures to which the root is subject is reflected in its anatomy. These are Anchorage 71 72 How is it adaptive to concentrate the into the center of a root? 73 Basic root functions: Anchorage Absorption 74 The root epidermis must allow for the passage of water and minerals, hence, does not have a cuticle, hence, does not have stomata with guard cells. 75 Root hairs are extensions of individual epidermal cells that increases the surface area for absorbing water and nutrients. Root hairs are simply extensions of basal epidermal cells. 76 In the shoot, axillary buds form new branches. 77 In roots, branching occurs from within in a tissue layer called the pericycle. 78 Shoot System The shoot system is composed of the stem and the leaf. These are subject to different environmental imperatives, and this is reflected in their anatomy. 79 The epidermis of the shoot is associated with a cuticle …………. 80 with stomata. 81 The Epidermis of the shoot is also associated with cellular structures attached to the basal epidermal cells called trichomes 82 These trichomes of Coleus are multicellular and help defend the plant….. 83 84 Unlike in roots, the vascular tissue of the shoot is not restricted to one mass in the center. In dicot (= Eudicot) stems the vascular tissue is arranged in a ring of vascular bundles embedded in the ground tissue. The arrangement of the vascular bundles divides the ground tissue into two regions. 85 The region inside the ring of vascular bundles is the Pith. Pith 86 …and the region between the epidermis and the ring of vascular bundles called the cortex 87 How does the internal organization of the vascular tissue between the root and stem reflect the different environmental stresses to which each is subject? 88 The basic function of the leaf is Photosynthesis 89 A thin flat structure optimizes the materials used to construct the leaf No cell in the leaf is far from the outside this facilitates diffusion of gasses in and out of the leaf You get maximum surface area to Intercept light for the materials used. 90 Cross section of lilac leaf 91 Cross section ofGround lilac leaf Tissue 92 Dermal Tissue 93 Vascular Tissue 94 95 96