Only for an evaluation of the overall AACSB performance I-SHOU UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration Oral Defense Score Sheet of Master’s Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Only for Oral Examiners Oral Examiner: School’s Name: Title: Department: Academic Year Student’s Name Semester Student No. Date of Oral , Defense Doctoral(mm dd, yyyy) Degree Degree Master’s Degree Thesis (Dissertation) Title: Ranking Items and Scores Research Topic & Conceptual Framework Literature Review Research Design Organization & Structure Poor Fair Good Excellent <70 70~79 80~89 90~100 The research topic The research topic The research topic is The research topic is and research results and research results valuable academically valuable in terms of are valueless both are rarely valuable or in a practical respect. originality, academically, academically and in both academically and The author can do a or in a practical respect. a practical respect. in a practical respect. comprehensive research The author can do a Alternatively, it is Although it is possible analysis and have comprehensive research hardly possible to do to do a research analysis implications in a logical analysis and have a research analysis and have implications way through theories. implications in a logical and have implications through theories, the However, the research way through theories, through theories, or to research model is unclear model is not clear and a clear research establish a reasonable or incomplete. enough. model is established research model. accordingly. There is no sufficient The literature review is A comprehensive An in-depth literature literature review, the fairly satisfactory, so is literature review is review is conducted, literature cited is not the literature cited. conducted. The literature the literature cited is suitable for the research However, the correlation cited is suitable for the particularly suitable topic, and the correlation among the literature is research topic. The for the research topic, among the literature is relatively low. correlation among the and the correlation quite weak. literature is fairly good. among the literature is highly close. There is no sufficient No proper data is The sample size is large The sample size is large sample size, or the data collected through enough, and the data enough, and the data collected are not properly the sampling. The collected are highly collected are highly handled and analyzed, interpretation a n d diverse. However, the diverse. The data thereby leading to flaws implications are interpretation and collected are properly in the interpretation and poorly reliable. implications are poorly handled and analyzed, implications. reliable. thereby leading to a reliable interpretation and implications. The structure, the The structure is fairly The structure is complete, The structure is complete, argument pattern, the complete, the argument the argument pattern is the argument pattern is choice of words and pattern is clear, and the systematically arranged, systematically arranged, the format are illogical choice of words and and the choice of words and the choice of words and badly organized, the format are basically and the format are fairly and the format are and important parts are correct. good. well-organized.. missing. Total Score (Required) Oral Examiner Department Chair Signature: Signature: Office of Assessment Accreditation and Signature: Notes: 1. The scores for each item must be given based on a 100-point scale. 2. The scores given to each item will be an important reference to the student’s performance on each item (poor, fair, good or excellent).