Assessment Committee Meeting Report for May 31, 2005 Attendees: Anne Vinson, Teri Kofod, Janet Boeckman, Mike Allen, Richard Birk, Diane Hipsher, Dale Doty, Kate Peresie Anne called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION CAAP Report Kate and Anne reported that the CAAP Critical Thinking Assessments were completed and mailed to CAAP today. Reports should be returned in about 10 business days. WAC Omaha Goals/Future Goals ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE Some suggestions for next year are to arrange for specific rooms in each building for testing. Some of the rooms used this year made it difficult to impossible to seat the students according to CAAP recommendations (all students facing one direction, sitting every other seat). Another suggestion is to edit the instructions to be read by the test administrators to eliminate the verbage that does not apply. Consider changes in procedure for next spring. Kate Spring ‘06 The Committee will meet August 4th at 4:00 to look at the CAAP results and prepare to report as indicated by the CAAP/WAC procedure as well as report to the College during fall professional development days. The WAC packets sent to participating faculty was shared with the Committee. Call meeting. Anne Report CAAP results Committee By August 4th September WAC reports are due June 10th. Mike and Kate will compile the results and will report to the Committee on August 4th. The Committee will report the WAC results along with the CAAP results. Compile WAC results. Mike and Kate In July Report WAC results. Committee September The Committee reviewed the Outcomes to be Achieved by 2008 (aka the Omaha Goals), written in 2003. Of the top five, outcomes one and five have been completed. Of the Other Outcomes, the one related to AQIP has been completed. The Committee prioritized the remaining outcomes. No new outcomes were added. Other Business A report on the progress made on the remaining outcomes is needed. Update Outcomes document. Kate July The Committee will report to the faculty on the progress made via a fact sheet at fall professional development days. Anne will likely be resigning as Chair of the Committee beginning Fall Quarter. The Committee will need a new Chair. Create fact sheet. Mike September Appoint/elect new chair if Anne’s resignation becomes official. Committee September The Committee agreed to recommend to the Faculty and Staff Caucuses and the MAC that assessment be included in all job descriptions. A formal recommendation will be sent to those groups. Make proposal to Caucuses and MAC. Anne and Teri June The new course syllabus template that includes assessment methods with course outcomes needs to be on the F: Check F: Place on F: if needed. Kate June