Assessment Committee Meeting Report for March 15, 2005 Attendees: Amy Welsh, Dale Doty, Diane Hipsher, Anne Vinson, Peg Moir, Richard Birk, Mike Allen, Janet Boeckman, Kate Peresie, Lew Milner, Pete Grant, Joe Badamy (visiting), Robyn Kloepfer. Anne called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC WAC DISCUSSION The Committee (Mike) has two reports from last spring – Dorie Ford’s radiology course and Jen Adkins’ accounting course – from the pilot project for the writing rubric. Jen’s writing assessment data is reported in Excel. The process for collecting, reporting and responding to data should be the same for the WAC and CAAP assessment projects. The purpose of WAC (and CAAP) is to assess the whole curriculum – institution-wide assessment. We are interested in assessing the level of attainment of learning outcomes when students are near graduation, usually in capstone courses. Data will be reported as institutional data, not student or program data. We are NOT collecting data pre and post for each student. We DO want to be able to identify cohorts (by program) and determine what English courses students have taken. This will help us to answer the “why” questions if we do not meet our threshold. Therefore, when collecting data, we will need to include quarter, course, and section information. The Committee agreed upon a threshold of 80% of students attaining a score of at least 80% on the writing rubric. The sample size from the capstone courses should be a minimum of 8 students or 20% of the class, whichever is greater. A process for selecting a sample from a class will need to be determined by the Committee. For now, data will be collected using the Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet reports the score for every element of the rubric and the total score for every student. The template will be made available on the Assessment web site. Reports will be ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIME-LINE Develop a process for sampling classes. The Committee Next meeting Put template on the web site. Kate After process approved CAAP Process Omaha Goals collected by the Assessment Coordinator electronically. The goal is to have web-based data entry into a central repository, similar to the grade entry process using the roster as the input mechanism, with Institutional Research analyzing the data. CAAP and WAC processes should be the same. Anne and Mike presented possible reporting/accountability processes for collecting the data. Other options were discussed. Using the data (closing the loop) also needs to be part of the process. This part might be based on the 5-column format the Committee has already adopted. Postponed until Spring Quarter Further develop the Anne and process proposal for the Kate next meeting. First week Spring Quarter Put it on future meeting agenda. Spring Quarter Anne