2014-2015 Geometry Prep Syllabus

Geometry Prep Syllabus
Lawrence Smith
Room #: S233
(281) 920-8000 ext. 6184
Conference Times: 6th period
Tutorial Time: Tues/Thur during lunch
Resources and Materials:
 Textbook: McDougal Littell Geometry
 A scientific calculator or TI-83/TI-84 graphing calculator
 Organized 1 inch binder
 Ruled writing paper
 Pens #2 pencils, colored pencils or highlighters, and erasers,
 Student computer (when computers are deployed to students)
Course Description/Objectives:
 Overview: The study of geometry emphasizes points, lines, and planes; dimensions and shapes; logical
reasoning; patterns; triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons; coordinates; parallel and perpendicular lines; areas
and volumes; transformations; circles and spheres; congruence and similarity; and trigonometry for right
 Goals: Critical reading, analytical thinking, creative synthesis and problem-solving, and attention to detail
regarding all geometry topics
 Objective: Preparation for higher level math and science classes in high school
 Study Requirements: Expect to spend at least as much time out of class (studying and doing homework) as
you spend in class.
Course Work:
 Assignments: Students should complete and turn in assignments as announced. If completed by computer,
students should also turn in a hard copy unless instructed otherwise.
 Homework assignments are graded mostly by completion however students must show work to get
homework credit. No Work No Credit. Students may check homework answer on teacher website or in
handout. Late work would result in point deduction. After a unit test, homework prior to the test are no
longer accepted. Use your best handwriting and write neatly. All works need to be legible to get a credit.
 Quizzes: They will usually be announced, but can be unannounced. Be prepared at any time for an
evaluation of your progress. Failing quiz grades may be replaced by a passing test grade.
 Tests: Look on calendar for exam dates. DO NOT MISS ANY TEST!!! If you are absent on test day, you
will make up the test the day you return to school and be responsible for work missed while testing.
 Retest: Retesting is handled in accordance with the policy outlined in the Westside Way booklet. If a student
makes a 75 or lower, there will be an opportunity to take a re-test. Re-tests are limited to a grade up to 80. No
alternate days for the re-test will be given. In order to retake the test a student must have completed all
assignments over that material and attend assigned tutorial. Retest dates are on the calendar.
Course Policies:
 Attendance:
 COME TO CLASS EVERY DAY!!! If absent, you will need to get together with another student for the
lecture notes and help before the next class meeting or check the class website for notes. Check calendar
for assignments before coming to class. E-mail the teacher if there is any question.
 Be proactive regarding your education. If you are absent from class, I expect you to see me on your 1st
day back to get any additional handouts, information, etc.
 Tardy: These will affect your performance in this course. Please make every effort to be on time to class.
You will need to have a tardy pass or a teacher pass to enter class.
 Class Participation: You will present work on the board and work cooperatively with your peers. When
student computers are deployed students may use their computer to participate in class activities. Students
must comply with electronic policies (see below).
 Make-ups:
 “Make-ups” on homework assignments are due in accordance to days absent.
 It’s the student’s responsibility to take care of the make up work.
 There will be no make-ups on quizzes. You must make attending class a priority. A missed quiz may be
replaced by the next test grade on that material.
 Make-ups for exams will occur within 5 school days of absence. If you know you will miss an exam prior
to its administration, you will need to make arrangements to take the exam before you are absent. After
5 days then grade will be 0.
 Policy on using electronic devices in classroom
 Computers: Students are not allowed to use their personal computers at this time. When student
computers provide by HISD are deployed in January students will have to bring their school computer to
class to participate in class activities.
 Cell phones and other electronic devices: Students are allowed to use their cell phones outside of
classrooms (in hallways and other public area). Cell phones and all other electronic devices should be
used as instructed in the classroom. If a device is used when not instructed to do so the device will be
confiscated and the student have to pay a fine and pick it up at the dean’s office.
 Unacceptable Behavior:
 Profanity (verbal, physical, symbolic or written)
 Academic dishonesty (including copying homework and fishing for hints during exams). Student will
receive a 0 for the assignment and a disciplinary referral to their dean if found cheating in any form.
 Disrespect
 No food or drinks, except clear bottled water
 Sleeping in class
 Not taking care of this space (trash, writing/gum on desks, etc.)
 Removing anything from the classroom that does not belong to the student.
 Not following directions may result in instructional consequences, a parent conference, and/or referral to
Grades: Your overall six weeks average is determined as follows…
 Homework/Classwork
 Quizzes
 Exams/Projects
Tutorial Schedule:
After School
Schroeder (PAP)
Zita (PAP)
Schroeder (PAP)
Zita (PAP)