Date: September 15, 2014 Lesson Focus: Unit Name: Objectives: Integers, Algebraic and mathematical expressions. Demonstrating Patterns Using Multiple Representations Students will be able to show that they can solve problems using integers and that they can translate algebraic and verbal expressions, given information relevant to finding the solution. ALGI.1D: Represent relationships among quantities by using and building concrete models, completing tables, constructing graphs or diagrams, writing verbal descriptions, and writing equations and inequalities. ALGI.1A: Use manipulatives, drawings, verbal descriptions, and symbols to represent unknowns and variables in real-world situations. TEKS Standards: Key Vocabulary: What key terms will my students need to understand? Assessment Plan: Unit Test Lesson Cycle: Engage and Connect: How will I engage my students in learning? How will I lead my students to mastery? The teacher/students will… _5__min Materials: DO FIRST: Brain Dump: Students will have five minutes to write down as much information as they can remember regarding integers and algebraic/verbal expressions to use on the test. Introduce New Learning The teacher will…(I do) Answer any questions students have before the test. Guided Practice: The teacher/students will…(We do) N/A Independent Practice: The students will…(You do) Complete the test using calculators and student “brain dump” information. _5__min Materials: ___min Materials: _40_min Materials: Differentiation: How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For Whom? How will I group my students? Varied sources of problems, difficulty levels. Convert mathematical expressions into verbal phrases. Accommodations/Modifications: Leveled problems based on student abilities, large print, modified number of answers, student-friendly language. Homework: N/A