ENGLISH 4 Lesson Plan (2/17 to 2/21) Student Outcomes SO1.1: SWBAT analyze textual context to draw conclusions about the nuance in word meanings SO1.2: SWBAT analyze textual context to distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings of words. SO1.3: SWBAT structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive way (e.g., using outlines, note taking, graphic organizers, lists) and develop drafts in timed and openended situations that include transitions and the rhetorical devices to convey meaning. SO1.4: SWBAT Write a poem that reflects an awareness of poetic conventions and traditions with different forms (eg sonnets, ballads, free verse) SO1.5: SWBAT participate productively in teams, offering ideas or judgments that are purposeful in moving the team towards goals, asking relevant and insightful questions, tolerating a range of Mon. Tues. Test Day for English Feb 17 Complete Poetry Notes cont. from 2/12 (Poetry Cornell Notes) Vocabulary Lesson 14 (vocab 14 Sheet) SO1 . 1, 2 Wed./Thurs. Fri. Test Day for English Feb 18 Intro to Poetry/Catch/ Theme for Eng B (Copies of Poems) Assign Theme Poem (one page poem) SO1. 2, 3, 4 Feb 19/20 Early Dismissal Begin Romanticism “Ode on a Grecian Urn” Keats (Lit Book) Various Blake poems Of Part 2 (book / questions) SO1. 2, 3, 5 Grades Type Feb 21 Vocabulary Quiz 14 (vocabulary quiz) Homework Due (vocabulary grid) SO1. 1, 2 Note: Necessary time will be added at the beginning and end of each class period for re-teaching when applicable. Theme for Eng B Minor Vocabulary 14 Minor Romanticism Poems / Response Minor positions and ambiguity in decision-making, and evaluating the work of the group based on agreedupon criteria. Note: Necessary time will be added at the beginning and end of each class period for re-teaching when applicable.