Westside High School 2013-2014 Spanish 3 Capítulo: Para Empezar Estimated Time Frame: Teacher: Kanzig Stage 1 – Desired Results TS- The Student Student Outcomes (objectives): Understanding (s)/goals: Essential Question(s): EU1: Students will understand how to interpret personal and public identities. EQ1: How does one’s personality/identity develop EU2: Students will explain the differences of cultural perspectives in the United States and that of Latin America EU3: Students will understand how to interpret personal and public identities. EQ2: What overall things/activities are considered important to you and to Hispanic people? SO1.1: TS can recall descriptive vocabulary regarding themselves and others. SO1.2: TS can show proper preterit (past) tense conjugations when elaborating weekend activities, people and Hispanic cultures. SO1.3: TS can explain what they have seen/known regarding entertainment (T.V. and movies) family, friends and themselves. SO2.1: TS can identify important daily activities, sports, traditions, celebrations through learning the nationalities of Latin America. SO2.2:TS can develop an organizer and compare the differences and similarities EQ3: How does one’s language and culture influence identity? SO3.1: TS can understand how one’s language can affect ones views through examples SO3.2: TS can explain how their personal identity has developed over time and decide if their change is related to their culture through the usage of learned vocabulary and grammar. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) and Other Evidence: (Assessment evidence should be collected for each Student Outcome (SO) listed above.) Formative Summative (Attach copy) SO1.1 Vocabulary Quiz #1 / Exit ticket Combined Average= Test grade SO1.2 Preterite Quiz # 2 /Exit Ticket SO1.3 Writing prompt #1 and #2 SO2.1 Latin American map/ SO2.2 Common Latin Activities organizer/Exit Ticket SO3.1 Answer questions on cultural perspective/Exit Ticket SO3.2 Comparison Graphic Organizer/ Rough Draft * Maybe subject to change per Spanish 3 class Chapter Project: Acerca de mi Essay