Candidate Number Q1202E THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX BA AND LLB FIRST YEAR EXAMINATION June 2016 (A2) LANGUAGE, MIND AND BRAIN Assessment Period: June (A2) DO NOT TURN OVER UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO BY THE CHIEF INVIGILATOR Candidates must attempt ALL questions in Part A. Candidates must attempt TWO questions from Part B. Candidates must attempt part C. Duration: 1.5 hours Answers to Part A should be indicated on the question paper. Answers to Parts B and C should be written in the separate answer booklet. Please enter the numbers of the questions answered in Part B only on the front of the answer booklet. Candidates must enter their candidate number both on this sheet and on the answer booklet. Part A carries 20% of the marks for the paper. Part B carries 70% of the marks for the paper. Part C carries 10% of the marks for the paper. At the end of the examination the question paper and/or answer book, used or unused, will be collected from you before you leave the examination room 1. Do not write your name on the question paper (or answer book). 2. You may use the reverse of the pages for rough work. 3. Do not tear off any part of this question paper. 4. At the end of the examination the question paper and/or answer book, used or unused, will be collected from you before you leave the examination room.