Fall 2014 Review

US HISTORY Final Exam Review
Westward Expansion
1. How did the completion of the 1st Transcontinental Railroad affect each of the
following groups?
- Settlers who wanted to move West – Were able to take a faster method.
Also Railroad companies
- Native Americans
- Steel Industry
- Buffalo Herds
- Businesses on the East Coast
- Businesses on the West Coast
Industrialization and Immigration
2. Why did the critics of powerful industrialists refer to them as Robber Barons?
3. Define the term MONOPOLY
4. Explain how monopolies led to the passing of Sherman Antitrust Act
5. What group of people started the Populist Party?
6. What was Social Darwinism? How did it affect how people felt about the poor
during the Gilded Age?
7. How did people who opposed laissez faire feel about government regulation
of big business?
8. Describe the relationship between immigration and each of the following
conditions that existed during the late 1800s.
Immigration and Sweatshops Immigration and Political Machines Immigration and Nativism Immigration and Urbanization Immigration and Tenement Houses –
9. Why did many immigrants establish residence in ethnic neighborhoods?
10. What was the relationship between industrialization and immigration?
Populism and Progressivism
11. Explain the impact of the following Progressive reforms:
Federal income tax –
Direct election of senators –
Initiative –Referendum –
Recall –
12. What was the name of a THIRD political party which was concerned helping the
urban poor ____ ____________?
What was the name of a THIRD political party which was concerned with helping
farmers with their problems ______ ____________?
13. Write a general statement that reveals the defining characteristics of the Progressive
14. Which constitutional amendment gave women the right to vote?
15. Define suffrage:
16. What do all of the following reforms have in common?
(19th Amendment, 17th Amendment, Recall, Referendum, Initiative, Direct Primary,
Secret Ballot)
- All of these reforms gave people –
18. Who was Susan B. Anthony?
21. Who were muckrakers?
22. What important role did they play in bringing about reform?
23. What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy?
24. What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
25. How are all of the following events related?
- US expands its influence over Latin America
- US expands its power over the Caribbean
- US acquires colonies in the Pacific
- US builds the Panama Canal
- US declares war on Spain
- Annexation of Hawaii
26. All of the events above are evidence of _______________________
27. If a person supported all of the events listed in the list above, which term
would apply to them? Circle: Imperialist
28. What were the benefits of building the Panama Canal?
29. Why would Alfred Thayer Mahan support the idea of building the Panama
30. Identify the major obstacles faced while building the Panama Canal.
31. What was the single most significant effect of America’s victory against Spain
in the Spanish – American War?
32. Which president is most closely associated with the role of trustbuster?
32. Which president is most closely associated with building the Panama Canal?
34. Which president is most closely associated with the big stick policy?
35. Explain the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
World War I
36. Why did WWI turn into a stalemate?
37. What methods did the government use to sell war bonds?
38. What is a war bond?
39. Why was President Wilson considered an idealist?
40. Why did many critics of the League of Nations consider it too idealistic to be
41. How would you characterize the type of warfare used during WWI?
42. What did Wilson mean when he said he wanted to “make the world safe for
43. What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
44. What were the key components of Wilson’s 14 Points?
45. Why did the US refuse to join the League of Nations?
46. How would you describe American foreign policy following WWI?
Circle: Isolationist
Roaring Twenties
47. What were the major reasons the economy grew during the 1920s?
48. How did the assembly line reduce the prices of automobiles?
49. Who was the first entrepreneur to use the assembly line for mass production?
50. If a person is bootlegging whiskey, what are they doing?
51. Which amendment made alcohol illegal?
52. What was the relationship between prohibition and crime?
53. Why did many American want to restrict immigration following WWI?
54. Why did America restrict immigration from Eastern and Southern European
countries in the 1920s?
55. What was the Red Scare?
56. What event in Russia caused post WWI Red Scare in America?
57. What was the Scopes Trial?
58. Identify people involved in the Scopes Trial
59. Who were flappers? Describe two characteristics of flappers
Great Depression and the New Deal
60. Put the following events in order
- The Stock Market Crash
-The Spanish American War
-The Great Depression
61. What caused the Great Depression? ( six causes )
62. What happened to the size and power of the federal government as a result
of the New Deal?
63. What factors caused the Dust Bowl? ( 2 )
64. Which state did many people displaced by the Dust Bowl move to?
65. Explain why each of the following New Deal agencies or programs are still
Social Security FDIC Securities and Exchange Commission -
66. What are the two most significant long – term effects of FDR’s New Deal?
Rise of Totalitarianism and WWII
67. Describe the relationship between the Treaty of Versailles and inflation in
Germany after WWI.
68. Explained the relationship between the Treaty of Versailles and Hitler’s rise
to power.
69. What did European dictators that came to power in the 1920s and 30s have
in common?
70. Define appeasement
71. Why did the Munich Agreement fail to save Europe from WWII?
72. What was the significance of the invasion of Poland in September of 1939?
73. What is the significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?
74. Explain why both December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001 are “dates
that will live in infamy?”
75. What was the effect of the dropping of the atomic bomb on the outcome of
76. Why was the government of Nazi Germany determined to murder the Jewish
population of Europe?
77. What was the outcome of the Manhattan project?
78. Why did President Truman decide to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki?