Grade 11 US History 2013-2014 Q3/End of Year Predictive Study Guide

Grade 11 US History 2013-2014 Q3/End of Year Predictive
Study Guide
1. Explain the role of railroads in the following events/developments:
a. Civil War
b. Western expansion
c. Loss of Native American land/closing of the frontier
d. Industrialization
e. Granger laws
2. Trace the development of a heavily industrialized economy in the Northeast (late 19th century)
and Mid-West (early 20th century) to the following factors:
a. Reconstruction
b. Railroads
c. Immigration
d. Rise of labor unions
e. US imperialism
3. Draw comparisons between the restriction of rights for African-Americans (Jim Crow laws,
literacy tests, poll taxes, voting) and women (voting and property rights).
4. What is “nativism” and how did it influence US immigration policy in the late 1800’s?
5. Explain the relationship between the following factors:
a. Industrialization
b. US imperialism/militarism  Panama Canal, Spanish-American War, Great White Fleet,
Roosevelt Corollary
c. Isolationism
d. WWI
6. Explain the developments/background and outcomes of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era,
a. Laissez-faire Industrialization and monopolies
b. Immigration
c. Corruption Tammany Hall, government, business
d. Muckrakers
e. Social Gospel and Social Darwinism
Government regulation – safety, labor laws, anti-trust laws
g. Constitutional amendments – 16, 17, 18, and 19
7. Relate the following to the changing international role of the United States
a. Spanish-American War
b. Panama Canal
c. Gentlemen’s Agreement
d. WWI
e. Treaty of Versailles
Dawes Plan
8. Evaluate the following in terms of early 20th century changes in American society:
a. 19th Amendment (Women’s suffrage)
b. Post-WWI Isolationism
c. Leisure culture
i. Buying on credit
ii. Radio
iii. Automobiles
d. Red Scare
e. Prohibition
African-American culture
i. Great Migration
ii. Jazz
iii. Civil Rights movement (Garvey, Washington, Du Bois)
iv. Harlem Renaissance
9. What were the major factors that helped cause the Great Depression?
10. Which major events led up to the start of World War II in Europe?
11. How did the GI Bill and the development and expansion of the Interstate Highway System
change how and where Americans live?
12. Define “containment” and provide examples of this US cold war policy in Europe, Asia, and
13. Make connections among the following:
a. Cold War at home/abroad vs. Civil Rights after Brown v. Board
b. Vietnam War and cultural revolution
c. Shift in immigration policy
14. Identify and compare the following presidents’ major domestic and foreign policies:
a. Truman
b. Eisenhower
c. Kennedy
d. Johnson
e. Nixon
15. Assess the changing nature of the American economy and its impact on American society since