Fundamentals of Genetics Patterns of Inheritance The History of Genetics Genetics – scientific study of heredity Trait – characteristic that can be passed from parents to offspring Father of Genetics Gregor Mendel (born 1822) Austrian Monk Studied 7 different pea plant traits that are true-breeding Produce offspring identical to themselves Mendel’s st 1 Conclusion Biological inheritance is passed from one generation to the next- Genes Alleles- different forms of a gene Parental Cross Cross-pollinated flowers with opposite traits (tall, short) P generation Plants from the first cross were all tall- hybrids. F1 generation F1 Cross Allowed plants from P cross to self- fertilize The recessive trait had reappeared!! About 25% of the offspring (F2 generation) were short. Mendel’s Principle Some nd 2 Conclusion of Dominance alleles are dominant Capital Letter -R,D This trait will be always be seen Some alleles are recessive Lower case Letter –r,d This trait will only be seen when a dominant allele is NOT present Mendel’s Principle Alleles rd 3 Conclusion of Segregation separate from each other during formation of sex cells, or gametes. Purebred – organism receives the same genetic traits form both of its parents Homozygous – AA or aa Hybrid – organism receives different forms of a genetic trait Heterozygous - Aa Important Terms Genes – sections of a chromosome that code for a trait Allele – distinct form of a gene Dominant Allele – expressed when two different alleles are present; represented with capital letter Recessive Allele – form of gene that is not expressed when paired with a dominant allele; represented with lower case letter Genes Represent Traits Genotype – genes that make up an organism Includes both genes in a homologous pair Phenotype – outward expression of the trait Homozygous – two alleles are identical (AA or aa) Heterozygous – two alleles are different (Aa) Also known as a hybrid organism Genetics and Prediction Predictions for One Trait Probability – predict likelihood of an event or outcome Punnett square – grid for organizing genetic information Can be used to make predictions about a cross between two organsims Monohybrid Cross – cross between two parents and one trait Monohybrid Cross Predictions for Two Traits Dihybrid Cross – cross between two parents and two traits Use a 4 x 4 Punnett square Sixteen possible outcomes Incomplete Dominance Heterozygous offspring show a phenotype that is in-between the phenotypes of the two homozygous parents Blending of traits Color in snapdragons; instead of white or red, color is pink Codominance Both alleles are expressed Example: Blood type IA, IB, i(O), or IAIB blood type Both A and B are dominant so they are both expressed in the IAIB blood type Polygenic Trait Trait controlled by more than one gene Example: eye color Pleiotropy Single gene affects more than one trait Example: sickle cell anemia Effects include blood cell shape, anemia, weakness, brain damage, spleen damage, and heart damage Environmental Effects Phenotype is a combination of genetic and environmental influences Example: Himalayan rabbit – fur color depends on body temperature Human Genetics Difficulties in Studying Human Heredity Controlled experiments are not possible Small numbers of offspring per generation Long periods between generations Sex Determination Autosomes – body chromosomes – first 22 pair Same in both male and female Sex Chromosomes – 1 pair, last pair XX – Female XY - Male X X X XX XX XX XX = 50% XY = 50% Y XY XY You always have a 50% chance of having a girl and a 50% chance of having a boy! Sex Linked Traits Traits controlled by recessive genes located on sex chromosomes (normally associated with the X chromosome) Hemophilia – blood clotting enzyme is absent Queen Victoria’s family affected Sex Linked Traits Red – Green Colorblindness – individuals cannot distinguish between these two colors Sex Linked Traits Duchene Muscular Dystrophy – wasting away of skeletal muscle XR Xr XR XR XR XR Xr Y XR Y Xr Y XR Xr Xr XR Xr Xr Xr Y XR Y Xr Y Females •XRXR = normal •XRXr = carrier •XrXr = disease Males •XRY = normal •XrY = disease Sex – Limited Traits Controlled by genes located in the autosomes Only expressed in the presence of sex hormone Only expressed in one gender First seen at puberty (hormones produced in large enough quantities Sex – Limited Traits Examples: Male bird’s colorful plumage Beard growth in males Milk production in females Sex Influenced Traits Traits that are caused by a gene whose expression differs in males and females Also located on autosomes Expressed in the presence of male or female hormones Example: male pattern baldness BB = normal Bb = males bald, females normal bb = males and females bald Hereditary Disorders Techniques for detecting genetic disorders Amniocentesis – technique used that removes and studies amniotic fluid during pregnancy; identifies only chromosomal disorders Hereditary Disorders Karyotyping – an enlarged photo of the chromosome pairs (map) to identify any abnormalities in the chromosomes Chromosomal Disorders Chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis Nondisjuction-abnormal numbers of chromosomes enter gametes Pedigree Charts Chart which shows how a trait and the genes that control it are inherited within a family Identifies the presence or absence of particular trait in members of each generation Pedigree Charts Males = Females = Generations = Roman Numerals Individuals = Numbered sequentially Trait Expressed = Filled in Non Carriers = Empty Carrier (not ill) = Half filled Individual who carries a recessive allele that is not expressed