Westside High School Lesson Plan J. Aliaga Unit Name and #: Course: PAP Spanish 2 Dates: Tuesday Monday Teacher Name: La infancia y costumbres 2/16 through 2/20 What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can learn the irregular verbs in the imperfect tense and use them in context. TEKS/AP/Standards: 01.A.01, 01.A.02, 01.A.03 How will we learn it? Learning Activities: Opening: -Teacher will explain the agenda for the day and the breakdown for the week. -Teacher recalls and reviews the regular imperfect tense. -Teacher begins grammar lesson over irregular imperfect verbs through a PowerPoint *students fill out a guided grammar outline *teacher explains grammar worksheet for students to complete How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: teacher will go over imperfect meanings and verbs with class and check for understanding Checks for Understanding: immediate feedback on wrong pronunciation and conjugations What do I need to be successful? Materials: guided grammar outline/PowerPoint of grammar lesson/worksheet What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: finish worksheet What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can show and recall the imperfect tense and learn the uses through WATERS TEKS/AP/Standards: 01.A.01, 01.A.02, 01.A.03 How will we learn it? Learning Activities: Opening: -Teacher recalls and reviews the regular and irregular imperfect tense. -Teacher begins grammar lesson over the use of the imperfect tense through WATERS using PowerPoint *students fill out a guided grammar outline *teacher explains grammar poster *students detail the use of the imperfect tense by recreating the grammar lesson in their own words Wed/Thur Friday How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: teacher reviews the imperfect tense (regular/irregular) Checks for Understanding: immediate feedback on wrong pronunciation and conjugations What do I need to be successful? Materials: guided grammar outline/PowerPoint of grammar lesson/WATERS poster What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: nothing What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can show mastery of the conjugations of the imperfect tense (regular/irregular) and the use of WATERS by giving a conjugations table quiz. Proceed by learning the reciprocal actions verbs in conjunction with the imperfect tense. TEKS/AP/Standards: 01.A.01, 01.A.02, 01.A.03 How will we learn it? Learning Activities: -Teacher will give students 8 minutes to review conjugations and meanings of verbs. -Teacher checks for understanding of re-teach any missed objectives -Teacher passes out Imperfect Conjugations Quiz *students take quiz -Students turn-in when finished -Teacher begins grammar lesson over Reciprocal Actions by using PowerPoint *students fill out a guided grammar outline *teacher explains grammar worksheet to be completed by the end of the period How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: teacher reviews the imperfect tense (regular/irregular) Checks for Understanding: immediate feedback on wrong pronunciation and conjugations What do I need to be successful? Materials: Imperfect quiz/ guided grammar outline/PowerPoint of grammar lesson/worksheet What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: none What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can show understanding of the concept of the chapter and family dynamics as it pertains to traditions, etc…through a movie and question set-up /Under the Same Moon TEKS/AP/Standards: 01.A.01, 01.A.02, 01.A.03 How will we learn it? Learning Activities: -Students and teacher have a HOT Topic over family traditions and how they may differ in Latin American countries. -Teacher proceeds to have students understand cultural differences by showing the movie Under the Same Moon and ask guiding questions throughout the movie. *students will be prepared to answer written questions on Monday. How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: teacher leads a HOT TOPIC discussion over family traditions. Checks for Understanding: immediate feedback over misconceptions and streotypes. What do I need to be successful? Materials: movieď Under the Same Moon What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: nothing