MNE peer evaluation

Team Member Evaluation Form
The following evaluation of your team members is a tool to help improve your experience with group
work. Its purpose is to determine those who have been active and cooperative members as well as to
identify those who did not participate. Be consistent when evaluating each group member’s performance
by using the guidelines given below.
0 – never
1 – rarely
2 – sometimes
3 – usually
Team members’ names
(Rate yourself also, with your name in the first column)
Your team name or number ______________
Signature ____________________________
Date ________________________________
Has the student attended your group meetings?
Has the student notified a teammate if he/she would not be
able to attend a meeting or fulfill a responsibility?
Has the student made a serious effort at assigned work before
the group meetings?
Does the student attempt to make contributions in group
meetings when he/she can?
Does the student cooperate with the group effort?
Given a total of 100%, what percentage did the student
contribute to the overall team effort? (The total of all students
must add to 100%.)
The quality of student work merits: (A, A-, B+, etc.)
0 = no participation at all
1 = unsatisfactory
2 = acceptable
3 = very good
4 = excellent
4 – always
Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem.