Period SCHOOL NAME: Westbury HS Teacher Name: Mayo

Course: Debate I, II, III / Honors 8th Period
Cycle: 5 Wk 5
L.P. Chart
Lesson Plan Tips
(6 Week. Focus)
Week of:
§110.60. Debate I, II, III,
Honors (One to Three Credits). (4) A,
Do Now – 10Min
(Stamp Sheet)
B, C, D/ (5) A, B, C / (6) A, B, C, D / (7)
A, B, C / (8) A, B, C, D, E / (9) A, B, C, D,
E / (10) A, B.
Teacher Name: Mayo
Subject: Debate
Title: Topic Analysis & Case Writing / Interp / Extemp / Oratory
Direct Instruction – 30 Min
Guided Practice
Teacher led discussion on debate topic
and debate format and case content and
required elements.
Teacher assistance on case construction.
Student participation.
Learning Target
Scaffolding Questions
Differentiated Strategies
Independent Practice – 30 Min
SW: Continue case modification & construction
On their Lincoln Douglas Aff & Neg cases
Resolved: When in conflict, human rights
protection ought to supersede state sovereignty
in the conduct of United States foreign policy.
Various questions to analyze
the approach to the topic with
emphasis on the LincolnDouglas topic.
Individual one on one discussion on
topic and case elements.
Individual case writing and evidence
Student laptops, and internet.
Student will be working on event areas:
Prose, Poetry, Extemporaneous
speaking, or L-D debate.
Each student will continue setting up his /
her own Electronic Extemp Files on their
personal USB Drive or laptop hard drive.
All others not participating in UIL will
analyze and develop their individual
oratory topic / speech.
Continue to select and practice Prose &
Poetry interpretation selections. Students
may go to library.
Poetry & Prose interpretation performers
will view a You Tube video demonstrating
delivery styles for this event.
SW: Continue to organize their personal
Extemporaneous Files using submitted
news articles.
Various questions to analyze
the approach to the topic with
emphasis on Extemp topics,
Oratory topics, & Prose and
Poetry selections.
SW: Continue to construct their individual prose
or poetry interpretation selections.
SW: Continue to construct their individual
Original Oratory speech.
Search and collect 4 Extemp articles.
Outline and develop topic for individual
oratory speech topic.
Lesson /Academic Vocabulary
Solvency, Harms, Inherency, Topicality, Plan,
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Debate,
Argument, Claim, Impact, Constructive, CrossExamination, Rebuttal, Point of Information,
Refute, Case, Evidence. Flowing, Attention
Getter, Signposting, Conclusion, Status Quo,
Speech Appeals: Logos, Ethos, Pathos.
Thinking Maps
Bubble Map
Four news articles within the areas of:
Politics, Economics, Foreign relations, and
Social areas.
Oral Instructions, Shortened
Assignments, Guided Practice
and One on One instruction,
Extended Time and Verbal
Continue outside preparation for UIL
District Meet on April 11th.
All Rights Reserved. © PROJECT PYRAMID 2004-2011
Do Now – 10Min
(Stamp Sheet)
§110.60. Debate I, II, III,
Honors (One to Three Credits). (4) A,
Direct Instruction – 30 Min
Guided Practice
B, C, D/ (5) A, B, C / (6) A, B, C, D / (7) A, B,
C / (8) A, B, C, D, E / (9) A, B, C, D, E / (10)
A, B.
Teacher led discussion on debate topic
and debate format and case content and
required elements.
Teacher assistance on case construction.
Student participation.
Submit 4 news articles.
Learning Target
Scaffolding Questions
Differentiated Strategies
Independent Practice – 30 Min
SW: Continue case modification & construction
On their Lincoln Douglas Aff & Neg cases
Resolved: When in conflict, human rights
protection ought to supersede state sovereignty
in the conduct of United States foreign policy.
Various questions to analyze
the approach to the topic with
emphasis on the LincolnDouglas topic.
Individual one on one discussion on
topic and case elements.
Individual case writing and evidence
Student laptops, and internet.
Student will be working on event areas:
Prose, Poetry, Extemporaneous
speaking, or L-D debate.
Each student will continue setting up his /
her own Electronic Extemp Files on their
personal USB Drive or laptop hard drive.
All others not participating in UIL will
analyze and develop their individual
oratory topic / speech.
Continue to select and practice Prose &
Poetry interpretation selections. Students
may go to library.
Poetry & Prose interpretation performers
will view a You Tube video demonstrating
delivery styles for this event.
SW: Continue to organize their personal
Extemporaneous Files using submitted
news articles.
Various questions to analyze
the approach to the topic with
emphasis on Extemp topics,
Oratory topics, & Prose and
Poetry selections.
SW: Continue to construct their individual prose
or poetry interpretation selections.
SW: Continue to construct their individual
Original Oratory speech.
Search and collect 4 Extemp articles.
Lesson /Academic Vocabulary
Thinking Maps
Solvency, Harms, Inherency, Topicality, Plan,
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Debate,
Argument, Claim, Impact, Constructive, CrossExamination, Rebuttal, Point of Information,
Refute, Case, Evidence. Flowing, Attention
Getter, Signposting, Conclusion, Status Quo,
Speech Appeals: Logos, Ethos, Pathos.
Bubble Map
Outline and develop topic for individual
oratory speech topic.
Re-Teach / Wrap Up
Homework – 20 Min
Continue outside preparation for UIL
District Meet on April 11th.
All Rights Reserved. © PROJECT PYRAMID 2004-2011
Oral Instructions, Shortened
Assignments, Guided Practice
and One on One instruction,
Extended Time and Verbal