Poetry vs. Prose Objective: To analyze why poetry is often more memorable than prose Directions: Decide which terms are present in the prose version and the poem version of the “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” theme song. Check “yes” or “no” in the appropriate boxes. If you choose “yes,” write down an example from the prose or the poem. You will most likely be correct if you have 10 “yes”’s and 18 “no”’s. If you are within one or two of 10 and 18, you should be fine. If you are three or more away from 10 and 18, go back and check your work. When you are done, raise your hand, and I will come over and check it. Until I get there, get started on your AR reading. Hint: Use your Poet’s Toolbox to help you! Category Term PROSE POETRY Sound Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ 1. End Rhyme Example: Example: 2. Couplet Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: 3. Repetition Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ 5. A clear, exciting Rhythm Example: Example: 1. Imagery Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ 4. Alliteration Imagery Figurative Language 1. Metaphor 2. Simile 3. Idiom 4. Personification 5. Onomatopoeia 5. Hyperbole Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Form 1. Rhyme Scheme 2. Stanza Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Example: Example: Number of “Yes”’s: __ Number of “No”’s: __ The last question! Briefly explain why poetry can often be more effective than prose. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________