AQIP Report, November 4, 2004 A meeting of the Early On AQIP Supporters and AQIP Application Teams was held 1104-2004. In attendance were Bill Miller, Brad McCormack, Bob Zettler, Lori McKee, Wendy Vogel, Doug Hanuscin, Pete Grant, and Kate Peresie. The AQIP Examiner Process Proposal was discussed and refined. (See AQIP Examiner Process Proposal document.) These points were emphasized: Supervisor support and communications to supervisees will be crucial to a high rate of participation in the survey. Kate will contact the Caucuses, Managers Advisory Council, and President’s Staff to convey the message. Wendy will include inserts about Examiner in paychecks this month. The dates that the survey will be available are November 29 – December 6. All NCSC full-time and part-time employees and shared services employees will be included in the survey. All will receive e-mails and mailings. Extra copies of the instruction sheet for Examiner will be given to the Administrative Assistants since they are often the “go-to” people. Kate’s proposed e-mails and building posters were edited then approved. (See posters and E-mail documents.) There will be thermometer posters in each building. Brad will not be responsible for these as he does not color inside the lines. Participation rewards will be by building. The building with the highest rate of participation will get a free lunch at a later date. Doug agreed to obtain a list of employees by building. Proof of completion of the survey will be by printing off the last “Thank You” page of the survey and turning it in to the Administrative Assistants. No computer lab times will be set aside for the survey. Survey responders will be asked to contact Kate if they have problems accessing the survey. Results of the survey will have references to individuals removed then be emailed to everyone and placed on the intranet. The use of outside consultants was discussed. o Bill reported on his conversation with a faculty member and a VP from Zane State. Zane used Examiner in their AQIP process and had W.J. Schroer, consultant, assist with interpreting the Examiner report. Schroer had also consulted with Zane for developing their strategic plan prior to the work on Examiner. o Kate reported that Washington State underwent a similar order of events using Kask & Urso as consultants. Kate had previously asked AQIP staff if a strategic plan could be an Action Project for AQIP and the answer was “yes.” This would reverse the order of events as experienced by Zane and Washington. o Kate will contact Schroer and Kask to set up presentations by both consultants to EOAS for (tentatively) the afternoon of Thursday, December 2nd.