AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for January 25, 2008 Attendees: Margaret Puckett, Nikia Fletcher, Jim Hull, Peg Moir, Keith Stoner, Molly Hockenberry, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION Membership Nikia was welcomed to the Committee. Bev Walker And Brad McCormack have rotated off the Committee. Action Projects ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE Share Committee comments with Team Kate Next week The Membership Policy was approved. The policy sates that when members cannot attend a meeting, they will attempt to get a substitute. Kate will remind members who respond with “unable to attend.” Annual Updates were sent to AQIP in September and have been reviewed by AQIP. Updates and reviews are posted on the College’s AQIP web site. Communication Project: Good review thanks to Steve Williams and Keith. Project is now retired. Keith and Steve are working on a communication “Tip Sheet” to share with the College and wrap up the project. Our College will continue publication, thanks also to Don Plotts. Strategic Planning Project: Good review thanks to report by Ken Ekegren. Project ongoing. Developmental Education (AtD) Project: Reviewer had some suggestions for the project based on the Update. However, the Update was a somewhat incomplete picture of the project. (The Update was written by Peg and Kate at the last minute since Terry Coleman, Project Leader, was going to miss the deadline.) Project ongoing. Valuing People – Adjunct Faculty Professional Development: New project. Stephanie Kreisher, Team Leader. A budget was approved for the project ($5000 from the Assessment budget, $17000 from the President’s Innovation budget); Team has been assembled and has met. The Team will focus on workshops and policy development. The Committee suggested the following: To evaluate the project, consider evaluating the number of adjunct involved, the impact on whether adjunct stay for subsequent quarters, the impact in the classroom/on student learning. Another suggestion was to reward adjunct who participate with early progression on the pay scale. AQIP Communication The Committee discussed future Action Projects and concluded that: AQIP Action Projects are not required to be part of a strategic initative, however, if there are budget implications, then the Committee needs to participate in the strategic planning/budgeting process. Conversely, not all improvement projects that come out of strategic planning need to be AQIP Action Projects. An article on AQIP was included in the Fall Leader. The Committee recommended the same article be included in Newsbriefs. Ask China Robinson to include article Keith Next week Suggestions to inform new employees: Add insert to orientation packet; add to orientation checkoff used by Deans/DCs. Develop materials Kate with Keith Feb Suggestions to inform all employees: Updates at Division meetings, especially before site visit; include in Faculty and Staff Handbooks. Peg has suggested that the annual AQIP/AtD Celebration Picnic be moved to Thursday before spring quarter graduation and include graduates. The Committee approved the idea. Our Systems Portfolio is being evaluated by a team supplied by AQIP. We should get a report in the early spring. Develop materials Kate with Keith Feb The Committee had the following suggestions for our Systems Portfolio processes: Archive the SP annually, respond to the feedback report, annually prioritize areas for improvement, annually send sections to appropriate persons/teams/committees to update. AQIP is reviewing the categories and questions, asking for input. The Commiteee suggested that questions be simplified with redundancy removed (including Catgory “Measuring Effectiveness”), that the questions be arranged so the document flows better. Friday, 2/8, 10:30, 149F. Put on agenda for spring Kate Spring Give feedback to AQIP Kate Next week Our College will continue under Don Plotts. Annual Picnic Systems Portfolio AQIP Categories Next meeting