AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for October 6, 2006 Attendees: Tom Prendergast, Bruce Sliney, Margaret Puckett, Molly Hockenberry, Peg Moir, Keith Stoner, Kate Peresie, Steve Williams (guest). Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION Mission and Plans for Year The Committee’s Mission was reviewed – “To communicate, facilitate, coordinate and monitor the College’s AQIP efforts and accomplishments throughout the College.” The Team Effectiveness assessment report from May of last year was also reviewed. The Committee agreed that it is effectively facilitating, coordinating and monitoring the College’s AQIP efforts – working closely with Action Project Teams, planning for writing the Systems Portfolio this year. Communicating is always a challenge, therefore the Committee decided to: Communic ation Action Project ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE Develop a visual/handout for new employee packets. (What is AQIP? Why is the College involved in AQIP?) Contact HR and IA. Kate End October Ask Nikki Workman to do a write-up on AQIP for the Leader. Contact Nikki. Kate Post a question about the impact and potential impact of AQIP on the College for the President’s Newsletter. Post question. Keith End October For next issue? Conduct another quiz/survey in the spring, tied to a contest and to the celebration cookout (turn in the quiz/survey and get a hamburger), to evaluate our effectiveness in communicating about AQIP. Conduct quiz/survey. Committee June Conduct self-assessment. No action needed. Committee May/Jun The Committee also decided to re-assess itself at the end of the year. Keith, Molly and Steve brought a draft of the President’s newsletter for review. It will use a Q&A format to address what’s going on, what the impact is and who is affected, etc. The Committee had some suggestions regarding the name of the newsletter. The Team demonstrated the web workspace they’ve created for developing the newsletter issues. First issue will be published soon. The Team members (including Paula Cohen) agreed to continue in the project as the editorial board through June. Faculty Caucus Membership Action Projects Next Meeting The newsletter will be distributed via broadcast e-mail, mail to adjunct faculty homes, and the distribution wheel developed by the Team. The effectiveness of the newsletter and the method methods will be evaluated by June, probably in combination with the quiz/survey noted above. The Faculty Caucus has asked for input from AQIP as the Caucus develops its action-agenda. Margaret is on the Caucus and will function as the Committee’s liaison. The Committee reviewed its membership in light of reorganization, resignations, etc. Membership still represents a broad slice of the College except for representation from Engineering and Workforce Development Division. The Committee decided to ask Lynn Damberger to join to represent that Division. No action needed. Check with Don, invite Lynn. Kate 10/13 The Committee awaits Doug Hanuscin’s report on policies/procedures on rotating committee memberships. Lynn Damberger and Mike Allen are working on a proposal regarding “Valuing People” as a future action project in the hope that it will fit well with the strategic initiatives. Remind Doug. Kate End Oct. The Communication Action Project has not yet been updated on AQIP’s web site. Kate has a call in to AQIP to ask how to proceed. Update action project. Kate 10/13 The Strategic Plan Model Action Project is set to retire 10/15. Once Ron announces the Planning Action Council leader, the next project of implementing a strategic plan can be launched. Next meeting is 11/3, 2:00 in 149F. Bruce and Kate intend to present a plan for writing our systems portfolio. Update action project. Kate End Oct.? No action needed.