October 3, 2005


AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for October 3, 2005

Attendees: Jim Hull, Brad McCormack, Bev Walker, Carol Easley, Therese Bushner, Diane Hipsher, Keith Stoner, Margaret Puckett, Peg Moir,

Kate Peresie.



AQIP Action



The Committee agreed, after some discussion, that the

Achieving the Dream Communication Team and Data Team will function as Action Project Teams for AQIP. The

Communication Team’s charge will be to create a model for good communication, using AtD and AQIP as the subject matter, that can be replicated by the College in the future. The

Data Team’s charge is to conduct in-depth examinations of student data, disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, and other characteristics, to diagnose institutional strengths and weaknesses in student attainment and achievement.

The AQIP Steering Committee will not attempt to dictate to the Teams what their projects should be, but will provide feedback and guidance via liaisons between the Steering

Committee and the Teams.

Membership for the Teams are as follows with recommendations from the Steering Committee in bold:

Communications Team: Lynn Damberger, Nikki Workman,

Keith Stoner ( AQIP liaison ), Michael Renock-Welker, Betty

Wells, Pat Herb, Kimberly Lybarger, Deanna Strauss, Sandra

Luckie, Therese Bushner (

Team. expertise may be added

AQIP liaison ). Jim Hull and

Diane Hipsher were removed from the membership to limit the direct influence of the AQIP Steering Committee on the

Phil Martin and possibly another faculty member from the Business Division with business communications

to the Team. (Please note that






Strategy for


Monica Durham is also a member of the Team – not included in the list used at the meeting.)

Data Team: Brad McCormack ( AQIP liaison ), Rebecca

Matney, Ted Mecurio, Doug Kranch, Dan Kraska, Mark

Monnes, Lenny Eaken, Kate Peresie ( AQIP liaison ), and upon employment at the College, Tom Prendergast.

The third Action Project Teams will be the Strategic Planning

Team. Membership of the team will be discussed when Dr.

Abrams is available to attend a meeting.

Place on next meeting agenda.

The Committee reviewed and discussed two RFPs for training

– one for Microsoft Project and one for the problem-solving process. The RFP for the problem-solving process needs to more clearly state that the training is for 8 hours in two fourhour blocks. The Committee determined to whom the RFPs will be sent.

The training will be available to and encouraged for members of the AQIP Steering Committee, Data Team,

Communications Team and Achieving the Dream Core Team.

There are some monies available for training through the assessment budget. Other sources are not known at this time.

Edit RFP for problem-solving.

Kate will send RFPs to list of trainers used for Stakeholder training – obtained from Peg -- and to Jay McCreary. Therese will send

RFPs to CAOs of sister institutions.

The Committee has struggled with the logo – who it is for, what its purpose is. The Committee decided to drop the issue and allow the Communications Team decide how/whether to proceed with it.

The Committee agreed that the sections A and B of the

Workbook will be the responsibility of the Committee with

Raise the issue with the

Communications Team



Kate, Peg,



Week of



This week

As appropriate

Workbook solicited input from various constituencies of the College.

Discussion ensued on Section B’s request for elements of our

“shared vision.” We recognized this is something with which we struggle. Section C will be the responsibility of the Action

Project Teams (Data, Communication, Strategic Planning) to complete.

It is important that the Action Project Teams realize that what the College submits for our Action Projects at the Strategy

Forum in March will receive feedback at the Forum and may undergo changes as a result.

Further planning for the completion of the Workbook will continue at the next meeting.

Next Meeting Monday, October 17 th

, 3-4:30, 149F

Instruct Action Project Teams about

Workbook, Section C.

Inform Action Project Teams of the

Strategy Forum purpose and process.

Place on next meeting agenda.

Reserve room.

AQIP Liaisons

AQIP Liaisons



At Team meetings

At Team meetings

Week of


This week
