AQIP Action Project Commitment Proposal (Items below are followed by brief explanations of what is required, in italics, after the item.) A. Project Title/Dates Creating a Tutor Training Program Certified by the College Reading and Learning Association Planned project kickoff date: _March 15, 2011__________________________________ Target project completion date: _June 15, 2012________________________________ B. Project Goal The goal of this project will be to create a tutor training program that will enhance the tutoring services at North Central State College and increase student retention and college completion through more effective tutoring. Research shows that trained tutors are better able to support students. The program will consist of three levels of certification, each requiring 10 hours of training and tutoring for at least one quarter. An evaluation plan will be developed to assess strengths and weaknesses of tutors, gaps in services offered, and effectiveness of methods implemented. C. Key Quality Indicator(s) AQIP Category Identify the single AQIP Category that this Action Project will most affect or impact. X Helping Students Learn □ Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives □ Understanding Students and Other Stakeholders Needs □ Valuing People □ Leading and Communicating □ Supporting Institutional Operations □ Measuring Effectiveness ENDS Policies X GLOBAL ENDS POLICY X DIVERSITY POLICY □ JOB READINESS POLICY □ HIGH DEMAND/EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES POLICY □ CAREER DEVELOPMENT POLICY □ TRANSFERABILITY POLICY □ ENRICHMENT POLICY NC State Strategic Focuses □ Enhance Quality X Improve Preparation for College X Improve Student Success □ Improve Successful Transition □ Enhance Regional Development Proposals are required for projects or activities a) that require budgetary resources beyond the sponsor's usual operating budget, b) those that impact processes and people from more than one operational area, and/or c) those that directly support the strategic plan/strategic initiatives of the institution. D. Project Relevance Student success is the foundation of all initiatives at North Central State College. Having a population of students that is 70% developmental, tutoring is a crucial piece in supporting retention and college completion goals. Research shows that one-on-one support enhances student success more strongly than any other intervention. E. Organizational Impact The primary purpose of the Tutoring Center is to support what faculty do in the classroom. The needs of faculty directly affect decisions made in the Center. Any academic department that sends students to the Tutoring Center will be affected by this program. Departments that send their students to the Tutoring Center currently include English, Math, Anatomy, Radiology, Computer Information Systems, Physics, Accounting, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Sociology, Humanities, History, Developmental Education, and college preparation for incoming students. We also do Compass preparation for students that would like to re-test for the purpose of earning a higher placement level. F. Key Processes Tutoring methods and strategies will be directly impacted by this project. Also the hiring process, evaluation plan, and training methods of the tutors will be re-evaluated and restructured. G. Timeline/Milestones This project began in March of 2010 when the Manager of Tutoring and Transition Services attended the conference for the Association of the Tutoring Profession. Her main focus at this conference was tutor training. Before the training program could be developed and submitted to the College Reading and Learning Association for certification, a department policies and procedures manual had to be created. This was completed August 2010. A tiered payscale has been put in place that rewards tutors for earning the 3 levels of tutor certification. Although tutor training has been taking place since the Center opened in September of 2009, tutors have only been able to complete level 1 certification. By August 2011, all three levels will be developed and ready for submission to the CRLA. Upon approval, level 2 trainings will begin fall quarter 2011, and level 3 trainings will begin winter quarter 2012. Level 1 training will continue and take place every quarter. H. Project Monitoring The project will be monitored by the Manager of Tutoring and Transition Services by evaluating the timeline/progress and assessing the effectiveness of the project. I. Assessment To measure our effectiveness, we will use various methods. First, we will continue doing focus groups with students that use the Tutoring Center. We will, also, do a quarterly survey to measure effectiveness of the methods the tutors are using beginning Fall 2011. Finally, our Institutional Research department gathers quarterly data on the grade distribution of the developmental students that come to the Center. We will analyze the data to determine whether or not the trainings are making an impact on students’ success. Also, we will collect Proposals are required for projects or activities a) that require budgetary resources beyond the sponsor's usual operating budget, b) those that impact processes and people from more than one operational area, and/or c) those that directly support the strategic plan/strategic initiatives of the institution. data on how many tutors become certified and at what levels. Every three years, the program will need to be resubmitted for recertification by the CRLA. J. Other Information K. Project Leader and Contact Person (First Name, Middle Initial, Last name, Title, Email,Telephone) Project Leader: Barbara K Keener 419-755-4539 Date Received Planning Advisory Committee Fwd To Manager of Tutoring and Transition Services Date Sent □ Date Returned □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Approved By PAC? □ Yes □ No Date: Proposals are required for projects or activities a) that require budgetary resources beyond the sponsor's usual operating budget, b) those that impact processes and people from more than one operational area, and/or c) those that directly support the strategic plan/strategic initiatives of the institution.