Rita Trujillo Hughes, LCSW, CDE

Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Rita Trujillo Hughes, LCSW, CDE
(formerly Rita Temple-Trujillo)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker III, PRA
Certified Diabetes Educator
Barbara Davis Diabetes Center for Childhood Diabetes,
School of Medicine
University of Colorado Denver
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
Colorado Women’s College, Denver, Colorado
Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, MA
(if applicable)
Sociology and Psychology
Clinical Social Work
A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List any honors.
Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee.
Professional Experience
Clinical Social Worker
Clinical Social Worker
Clinical Social Worker II
Private Practice
Social Work/Counselor III; CDE
Adams County Mental Health
Dept of Psychiatry, U of Colo Health Sciences
Children’s Hospital Behavioral Sciences Dept
Cherry Creek Psychotherapy Associates
Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes
School of Medicine- UCDenver
National ADA Youth Information and Resource Team (developed the Wisdom Kit)
Prof Research Assistant
Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes
Adjunct Field Liaison
DU Grad School of Social Work
Commerce C, CO
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (CO)
Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
Professional Organizations
American Diabetes Association
Association for Diabetes Educators
Adjunct Instructor - University of Denver Graduate School for Social Work; Smith College for Social Work
Social Work Representative to the Task Force for Colorado Mental Health Association, Pro Bono Mental Health
Board member of the Guild of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation, Denver, CO
Children’s Hospital Cross Cultural medical training committee
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). Do not include publications submitted or in preparation.
“Reliability of the Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-Testing Questionnaire in Pediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes”. Diabetes
Care, Vol 30, 2007.
Klingensmith GJ, Temple-Trujillo R, Johnson D. “Pump therapy for children: Weighing the risks and benefits; View 1: The Cons of
Insulin Pump Therapy in the Young Child.” Diabetes Spectrum 14:81-83, 2001.
C. Research Support. List selected ongoing or completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal and non-federal
support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this application.
Pilot Study of Motivational Interviewing to Improve Health of Youth with Diabetes, multi-site DM Health. Trained as a Motivational
Interview Coach to accomplish the intervention portion of this study. Study in progress
Islet Cell Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes 2004-2008; UCHSC COMIRB 00783. Patient Selection: Psychosocial Evaluation of
potential transplant patients
D. Presentations
2013: Workshop on “Managing Needle Fear in Young Children” for the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the
Young) study conference in Wash, DC.
2010 Management of Diabetes in Youth Keystone Conference BDC-UC Denver. “Latino Families and Type 1 Diabetes:
should know.” Rita. Trujillo Hughes, LCSW, CDE
AADE 2009 National Conference.
diabetes”, Atlanta, GA
What we
Concurrent Session: “Providing Culturally Sensitive Care for Latino Families w/ type 1
2008 Management of Diabetes in Youth National Conference, BDC-UCHSC:
“Eating Disorders (Insulin Omission) and Type 1 Diabetes” Denis Daneman, MD and Rita Temple-Trujillo, LCSW
“Psychosocial Impact of diabetes on kids and families”, R. Temple-Trujillo, CDE and Donna Follansbee, PhD
“Promoting Behavior Change in Diabetes: Secrets of the Seven Tipping Points”, a program developed by Dr. William
Polonsky and supported by Roche Diagnostics.
2006 Management of Diabetes in Youth National Conference, BDC-UCHSC
“Finding the Fit: Dreams of Technology and Realities of Families
July 2006.
2004 Management of Diabetes in Youth National Conference, BDC-UCHSC
Plenary Session: “Top 10 Reasons to Avoid Shots; Assessing and Treating Needle Anxiety in Patients with Diabetes”
JDRF 2003 CO Chapter Research Update: “Assuring Best Care for Patients with Diabetes; Psychosocial Issues”
Wyoming Nurses Conference 2003: “Behavioral Management of Type 1 Diabetes” R. Temple-Trujillo, LCSW
ADA 2003 Colorado Diabetes Education Conference: “Psychosocial Issues in the Management of Diabetes”
“Managing Type 1 Diabetes in the Schools”, annual presenter for Colorado School Nurses 2000-2012
2002 Management of Diabetes in Youth National Conference; BDC-UCHSC
“Fear of Shots: A Common Hidden Problem in Diabetes Management”, R. Temple-Trujillo, LCSW, CDE and Donna
Follansbee, PhD; “Care of the Latino Child with Type 1 Diabetes”, R. Temple-Trujillo, LCSW and P. Walravens, MD
2000 Management of Type 1 Diabetes into the 21st Century, Vail, CO, BDC-UCHSC
“Care of the Preschooler with Diabetes”, C. Banion, RN, PNP, CDE, R. Temple-Trujillo, LCSW, CDE
AADE 1997 National Conference. Concurrent Session: “Needle Fears: A Hidden Factor in Diabetes Management”, Denver, CO.
Ms. Rita Trujillo Hughes, LCSW, CDE, has been involved with the clinical assessment and treatment of the psychosocial aspects of
diabetes since 1994 when she joined the Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, University of Colorado School of Medicine.
She has been a licensed mental health clinician for the past 33 years. Ms. Hughes works extensively with children, adolescents and
adults with diabetes. Problems addressed include: adherence issues, needle anxiety, eating disorders, mood disorders and helping
families cope with chronic illness. This interest has led to work with national American Diabetes Association Youth Initiatives and
numerous national presentations on psychosocial aspects of chronic disease management. She has lectured on management of
psychosocial issues in chronic disease for the Physicians Assistant program at UCDenver, DU GSSW and the Dept of Psychiatry at
UCDenver. She is bilingual and bicultural and is particularly interested in the unique health care beliefs and practices of Latino adults
and families with children with type 1 diabetes. Currently a Field Liaison for DU Grad School of Social Work.