Key Member Mass Change Instructions

Key Member Mass Change Instructions
 Create spreadsheet(s) of roles and key members to be changed
o Run Discoverer report(s) in workbook GA_Reference Reports:
 Award Key Member Change Request Sheet
 Project Key Member Change Request Sheet
o Use parameters to narrow results to the awards, projects, and roles you want changed
(you can delete rows later if necessary)
 Organization
 Role name
 Existing key member
 Etc
o Save as excel file (.xls)
 Click “Export to Excel” button (or File>Export to Excel)
 Add replacement names to Spreadsheet(s)
(the replacement name in the spreadsheet must match how it is stored in the IS)
o Run Discoverer report in workbook GA_Reference Reports
 Eligible Key Member Report
o Copy Employee Number/Employee Name and paste into spreadsheet columns:
 New Role Holder Name/New Role Holder Emp Nbr
o You can use different replacements for different rows
o If desired, change the New Role Holder Start Date column to reflect the date you want
the replacements to be effective (it defaults to the date you ran the report)
o If just end-dating a role without a replacement, put “NONE” in New Role Holder Name
column (note: certain roles MUST have a replacement)
o You should delete any rows you do not want changed
o Do not change column headings
o Do not change data in any columns other than New Role Holder Emp Nbr, New Role
Holder Name, and New Role Holder Start Date
Have a Role Maintainer (UVA GM Role Manager) send spreadsheet to IS
o Send an e-mail to
o Include:
 Spreadsheet(s) with replacements
 Name of Responsibility used by Role Maintainer
o IS will confirm Role Maintainer’s Responsibility and will make the changes using that
responsibility (thereby adhering to Role Maintainer’s limitations)