Quarter 1 Fifth Grade Focus: Writing for Personal Expression TASS: Flexibility, Collaboration, Synthesis, Metacognition, Elaboration, Intellectual Risk Taking, Evaluation, Effort/Motivation/Persistence What question do we ask ourselves? What do we need to know and be able to do? 1. What forms can I use to effectively communicate my ideas? 2. Where can I get ideas for my writing? 1. We will be able to use the writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writing. 3. How do I determine which writing form will best convey my personal idea? 3. What words do we need to know to master the objectives? Writing Process (plan, draft, edit, revise, publish) Organization Voice 2. We will be able to write to express personal ideas. 3. We will be able to write in a variety of forms about topics of personal interests that include an introduction, details, transitions, and a conclusion. Ideas Conventions What resources will we use? Sentence fluency Thesaurus word How will we master the objectives? Use resources to help us plan our writing. Use the writing process to help us compose paragraphs. Use peer editing strategies to enhance our paragraphs. Dictionary Writer’s Handbook Technology Post- it notes Graphic Organizers