JC Rubric for Summative

Julius Caesar Hero or Tyrant
Summative Writing Assignment
Advanced World Studies 6
SWBAT: synthesize information from multiple sources and write an opinion as to
whether Julius Caesar was a hero that helped Rome or a tyrant that hurt it.
Directions: Students need to come to class on Monday, May 10 with a rough draft completed.
We will give you an opportunity to peer edit the writing assignment in class on Monday and
then you will type your final paper. Students will be graded on structure, grammar, and spelling
since they know the writing prompt in advance.
Writing Prompt:
Based on what you have researched, was Julius Caesar a hero or tyrant for his
 You need to have a topic sentence with your opinion of Caesar as hero or
tyrant and one reason why you have this opinion.
Sample: “I believe Caesar was a hero because ______________”
 You need to defend your opinion with at least 3 pieces of evidence that
support your point.
Sample: “The first reason he is a ________ to me is because_________”
 In your ECR, you must include 1 piece of evidence that supports the
opposing point of view and discuss why you think your point of view is
more correct.
Sample: “Some say Caesar was a ______________ because
However, because he _________________ I think
 You must have a conclusion that restates your opinion
Correct Spelling: (1 point) ____________
Topic Sentence with Reason (2 points)_______
Opposing Point of View (2 points)_____
Correct Grammar (1 point) _____________
3 Pieces of Evidence (3 points)______
Conclusion (1 point) ________
Total __________/10