December 2015 Board Minutes

OSURA Board Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2015
OSU Foundation Board Room
Present: Shari Brumbach, Richard Clinton, Jack Drexler , Cheryl Lyons, Betty Miner, Tom Plant,
Gordon Reistad (presiding), Tom Savage, Tony VanVliet, Jack Walstad, and Barbara Moon (recording).
President Gordon Reistad called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.
Approval of Minutes: The November 13, 2015 minutes were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Cheryl Lyons summarized the status of various OSURA accounts as reported in
her report of November 30, 2015. The University budget is still not finalized.
Program committee: Betty reported that we should discuss the Casino event which was
previously tabled. An educational component should be part of the trip. The board gave the OK
to continue planning at the committee level. The question of casino support for a scholarship
could be raised. Dinner programs are planned for womens’ basketball on January 8, and for
womens gymnastics on Feb. 29 Gordon suggested that a program on Landis’ history of OSU
might be of interest.
Membership: Shari Brumbach reported that there were 3 new renewals. $3890 is the total of
paid memberships. Some people are confused with the fiscal year period being July through
June. She will send out notices to those who have not paid.
Member services: Tom Plant reported the committee met and a program on nutrition is planned
for winter term, and a pre-retirement panel is set for March-April.
Scholarship: Tony Van Vliet reported that there are a number of volunteers to serve on the
committee. He proposed a way to get the new volunteers involved in the process so they may be
ready to fully serve in upcoming years. He mentioned our website should have some more
pictures of recent activities.
Following up on Center for Healthy Aging Research Holly Lenz’s presentation, we will explore
ways to organize OSURA’s involvement to help mentor the student presentations, and Tom
Savage will research whether graduate students in the program are in need of scholarship
Newsletter: Cheryl Lyons reported that the next newsletter will go out via email in January, and
she hopes to have it nearly ready for production on December 20.
Website: Tom Plant agreed that it needs updating. We need to take photos at our events and also
to have a person designated to update our website. Shari can update the site from Word
Bill Becker revised the document on the history and mission of OSURA and the board was asked
to provide comments to Gordon or Bill within the next week.
Staff Report: Shari Brumbach made the staff presentation. Foundation board room is not
available for Feb. 5 meeting. We will ask for Feb. 4 or change the venue. We will order pens with
She asked about the cost to reserve a room in LINC and it is $52 per hour for staff supervision.
The printed retirees directory will be printed soon and will be mailed out in January.
There was discussion about the future printing and distribution of the directory.
It was suggested that OSURA members be indicated by an asterisk and/or bold type. It was
moved by Jack Walstad and seconded by Tom Plant that the asterisk only be applied to currently
paid members. Motion passed.
For future directories, it should be possible to have both printed and on-line formats.
Using the Listserve for Feedback on items:
General consensus was that it could be used to gather information on significant issues, but that
it should not be much more than once per quarter and the board could act as a monitor of this
There is discussion about a possible golf event in Spring, to include current OSU faculty as well
as retirees.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30. The next meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2016 in the
OSU Foundation Board room.
Barbara Moon