OSURA Board Meeting Minutes January 8, 2016 OSU Foundation Board Room Present: Bill Becker, Shari Brumbach, Sue Borden, Dave Chilcote, Richard Clinton, Jack Drexler , Cheryl Lyons, Betty Miner, Gerry Olsen, Tom Plant, Gordon Reistad (presiding), Tom Savage, Tony VanVliet, Jack Walstad, and Barbara Moon (recording). President Gordon Reistad called the meeting to order at 10:02 am. Approval of Minutes: The December 4, 2015 minutes were approved as submitted. Treasurer’s Report: Cheryl Lyons reported that we received our state budget of $5300, the same as last year. She presented a summary of our accounts to date. Shari Brumbach reported that there has been additional funds deposited, including over $700 designated for scholarships. The directory cost $947. Postage was extra. Reports: Program committee: Betty Miner reported that we will not be doing a China Night. 63 people are attending the basketball dinner tonight. Gymnastics dinner is Monday February 29, for the Stanford meet, and will be at the Alumni Center Willamette Room. They are working on a Spirit Mountain Casino tour, and they have contacted an OSU speaker to be added to that event. A tour of Benton Historical Society, and a program about oceans are also being considered. There will be a travelshare program on March 3 at 3:00 at the Foundation, and the topic is a tour to Norway to see the Northern Lights presented by Jack Walstad. March 2 is a program on nutrition at 1:00 in the Foundation board room. Membership: Committee has not met yet. Tom Plant said we can submit information to OSU This Week any time we have things to promoted. Member services: Tom Plant reported that a pre-retirement event is being planned for spring. It should be coordinated with the PERS program that Donna Chastain presents in April. Scholarship: Tony Van Vliet reported on a meeting of the scholarship committee, and all forms are ready to be distributed, and the web site will be updated. Deadline is March 1 for applications. The committee will seek 6 scholarship awardees. Newsletter: Cheryl Lyons thanked Shari Brumbach for her work on the newsletter. The next newsletter should be out in mid-April. A feature on the Trows was suggested for the next newsletter. Gordon and Barbara will do the interview. April 1 should be the deadline for all articles. Website: Gordon reported that he and Tom Plant took a look at the website and suggested changes which were outlined on a handout he distributed. Shari was asked to archive photos that could be used in the future. Staff Report: Shari Brumbach made the staff presentation. We have 323 members currently. Dues income is $5090. The stylus pens have arrived and Shari passed them around for board members to see. Old business: Gordon revisited the possible member for the economic welfare committee of the faculty senate. The member services committee was asked to provide a nominee, and suggestions were requested. Steve Clark has been contacted regarding follow-up about a discussion on parking. Gordon spoke with John Ringle about our relationship with Academy for Lifelong Learning and a meeting is scheduled to discuss our working relationship. Center for Healthy Aging- Tom Savage followed up to see how we can help them, and it was determined that making sure they have the scholarship announcements was the best way to assist that program. Gordon asked for volunteers to put together a proposal for how we can organize our group to assist with student presentations. Cheryl Lyons and Tom Savage volunteered. Gerry Olsen will be the chair of the nominating committee. Tom Savage is also on the committee and a third person is to be selected. Nominating committee report is needed by April. Gordon proposed that a team of OSURA members visit each Dean’s office to discuss how we can help their college and how they might help us, as an alternative to having deans come to make presentations to our board meetings. Jack Drexler suggested a presentation to Faculty Senate might be more productive. It was also suggested to present to TRIAD. Gordon suggested that the OSU Provost lectures attract retirees, and this might be a good potential cooperative high-profile venture. However, the conclusion was that the cost may be prohibitive. Some members indicated that we need to be careful with our budget and seek less expensive ways to create exposure for OSURA. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 4, 2016 in the OSU Foundation Board room. Barbara Moon Secretary