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Cheryl Brohart, Edna Kabelin, Debbie Duke-Kelly, Tom Iwasiw, Tom Bieth, Peter Mazzuchin,
Dominic Rutigliano, Peter DallaVia
Angy Sayel
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
Approval of September minutes Dominic Rutigliano, Peter DallaVia
Principal’s Report
A Grade 12 student passed away. Memorial to be held at the school
A 2nd hold and secure occurred at the end of the school day
Transition fair was very successful. 60 groups (colleges/universities and trades) were in
attendance offering guidance and answering many questions from students and parents
Student council had a dance on Friday night. Good attendance
Remembrance Day presentation in the cafeteria went well. A 94 year old veteren did a
presentation for the students and staff. He talked of his fellow solders from Brampton
who did not return home from the war.
Grade 8 orientation night not well received. Attendance was poor. Trying again in
January. Competing with public school boards for students
9 more Smart Boards will be installed by February 2013
Staffing: Liz Kazimowicz will be retiring, as well as Margo Samson. The school was given
an additional 0.5 staffing in our ERW compliment.
School wrestling tournament went well
Intramural ball hockey and dodge ball (teams of 4) held in the cafeteria
St Augustine hosted a pod girls volley tournament consisting of the feeder schools
grades 4 and 5
Hospitality courses for grades 11 and 12 to be available in the new school year Sept
Board changed designation for the World Religion Grade 11 to a Social Science elective
SHSM (specialist high skills major) School has applied for the Construction and
Transportation course to be offered to the students. Waiting for the Ministry to
respond to our application. Find out the answer in the second semester
Student council semiformal to be held in February
Student council has had dress down days. The monies made went to Mary’s Children
($700) and to the Chaplain to do Christmas baskets for those families that need
Coffee house Dec 12. Students to audition to play that day
Bake sale..cookies to come from Terra Cotta Cookies from Georgetown
The Ride for Cancer will be cancelled this year (the students rode in groups of 4)
Treasurer’s Report
As of September 30, $2774.94
OAPCE Report
Next meeting will be Nov 26th
Changing the OAPCE logo
Conference to be held in Peterborough in May 2013. Michael Reist to be key note speaker
More dialogue with the Family/Home/Church
A presentation will be coming soon. Info to follow
Saving paper. USBs to be given out
More members from Dufferin Peel board than any other board are involved in OAPSE
Chair Report
CCCSC meeting in October at St Francis SS. Tom and Cheryl attended. New chairs voted in for
elementary and secondary levels for the CCCSC. Next CCCSC meetings to be in Jan and May
Angy and Cheryl attended the volunteer training day held by the CCCSC at St Joseph High School
Parent Involvement funds are now available. Funds to be spent by June 30th