Department of Informatics Academic year 2015/16 Your degree title here

Department of Informatics
Your degree title here
Academic year 2015/16
Important Information
The poster size is A1 in portrait orientation (594mm wide by 841mm high).
The text/logo “University of Sussex” should be in the top left corner and the Department of
Informatics, degree course and academic year in the top right corner, exactly as above.
All poster content must be placed within the red border, with ONLY background images
entering the red border area!
Your name and your placement organisation should appear in a suitable place on the poster.
The poster should explain your chosen topic in a clear, concise manner with an emphasis on
Any images should be at a resolution of 300dpi (dots per inch) to ensure correct quality for
Once you have completed your poster you should delete any red or green content (text, red
border, red shading).
Save (File/Export, change file format to PDF) your poster as a PDF file, ensuring that the
resulting file is still A1 size.
See the advice and guidance pages on the School website for more tips and examples:
If you are having problems with your design template, contact Vik Winter in the school office
or email
The solid black line around this poster is the guide for cutting it to the right size.
Do not alter or delete the line.
Your poster content must stay inside the red dotted line and tinted background around this poster. At the end you should delete the line and background.