MRC CiC Bid No: APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FROM THE SUSSEX MRC CONFIDENCE IN CONCEPT AWARD Please refer to the Programme Specification before completing this application form. All potential applications should be discussed with Dr Paul Beswick, Sussex Drug Discovery Centre prior to submission Questions about eligible costs should be directed to Gisela Hafezparast at PART 1 COVER SHEET NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (PI): Department, Telephone and Email of PI: Name, Title and Department of Co-Investigator(s) Project Title: Department Telephone Email Project Summary Maximum 4 lines – if funded, this will be used to describe the project on the web Total amount of funding requested Start date: £ Earliest start date = 4th July 2016 if no staff to be recruited. Latest start date = 1sth March 2017 End date: Expected duration 6-12 months Has this application been submitted to other funders (include internal funding sources)? If yes, please specify submission date, sponsor and outcome Are you on a fixed-term contract? Yes / No Funder / Scheme: Submission date: Known Outcome: If rejected,reason given: Yes / No If yes, please provide your source of funding and provide details of any funder constraints which would impact on the proposed project. Page 1 of 5 PART 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND METHODOLOGY (maximum 3 pages) Please refer to the review criteria in the Programme Specification. In addition, please explain why this work needs to be undertaken before an external funding application can be submitted. If this project involves research by PhD students please detail (i) their role and how it fits with their thesis, and (ii) what intellectual property considerations (e.g. assigning rights) have been discussed regarding their contribution to the CiC funded work. Please note that involvement in an CiC project should not delay completion of their thesis Page 2 of 5 PART 3 ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES (maximum 1 page) including: Specific translational funding scheme(s) (such as MRC DPFS) to which an application will be made [or if alternative onward translational investment the anticipated value of external bid(s), The date that the application(s) is likely to be submitted (must be within 12 months of the project start date). The potential for industrial collaboration or sponsorship. The specific endpoints which will be achieved by the end of your CiC project. Page 3 of 5 PART 4a: BUDGET Provide a detailed breakdown of the funds requested. If salary costs are necessary, please contact Gisela Hafezparast in Research & Enterprise Services Year 1 Year 2 A: FUNDS REQUESTED TOTAL £ £ £ Total funds requested: B: PI AND CO-I TIME COMMITMENT Itemise the amount of time the PI and all Co-Is will spend on this project including associated overheads. This will not be funded through the award but is needed for audit purposes. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Year 1 Year 2 TOTAL £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ PI Co-I Associated indirect costs Total cost associated with PI and Co-I time on project PART 4b: JUSTIFICATION OF RESOURCES This section should be used to justify the resources required to undertake the research activity. It should not be simply a list of the resources required as this is already given in the table above. Page 4 of 5 PART 5a: HOME OFFICE LICENCE(S) Not required Please give reason (e.g. does not involve animal studies): Application in progress Please state status: Licence(s) obtained Please give relevant project and personal licence references: PART 5b: ETHICS Not required Please give reason (e.g. does not involve human material): Application in progress Please state status: Ethics obtained Please give relevant ethics committee project title and reference number: PART 5c: Intellectual property (IP) Please describe the following if relevant to the project If the project has the potential to generate data which might be used as the basis of a patent filing please describe If there is any existing IP covering any aspect of the proposed work please describe Please submit this form electronically to Debbie Foy-Everett by 5pm on Friday 15th April 2016. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed. Page 5 of 5