MRC DA Bid No: APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FROM THE SUSSEX MRC DISCOVERY AWARD Please refer to the Programme Specification before completing this application form. If in doubt about the suitability of your application, please contact the Director of Sussex Neuroscience, Leon Lagnado at Questions about eligible costs should be directed to Gisela Hafezparast at PART 1 COVER SHEET NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (PI): Department, Telephone and Email of PI: Name, Title and Department of Co-Investigator(s) Project Title: Department Telephone Email Project Summary Maximum 4 lines – if funded, this will be used to describe the project on the web Total amount of funding requested Start date: £ Earliest start date = 16/05/2016 if no staff to be recruited. Latest start date = 01/07/2016 End date: Maximum project duration is 18 months All projects must end by 28 Feb 2018 Has this application been submitted to other funders (include internal funding sources)? If yes, please specify submission date, sponsor and outcome Yes / No Funder / Scheme: Submission date: Known Outcome: If rejected,reason given: Page 1 of 5 PART 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND METHODOLOGY (maximum 3 pages) Please refer to the review criteria in the Programme Specification. Page 2 of 5 PART 3 ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES (maximum 1 page) including: the external funding sponsor(s) and specific scheme(s) to which an application will be made, the anticipated value of external bid(s), and how the outcomes will contribute to the long-term aim of “Development within the university – e.g. progressing a new area towards large Programme award(s), developing new technology platforms, or progress towards a new centre of excellence.”. Page 3 of 5 PART 4a BUDGET Provide a detailed breakdown of the funds requested. If salary costs are necessary, please contact Gisela Hafezparast in Research & Enterprise Services Year 1 Year 2 A: FUNDS REQUESTED TOTAL £ £ £ Total funds requested: B: PI AND CO-I TIME COMMITMENT Itemise the amount of time the PI and all Co-Is will spend on this project including associated overheads. This will not be funded through the award but is needed for audit purposes. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Year 1 Year 2 TOTAL £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ PI Co-I Associated indirect costs Total cost associated with PI and Co-I time on project PART 4b JUSTIFICATION OF RESOURCES This section should be used to justify the resources required to undertake the research activity. It should not be simply a list of the resources required as this is already given in the table above. Page 4 of 5 PART 5a: HOME OFFICE LICENCE(S) Not required Please give reason (e.g. does not involve animal studies): Application in progress Please state status: Licence(s) obtained Please give relevant project and personal licence references: PART 5b: ETHICS Not required Please give reason (e.g. does not involve human material): Application in progress Please state status: Ethics obtained Please give relevant ethics committee project title and reference number: PART 5c: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Brief outline of any existing and expected patents/IP arising from this proposal, if applicable (e.g. any patents/IP already in place; do you need to access background IP/patents, materials, data or other resources held by anyone else for this work?; do you anticipate that work proposed here will give rise to any intellectual property?) Please submit this form electronically to Ruth Staras by 5pm on Friday 15th April 2016. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed. Page 5 of 5