Week 17

Name ____________________
Day 1
Week 17
1. Scott bought three bags of candy with 75
pieces in each one. He plans to divide all the
candy evenly among seven friends. How many
pieces of candy will Scott have left for himself?
2. What is 468,368 rounded to the nearest
hundreds place?
3. Carrie bought 20 candy bars for her friends.
¼ of them were snickers. How many Snicker
bars were there?
4. List all the factors of 14 and 28. What is
the greatest common factor?
Day 2
1. Anne earned $3 an hour baby-sitting and $4
an hour working in the garden. Last week she
did baby-sitting for 5 hours and garden work
for 3 hours. How much more money does she
need to buy a game that costs $35?
2. Multiply to find the product: 64 x 54 =
3. Write three fractions that are larger than ½.
4. Is the number 225 prime or composite? How
do you know?
Day 3
1. 64 bags of nuts are to be divided among 12
students. Each bag contains 15 nuts. How many
nuts will each student receive?
2. The grocery story keeps track of the number
of people that shop there during the busy
holiday weekend. If 15,687 people shopped on
one day, 65,726 people shopped on the second
day, and 8,759 people shopped on the third day,
how many people shopped at the grocery store
on all three days?
3. Place the following fractions on a number
line: 4/5, 2/5, 7/5, 3/5
4. What is 726,118 rounded to the nearest ten
thousands place?
Day 4
1. Jim wishes to buy 3 gifts that cost 15
dollars, 9 dollars, and 12 dollars. He has ¼ of
the money he needs. How much more money
must he earn in order to buy the gifts?
2. Solve to find the difference:
809,235 – 587,299 =
3. Six adults and five classes of 32 students
went to the museum by bus. If each bus held 25
passengers how many buses were needed?
4. Write the number below in standard form:
400,000 + 2,000 + 600 + 8.