
While honoring the ideas of equality and fraternity,
the revolutionary goal of liberty shrank under
Italian Campaign ( 1796-1797)
Egyptian Campaign (1798-1799)
Constitution of the Year VIII
University of France
Bank of France
Concordat of 1801
Napoleonic Code (1804)
Legion of Honor
Proclamation of Empire (1804)
Horatio Nelson
Battle of Trafalgar (1805)
Battle of Austerlitz (1805)
Battle of Jena (1806)
Continental System (1806)
Battle of Friedland (1807)
Treaty of Tilsit (1807)
Czar Alexander I
Battle of Wagram (1809)
Invasion of Russia (1812)
Peninsular War (1808-1814)
Wars of Liberation (1813-1814)
Battle of Nations (1813)
Quadruple Alliance (1814)
Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)
Hundred Days
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of
Battle of Waterloo (1815)
St. Helena
Legal equality before law was established for men
Civil Code of 1804 (Napoleonic Code)
Women lost some rights, but it can be argued that as
the revolutionary government did not extend the vote
or equality to women either (although they had gained
the right to seek support for their illegitimate children
and lost it under Napoleon) he was continuing the
pattern established in the Revolution.
Feudalism and serfdom were abolished and the ideals
of the French Revolution spread in conquered
Napoleon reinstated slavery in the colonies, which had
been abolished by the convention.
Victories and conquests by the French army stimulated
French nationalism
Napoleon sought to reunify France after its
revolutionary divisive years by giving new honors for
service to the state, and signing the Concordat of 1801
with the pope
He welcome the émigré back and gave them roles in
French influence spread throughout Europe in the wake
of his armies
Napoleon took power in a coup and later crowned
himself emperor
There were no real elections, only yes/no plebiscites.
Political freedom limited in Napoleon's France with a
secret police, arrest of dissenters, and censorship of the
Members of Napoleon’s family were put on the thrones
of many conquered states rather than giving those
people choice.
Economic policies guaranteed property rights and
encouraged opportunity and economic development,
thus promoting economic liberty.