4 March 2010 Office of the Chief Executive Alex Malley, FCPA CPA Australia Ltd ABN 64 008 392 452 Sir David Tweedie Chairman International Accounting Standards Board 30 Cannon Street LONDON EC4M 6XH United Kingdom Level 20, 28 Freshwater Place Southbank VIC 3006 Australia GPO Box 2820 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia T +61 3 9606 9689 W www.cpaaustralia.com.au E alex.malley@ cpaaustralia.com.au Email: CommentLetters@iasb.org Dear Sir David Comments on ED 2009/6 Management Commentary Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Exposure Draft ED 2009/6 Management Commentary. CPA Australia represents the diverse interests of more than 129,000 members in finance, accounting and business in 110 countries throughout the world. Our mission is to make CPA Australia the global professional accountancy designation for strategic business leaders. We make this submission on behalf of our members and in the broader public interest. CPA Australia broadly supports the provision of Management Commentary Guidance as proposed in the Exposure Draft. The Appendix to this letter contains our response to the specific questions asked. CPA Australia considers that a management commentary that is both forward looking and at the same time focused on communicating how management manages the entity, will provide information that is useful to existing and potential equity investors, lenders and other creditors. We also suggest that information communicated by way of management commentary may be of interest to an entity’s wider stakeholder constituency. CPA Australia notes the IASB’s observation that management commentary supplements and complements the financial statements. We agree. Further, CPA Australia agrees with the IASB that the [proposed] Guidance may help users to understand how resources that are not presented in the financial statements could affect the entity’s operations and how non-financial factors have influenced the information presented in the financial statements. We do not see the [proposed] Guidance as a replacement for other types of reporting such as sustainability reporting, environmental reporting and carbon reporting. Nevertheless, CPA Australia considers that the [proposed] Guidance can be an important bridge between financial reporting and other forms of reporting (and supplements and complements other forms of reporting). If you require further information on any of our views, please Dr Mark Shying, Senior Policy Adviser at CPA Australia via email at mark.shying@cpaaustralia.com.au. Yours sincerely Alex Malley FCPA Chief Executive Officer cc: M. Shying Page 1 of 2 Appendix Specific Questions 1. Do you agree with the Board’s decision to develop a guidance document for the preparation and presentation of management commentary instead of an IFRS? If not, why? Yes, CPA Australia supports the decision to provide guidance rather than an IFRS. We note that the guidance in part is already provided within the Australian reporting framework (for example, the Directors’ Report in the Corporations Act, the ASX’s Listing Rule 4.10.7 and Guidance Note 10 [which reproduces the Group of 100 publication Guide to the Review of Operations and Financial Condition], the ASX Corporate Governance Council Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, and the AICD’s Underlying Profits). CPA Australia believes that in some parts of the reporting framework, the Australian guidance goes further or provides clarification on some of the ideas articulated in the [proposed] Guidance. However, in other jurisdictions the reporting framework does not include any such requirements or requirements of a lower quality. Accordingly, we support the IASB’s publication of guidance (and not a standard). 2. Do you agree that the content elements described in paragraphs 24-39 are necessary for the preparation of a decision-useful management commentary? If not, how should those content elements be changed to provide decision-useful information to users of financial reports? Yes, CPA Australia agrees. 3. Do you agree with the Board’s decision not to include detailed application guidance and illustrative examples in the final management commentary guidance document? If not, what specific guidance would you include and why? Yes, CPA Australia agrees with the IASB’s decision not to include detailed application guidance and illustrative examples in the final guidance as it is for the management of an entity to decide how best to apply the framework for the preparation and presentation of management commentary in the particular circumstances of its business. Page 2 of 2