
Date: Monday, November 23, 2015
Good Morning Stallions and Staff! Today and every day will be the best days of your life. At Sligo, we expect
the Best! Sligo is the school that highlights learning can be fun. Our Sligo’ s 2015-2016 Theme is “Sligo on the
Rise”. Sligo is a school that embraces and appreciate culture diversity. This month we are continuing our
celebrating of Native American Heritage Month.
I am _________, ________________, ______________ we are your fellow Morning Announcers
Please kindly stand for the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag: P A U S E AND COUNT
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic
For which it stands, One nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Thanks! You may now be seated.
This week’s Quotation: “People who deal with liofe generously and large-heartedly go on multiplying
relationships to the end.” Written by Arthur Christopher Benson
What a Most Wonderful Fitness Fun Day! Thanks for all of your energized participation.
A BIG congratulations goes out to our Sligo MS “Girls on the Run” team – Heart and Sole - on
their recent running of the “Girls on the Run” 5K race at Montgomery Mall on Sunday,
November 15th.
Stallions, , what are you thankful for? As we approach the Thanksgiving Season, our
Stampede, Sligo’ s Newspaper Team is looking for students who wish to share a special
thanksgiving note in our next edition. We welcome your note on how thankful you are.
What are you thankful for? Please share with the Stampede Team.
Students at all grade levels are encouraged to participate in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Literary Contest and Visual Arts Show. The 2016 theme is “Renewing the Dream: Hope in
Today’s Times.” The essays and artwork should reflect an understanding and appreciation of
the ideals of Dr. King’s life, achievements and aspirations. Literary entries should be 150
words or less and are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11. Submit them to the MLK Essay Contest,
c/o Montgomery County Office of Human Rights, 21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD, 20850,
Attention all Sligo Middle School students! Hour of Code is coming! During the week
of December 7, students will be participating in Hour of Code, an online computer
programming opportunity. Ms. Campo-Abdoun's technology classes and Mr. Anderson's
science classes will be participating. Stay tuned for more information!
This coming Wednesday, November 25th is an early dismissal for students. Wednesday,
school day will end at 12:30 pm and busses will be leaving Sligo MS around 12:40 pm.
Thursday is Thanksgiving. We wish you a most enjoyable and Thanksgiving Day.
Thanks for sharing with us your undivided attention. We appreciate your kindness and respect. Make today and
each day your VERY BEST DAY! Have a most enjoyable DAY week.