Financial Reporting April 18, 2007 Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Financial statement design Proper object code/fund usage Proper substantiation of object code balances Timeliness Analytics Proper use of agency funds Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Financial statement design Statement of Position – line item classification principally based on object code Statement of Activities – line item classification principally based on org/fund purpose code and then by object code – Nonoperating section – comprised of all endowment, capital and student loan fund activity – Operating section – comprised of all other funds Functional expenses – line item classification based entirely on org/fund purpose code Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Financial statement design Statement of Financial Position University of Pennsylvania (thousands of dollars) June 30, 2006 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net of allowances of $11,224 and $10,763 Patient receivables, net of allowances of $110,946 and $89,808 Contributions receivable, net Loans receivable, net of allowances of $3,083 and $3,147 Other assets Investments, at fair value Plant, net of depreciation Total assets Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued expenses and other liabilities Collateral due broker Deferred income Deposits, advances, and agency funds Federal student loan advances Accrued retirement benefits Debt obligations Total liabilities $ $ $ Net assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total liabilities and net assets $ 862,789 June 30, 2005 $ 711,422 140,326 140,653 219,113 326,663 255,885 257,776 89,455 122,718 5,699,086 2,909,176 10,369,326 196,467 138,346 4,859,151 2,760,840 9,320,540 93,179 861,678 220,203 80,266 123,099 77,737 215,303 1,374,459 3,045,924 3,612,342 1,757,485 1,953,575 7,323,402 10,369,326 $ $ $ 91,943 751,728 186,087 76,210 116,979 78,328 273,309 1,358,041 2,932,625 3,086,908 1,552,907 1,748,100 6,387,915 9,320,540 Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Financial statement design Statement of Activities University of Pennsylvania for the years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 (thousands of dollars) Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Revenue and other support: Tuition and fees Student aid Commonwealth appropriations Sponsored programs Indirect cost recovery Contributions Allocation of A.I.F. returns Other investment income Hospitals and physician practices Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Other income Independent operations Net assets released from restriction Total revenue and other support $ Expenses: Salaries Employee benefits Total compensation Current expense Interest expense Student aid Independent operations Loss on extinguishment of debt Depreciation Total expenses Increase (decrease) in net assets before nonoperating revenue, net gains, reclassifications and other Nonoperating revenue, net gains, reclassifications and other: Gain on investment, net A.I.F. income Allocation of A.I.F. returns Other investment income Contributions Change in minimum pension liability Income from discontinued operations Transfers to Phoenixville Foundation Net assets released from restrictions Increase in net assets before cumulative effect of change in accounting principle $ 61,290 90,565 5,187 (170,193) (13,151) $ 4,432,719 696,317 (143,384) 44,022 544,164 188,443 42,150 $ 54,296 47,791 2,137,164 92,335 144,830 61,057 141,995 4,051,180 207,144 4,197,595 207,144 4,197,595 1,725,080 422,303 2,147,383 1,434,904 53,880 55,675 54,784 17,982 204,632 3,969,240 235,124 81,940 418,129 86,108 (148,457) 8,659 308,791 45,953 82,842 33,482 (54,296) 2,672 32,900 (43,432) 32,455 248,275 (13,151) 145,196 37,922 (57,892) 3,538 53,010 45,953 230,655 $ 47,981 (90,565) 4,047 93,863 42,278 205 1,074 161,918 (68,252) 204,578 205,475 954,307 Permanently Restricted 2005 $ 50,833 81,848 4,342 (141,995) (4,972) 696,317 (143,384) 44,022 544,164 188,443 92,983 136,144 52,133 2,137,164 92,335 144,830 61,057 4,046,208 1,725,080 422,303 2,147,383 1,434,904 53,880 55,675 54,784 17,982 204,632 3,969,240 (4,972) 76,968 147,125 $ 38,815 (81,848) 4,654 73,902 (203) (46,794) 46,794 (18,820) $ 752,489 (153,299) 44,866 552,219 194,012 100,083 148,457 87,973 2,386,850 93,820 166,381 58,868 Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted 1,850,597 488,563 2,339,160 1,491,238 51,103 56,009 52,941 544,254 Net assets, beginning of year 2006 1,850,597 488,563 2,339,160 1,491,238 51,103 56,009 52,941 68,252 Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle Increase in net assets after cumulative effect of change in accounting principle Net assets, end of year 752,489 (153,299) 44,866 552,219 194,012 38,793 $ 57,892 82,786 2,386,850 93,820 166,381 58,868 170,193 4,445,870 Permanently Restricted 215,357 10,394 177 826 143,019 (257) 130,679 154,159 240,361 72,474 (136,144) 8,152 249,821 (43,432) 32,455 (460) 500,195 (18,820) 525,434 204,578 205,475 935,487 215,357 130,679 154,159 500,195 3,086,908 1,552,907 1,748,100 6,387,915 2,871,551 1,422,228 1,593,941 5,887,720 1,953,575 $ 7,323,402 1,748,100 $ 6,387,915 3,612,342 $ 1,757,485 $ $ 3,086,908 $ 1,552,907 $ Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Financial statement design Statement of Activities University of Pennsylvania for the years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 (thousands of dollars) Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Revenue and other support: Tuition and fees, net Commonwealth appropriations Sponsored programs Contributions Investment income Hospitals and physician practices Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Other income Independent operations Net assets released from restrictions $ Expenses: Program: Instruction Research Hospitals and physician practices Auxiliary enterprises Other educational activities Student services Support: Academic support Management and general Independent operations Increase (decrease) in net assets before nonoperating revenue, net gains, reclassifications and other Nonoperating revenue, net gains, reclassifications and other: Gain on investment, net Investment income, net of amounts classified as operating revenue Contributions Change in minimum pension liability Income from discontinued operations Transfers to Phoenixville Foundation Net assets released from restrictions Increase in net assets before cumulative effect of change in accounting principle $ 61,290 95,752 (170,193) (13,151) $ 599,190 44,866 746,231 100,083 236,430 2,386,850 93,820 166,381 58,868 2005 $ 552,933 44,022 732,607 92,983 188,277 2,137,164 92,335 144,830 61,057 4,432,719 4,046,208 800,863 592,791 2,225,647 109,820 134,388 41,753 800,863 592,791 2,225,647 109,820 134,388 41,753 753,303 579,417 2,092,749 106,719 118,006 37,853 57,613 177,544 57,176 4,197,595 57,613 177,544 57,176 4,197,595 55,629 165,961 59,603 3,969,240 235,124 76,968 248,275 (13,151) 145,196 230,655 (16,432) 53,010 45,953 (38,537) 93,863 68,252 (68,252) $ 204,578 42,278 418,129 240,361 1,279 161,918 (53,690) 308,791 45,953 (55,518) 249,821 (43,432) 32,455 (460) 205,475 954,307 500,195 (18,820) Net assets, beginning of year 2006 $ 544,254 Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle Increase in net assets after cumulative effect of change in accounting principle Net assets, end of year 599,190 44,866 746,231 38,793 140,678 2,386,850 93,820 166,381 58,868 170,193 4,445,870 Permanently Restricted (18,820) 525,434 204,578 205,475 935,487 500,195 3,086,908 1,552,907 1,748,100 6,387,915 5,887,720 1,953,575 $ 7,323,402 $ 6,387,915 3,612,342 $ 1,757,485 $ Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Proper object code/fund usage Income classification - Gifts are non-reciprocal transactions that should only be recorded via the gift system. Revenues received for goods or services provided that may be designated for quasi-endowments cannot be deposited directly to the endowment. Must be deposited properly and then resource transferred to the endowment fund. Receivables/accrued expenses - Receivables object codes (12xx range) are to be used only for receivables due from parties external to the University. Internal funding/allocation/transfer cannot be accrued. Likewise for all balance sheet object codes. Resource transfers – must use 4820 and 4825 together. Cannot be used with agency funds or the interfund. Cost sharing – must use 4822 on both sides of journal entry. Cannot be used with agency funds or the interfund. Interfund transactions – a 15xx object code should be used, with the other side being either an external expense, external revenue or interentity transfer (4824). Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Proper substantiation of object code balances Reconciliation of all asset and liability object code balances to subsidiary records – i.e. billing systems, amortization schedules, etc. Inventory needs to be adjusted to correctly reflect your individual physical counts. Equipment in process should be current and any completed items properly categorized in Plant. Risk areas include Accounts receivable, Prepaid assets, Accrued expenses, etc. Receipt accrual - PO's should only be receipted for goods or services received. Expenses will be recorded for all amounts on PO's receipted in the current period. If the benefits of the goods or services will be received in future periods, the PO should not be receipted, and the expenses would be charged to those periods. Contingent liabilities - Review of any known conditions that may warrant recording of contingent liabilities. A contingent loss exists at the time the event is probable and can be reasonably estimable, not when cash is paid. Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Timeliness of data Notification to Senior Business Officers and Office of the Comptroller personnel of any significant transactions, changes in business practices – i.e. timing of billings, disposals or relocation of equipment, etc. – University stands to benefits a great deal by move to room to room depreciation, which cannot be done with timely and accurate records Recording of incentive bonus accruals. Recording of revenue and non-PO related expenses that should be included in the current reporting period. Clearing of SUSP org balances and balances in suspense object codes as they may misstate the financial results of the University. Reclassification of grant overdrafts to operating funds. Allocations/transfers between schools and centers – cannot complete school closing process if journals continue to be recorded after deadline. Correction of wayward transactions – incorrect org/fund combinations. Closing of inactive funds. Review of feeder transactions to ensure proper recording. Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Analytics Analytical reviews of your areas should be consistently done, preferably on a monthly basis for the following reasons: – Timely detection and correction of errors – Explanation of business reasons for significant fluctuations Fluctuation analysis is a powerful tool that can be employed as your review tool. Preventative controls, such as signing-off on review of reconciliations, process documentation, etc., should be installed into your operations to ensure that transactions are recorded correctly the first time. Office of the Comptroller Financial Reporting Proper use of agency funds An agency relationship exists only if the University has an agency agreement with an external 3rd party whereby the University is acting as an agent to provide services for the 3rd party that it may not be able to do itself or the University can perform better. Revenues and expenses captured in agency funds are not classified as revenues and expenses of the University, as these activities are merely being managed by the University on behalf of an external 3rd party. This activity is netted and recorded as a liability on the financials of the University, as any unspent funds are due back to the external 3rd party if not used. Example: Running or managing an event alone may not merit classification as an agency relationship. May simply be a proper use of University resources and be recorded as expense and revenue to the University. Office of the Comptroller