Student Organization Bus Subsidy Application Form Student Affairs will subsidize up to $400 for one (1) reasonably priced standard school bus per student group (sorority/fraternity/club) per year for an annual formal event. First Student and Golden Memories transportation services are preferred vendors. First Student’s phone number is: (585)647-9380. Golden Memories’ phone number is: (585)723-1322. THE ORGANIZATION (FRATERNITY/SORORITY/CLUB) IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RESERVING THE BUS AND PROVIDING COMPLETE DETAILS TO THE BUS COMPANY. Name of Organization: Contact Person: Position: Phone : E-mail: RIT Staff Advisor: Phone: E-mail: Event Name: Date: Time: Location: Place of Pickup: Expected Attendance #: Bus Company Name: Bus Co. Contact Person: Phone # # of busses: # of round trips: Cost per bus: Please e-mail your completed application and quote from vendor (email quote is fine) to Mrs. Dawn Didas at She will submit the request for review. You will receive an email confirmation, noting approval and subsidy amount awarded. If approved and you are using First Student or Golden Memories, Mrs. Didas will confirm with the vendor that we will pay for one (1) bus and submit payment for the one bus before the event date. I f y o u r e s e r v e a n y o th e r b u s co mp a n y , y o u o r y o u r o rg a n i z a t i o n w i l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r c o n f i r mi n g a n d p a y i n g fo r t h e t r a n s p o r ta ti o n s e r v i c e b e fo r e th e e v e n t. *The subsidy rate is reviewed periodically to ensure the ability to maximize the limited funding source in order to aid as many student groups as possible. To receive reimbursement after the event: If reimbursement is made to you or another RIT entity, submit the following to Mrs. Didas, 2410 Student Alumni Union: o Original itemized receipts showing method of payment, taped to 8 ½ x 11 paper o List of attendees o Your UID number or entity name and ID number o The preferred mailing address to receive the check If reimbursement is made to an RIT Organization or Department via general ledger account journal entry, please request your organization’s RIT staff financial coordinator submit electronically via e-mail to Mrs. Shelly Cicero at o Scanned copy of itemized receipt(s) showing method of payment; original itemized receipts are retained by Department o List of attendees o Name of Department financial authority or college partner accounting representative o Oracle general ledger expense account code combination to be reimbursed If you have questions, please submit them to or call 585-475-2265.