October 2015 PTA minutes

Diamond PTA Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 7:00pm
at the Carol Lange Media Center
Attendees: Darwin Johnson (President), Jaime Howenstein (VP of Fundraising), Suzanne
Jenkins (VP of Community), Chris Chimera (Treasurer), Rick Chimera (Secretary), Lisa
Weinstein, Shannon Phelan, Shonali Nazare, Meltem Sonmer Turen, Spencer Delisle, Tracey
Parker, Daniel Walder, Shannon McKenna, Carmel, McGuire, Mary Jo DiBernardo, Stephanie
Theeler, Muralitharon Muthusamy, Yeshvant Sadasivam, Nazzi Kholdebarin, Valerie Holford,
Liz Pilloff
Call to Order:
Darwin Johnson, PTA President, called the meeting to order at 7:08pm.
Approval of September Minutes:
While reviewing the September minutes, it was decided to remove “Vice Principal” from Mr.
Delisle's title. Shannon Phelan made a motion to approve the minutes, the motion was
seconded. Motion passed by voice vote.
Budget Approval:
Issues discussed while reviewing the budget include:
Each category's incomes and expenses explained.
Added International Night as sub-category.
Increase funding for Cultural Arts since those have such high impact and we have
available funds.
Motion by Carmel McGuire to approve the budget, the motion was seconded. Motion passed
by voice vote.
Committee Chair Reports (those present):
Membership Committee: Shannon Phelan told us membership has grown to 328! Last
year's total was 323 so this growth is great.
International Night: Nazzi Kholdebarin gave detailed update. 19 countries represented
this year. SSL volunteers will help a lot. Nazzi will not be able to do it next year, so
we need someone who has been involved to become Chairperson next year.
Mary Jo DiBernardo talked about how great Cultural Arts events are. The recent
“Math Magic” event was truly enjoyed by the kids.
Shannon McKenna, chair of Box Tops, reported that we have received $350 so far this
Carmel McGuire talked about how well Staff Appreciation nights went and the teachers
really appreciated it all.
Liz Pilloff talked about Spirit Wear, they are going to try some new items like hoodies,
sparkly headbands, and maybe a few more – ideas always welcome.
Jaime Howenstein said UNICEF is going well.
We need more volunteers for Turkey Trot. It was mentioned we could change the
course so we would need less course monitors and street crossing guards.
Suzanne Jenkins talked about community issues including a family whose could use
help with moving an entire houseful of furniture (because their house had burned down
last year).
Nazzi Kholdebarin mentioned that the Andrea Varga Coat Drive is going on now. As
you get your winter clothes out this month, consider donating items you may no longer
need. The last day is October 30.
Rick Chimera and Shannon Phelan talked about MCCPTA issues (the county-level
PTA group). We talked about the MCCPTA Advocacy Priorities document that we can
contribute to; it will be distributed on the Diamond email list. Also, our very special
Northwest high school cluster meeting with the Board of Education is coming up
the evening of November 19. Your participation and questions to the BoE are
highly encouraged!!!
Shonali Nazare talked about the new crochet / knitting after-school activity for 4th and
5th graders that she is putting together. Look in the school newsletter for more
information. We'll put it on the web site, too.
Darwin went over the calendar of events. A restaurant night was added for October 14
at Zoe's. A movie night was added for April 8.
Principal's Report:
Principal Walder talked about:
Enrollment is fluctuating a bit, but that is to be expected.
Our ESOL resources were increased from 2.0 to 2.7 staff. (0.1 staff is a half-day per
With new bell times, adjustments and “getting used to” is still taking place.
There will be a building addition meeting in December to get our input on more details.
Information will be shared when we receive it.
Looking into evening presentations by professionals about issues such as technology
in the schools, teasing / bullying, cyber safety, etc. If you have ideas for other ones,
bring them to our attention.
Generally asked about the school's safety policies:
All doors locked once school starts until end bell. Must press button for access,
then visitor registers using an official government ID (such as driver's license) that
is scanned by the office personnel.
Still improving internal controls for the time periods 9:10 – 9:25 and 3:40 to 4:00
because parents should not be allowed without office registration.
All evening activities are administered by Montgomery County, not Montgomery
County Public Schools (MCPS). This is a big difference and any concerns must be
brought to the proper authority.
Getting feedback from parents that the weekly emails from individual teachers are a
great enhancement.
Each student has a computer account with MCPS which is a 6 digit ID inside a
restricted “internet domain” not fully connected to the world-wide internet. Students get
some “typing to learn” experience.
Principal Intern Mr. Delisle said a few words about bell times adjustments, too.
Meeting adjourned at 8:pm
In Service, Rick Chimera, PTA Secretary