
February 22, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
2:00 p.m., #AA-216
Donna Floyd (Chair), Michael Aldaco, Terence Elliott, Michele Jackson,
Aminta Mickles, Wayne Organ,
Sandra Everhart, Vicki Ferguson
I. 2012-13 FTES Goal
The college is currently discussing the FTES goals for 2012-13, which includes summer 2012,
fall 2012, and spring 2013. The summer schedule is being built and the deans are asking their
departments to reduce the summer schedule by 5.5%. In canceling classes the chairs are
focusing on transfer, basic skills, and CTE. Some divisions are weighted differently due to
grant-funded classes. Donna illustrated the following on the white board:
Summer 2012 FTES/FTEF Goal
624 FTES (it was 663 in summer 2011)
20 FTEF reduction = 795 course hours = 12 class sections
2012-13 Academic Year FTES Goal
5,475 (this equals a 5.8% cut to the fall 2012 schedule, and an 8.4% overall reduction for
the academic year.)
*The college is leaning towards an FTES goal of 5,575, which would give us a 100 FTES
There will probably not be growth money. Based on the results of the November 10 tax
initiative, three fall schedules will be built. In the event that the initiative passes, sections will be
added. If the tax initiative fails, the schedule will be reduced by 200 FTES.
Wayne thought this wouldn’t be a good time to cut community education classes if the college is
planning to ask the community for money by going out for a bond. The college has long
relationships with some of the organizations that enroll in the non-credit music classes. If these
courses are made fee-based, Wayne doesn’t feel they will pay the fees. However, if we continue
to offer the classes as non-credit, the college loses money. It’s a difficult decision because the
college will lose relationships with community organizations that have existed for 35 – 50 years.
There are problems with some of the bands practicing at El Cerrito H.S. Wayne thinks CCC
should insist they hold their band practices at CCC in spring 2013 when the music building
remodel is completed. If they don’t want to practice at CCC, they would be the ones to end the
II. Continue to Review the Enrollment Management Plan: College Objective 3 (Maintain
Essential Student Services and Support Off-Campus and Fee-based Growth Offering
Donna referred everyone to College Objective #3, page 3. There was a discussion about
maintaining two off-campus centers because if the budget situation changes, we would have to
create those centers all over again if they are discontinued. There is a credit psychology class
offered at El Cerrito H.S. It’s a difficult, college-level class and most of the students don’t pass.
Enrollment Management Committee
February 22, 2012
There are two credit courses currently being offered at the Hercules Center. We are also
planning to discontinue offering those classes at the Hercules Center.
The Committee reviewed each strategy, noted any changes and accomplishments. The
Committee stopped after reviewing the fourth strategy under 1f., through page 4. Mary Healy
made note of the updates and will being those updates to the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes Recorded by Mary Healy