Supplementary Information for Experimental Topic Courses 100 – Revised 3/13 Originated by: Beth Goehring & Rudy Zeller Date: Discipline: Course Outline Information: 1. Department & Alpha Numeric 2. Course Title: 3. Title V Credit Status: Dance 100 5/23/2013 PE/Dance B Number of Weeks: 18 Directed Dance Activities X CCC Degree credit (Elective only) Non-degree credit Non-credit GE Breadth Requirements (P.E. courses only) 4. Hours per term: Units: .5-2 5. 6. Lecture: Lab: Open Entry/Open Exit: Yes X No 27-108 HBA: Material Fee: Brief Course Description This course is designed to improve cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility fitness, as well as skill in directed dance activities. 7. Course Content: (In detail; attach additional information as needed and include percentage breakdown) 25 25 25 25 % % % % Cardiovascular fitness Strength fitness Flexibility fitness Directed dance skill development 8. Methods of Instruction Lecture, demonstration, small group collaboration 9. Instructional Materials: (Include required texts, editions, publishers, dates and supplementary materials) Instructor handouts 10. Methods of Evaluating Student Performance: (Show percentage breakdown for evaluation instruments) 50 50 % % Dance skill Development Fitness Development 11. Grading Policy (Choose LG, P/NP, or SC) X Letter Grade Pass / No Pass 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F Form Revised 03/13 70% and above = Pass Below 70% = No Pass Student Choice 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F or 70% and above = Pass Below 70% = No Pass CONTRA COSTA COLLEGE Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes with Assessment Methods and Criteria Department/Course Number: Course Title: Dance 100 B Date: 5/23/2013 Directed Dance Activities Is this course required for completion of a degree, major(s), or certificate program(s)? If yes, which degree/major(s)/certificate program(s)? Degree: AA AS Major(s): Certificate of Achievement? Certificate of Achievement? Certificate of Achievement? Certificate(s) of Accomplishment: Yes X No Yes Yes Yes No No No Does this course satisfy a GE requirement(s)? X Yes No If yes, which requirement(s)? A. Language & Rationality English Composition Oral Communication & Critical Thinking B. Natural Science w/ Lab X H. Physical Education Activity C. Arts and Humanities I. Mathematics Proficiency D. Social Sciences J. Computer Literacy F. American Institutions K. Cultural Pluralism G. Health Education L. Information Competency Intended Outcome 1. Students will increase their level of fitness and dance skill. Assessment Method Skill Demonstration Assessment Criteria At least 70% of students will achieve a score of 3 or higher on a department developed 5 point rubric Skill Rubric 5 = the students will successfully demonstrate mastery of directed dance activities 4 = the students will successfully demonstrate directed dance activities 3 = students will successfully demonstrate average to proficient directed dance activities 2 = students will successfully demonstrate less than average directed dance activities 1 = students will successfully demonstrate little or no skill in directed dance activities Please print this page out as a separate form 5 mastery of skills 4 advanced 3 average to proficient 2 less than average 1 little or no skill Maximum Class Size: 100 Vice-President of Instruction Signature: (Signature must be received before the course approval process begins) Date: For Administrative Purposes Only: This course can be offered: Fall/2013 Semester/Year 0835 Dept. Code/Name: Yes ESL Class: X T.O.P. Code: No Class Code A Liberal Arts & Sciences B Developmental Preparatory C Adult/Secondary Basic Education X D Personal Development/Survival E For Substantially Handicapped F Parenting/Family Support G Community/Civic Development Yes DSPS: X 0825 X No Crossover course 1/ 2: Coop Work Experience: SAM Code A Apprenticeship B Advanced Occupational C Clearly Occupational D Possibly Occupational E* Non-Occupational F Transfer, Non-Occupational X Yes No Remediation Level ES Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills P Pre-collegiate Basic Skills B Basic Skills NBS Not Basic Skills H General and Cultural I Career Technical Education *Additional criteria needed 1 One level below transfer 2 Two levels below transfer 3 Three levels below transfer 3+ Four levels below transfer XB09- Work Based Learning Activities: X W Section includes Work-Based- Learning-Activities. N Section does not include Work-Based- Learning-Activities. X Unknown Course-Program-Status Program Applicable Program Name: Stand-alone State Approved Not-State Approved APPROVAL SIGNATURES (Please Print Name/Signature) Faculty Originator Department Chair: DIC Chair: Division Dean: CIC Chair: VP of Instruction or designee: Distribution: Beth Goehring/Rudy Zeller Beth Goehring/Rudy Zeller Andrew Kuo Susan Lee Kenyetta Tribble Terence Elliot Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Instruction Office (original), Articulation Office, Admissions and Records Office, Faculty Originator, Department Chair, and Division Office Form Revised 03/13