Osteogenic Potential of Bone Cylinders in Alcohol and ControlFed Rats Student: Cyndi Trevisiol Sponsor: Russell Turner Nutrition and Exercise Sciences Impact • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 worldwide are estimated to have osteoporosis • Once a skeleton is osteopenic, it is very difficult to restore lost bone mass • Musculoskeletal disorders account for over $125 billion in health costs every year in the US alone http://www.answers.com/osteoporosis&r=67 Alcohol and Bone • Chronic alcohol abuse is a risk factor for osteoporosis • Exact impact of alcohol depends on: • Consumption patterns – Amount, Duration, and Frequency – Moderate, Binge or Chronic alcoholism • Age of the consumer Our Focus • Alcohol-induced damage that precedes osteoporosis • Therapies that may counteract the detrimental effects of alcohol • Alcohol’s potential benefits for skeletal health at different stages of life • Alcohol-induced impairment of bone healing Alcohol stunts bone growth in a rat model Summer Research Focus What changes occur when bone repairs in an alcoholic environment? Fracture Healing • • • • Wound bleeds, clot forms at fracture site Clot is infiltrated by blood vessels which bring fibroblasts Fibroblasts produce collagen and a rubbery matrix is formed Mineralization occurs – calcium sticks to the adhesive matrix http://www.badgers.org.uk/badgerpages/pictures/meles-xray-1a.jpg Osteoinductive Bone Cylinders: Models for Fracture Healing • Bone cylinders – Less pain for animals – Prepared from femurs – Demineralized bone cylinders are a matrix of collagen, growth factors, and cytokines – Stimulate osteogenesis Fracture Healing and Osteoinduction • Osteoinduction – A process that induces osteogenesis – Osteogenesis • Endochondral Ossification occurs after fracture • Occurs on a cartilage base • Osteoprogenitors are incited to differentiate into osteoblasts Osteoprogenitors are found along bone surfaces Study Design • • • • Photo taken by Cyndi Trevisiol Male Sprague Dawley rats Rats were labeled on their tails with a marker Rats received either a control or an alcohol liquid diet Animals were administered Calcein 9 days apart Methods • Preparing demineralized bone cylinders: – – – – – Fascia is removed from femurs Femurs soak in cold deionized water Both ends of the long bone are removed Marrow is flushed out with deionized water Bones soak at 4°C in 0.6 N HCl overnight (to demineralize) – Long bone shafts are extracted in 70% and then 100% ethanol (1 hour each) – Bone cylinders soak in a 1:1 chloroform/methanol solution (overnight, to remove fats) Progression Frozen rat legs (m & f) ordered from Pel-Freez Biologicals Six weeks later, rats (n=20) sacrificed and implants excised Femurs demineralized & cut into implants (n = 80) Implants analyzed on the μCT & select ones embedded Bone cylinders implanted abdominally (4 per rat) Other cylinders ashed for mineral content Bone Cylinders Post-Implantation Whole femur Demineralized bone cylinder Postimplantation cylinder • Six weeks after implantation, the rats were sacrificed and the implants collected μ-CT analysis • Micro - Computed Tomography • Fires an X-ray beam at a rotating specimen • Produces 3D images for structural measurements • Used to determine total bone volume Histomorphometry • Representative bone cylinders embedded, cut, and fixed on slides • Samples are digitized by hand by tracing visible labels • Measurements yield: – Bone Volume – Total Volume – Mineral Apposition Rate – Mineralizing Surface Photo taken by Cyndi Trevisiol UV Histomorphometry Image Fluorescent labels show mineralizing surfaces under UV light Histology Photos Stained section showing mineralized bone, fatty marrow and unmineralized cartilage An osteoclast resorbing bone matrix μ-CT Results 5 3 *P < 0.000 *P < 0.000 3 SMI BONE VOLUME (mm3) 4 2 2 1 0 1 Control Alcohol DIET Control Alcohol DIET 5 50 4 40 3 30 Ash Percent Ash Weight (mg) Ashing Results 2 20 1 10 0 0 Control Alcohol DIET Control Alcohol DIET Conclusions • Bone volume, structural integrity, and overall bone mineralization are impaired in the presence of alcohol in a rat model • We can conclude that the consumption of alcohol during the healing process reduces the quality of newly formed bone • The alcoholic skeleton is prone to a higher risk of re-injury at healed fracture sites On the horizon… • We now know that chronic alcohol consumption significantly suppressed proper bone healing in a long-term rat model • Is there a biological “memory” of alcohol consumption in bone – will previously alcoholic bone heal and remodel properly in an alcoholfree environment? • Possible therapies to reverse alcohol-induced osteopenia in the presence of alcohol? (PTH) Acknowledgements • • • • • • • • Howard Hughes Medical Institute Russell Turner Urszula Iwaniec Jaime Hunter Jill Pfaff Phil Menagh Uli’s Kevin Ahern http://www.jdrf.org/images/Chapters_and_Affiliates/minnesota_chapter/thank%20you%20kids.jpg