Diagram Tegangan dan dimensi Balok FIGURE 3-4 HORIZONTAL LOADS MUST BE TRANSFERRED FROM ONE SUBSYSTEM SLICE TO THE NEXT BY SHEAR RESISTANCE BETWEEN SLICES. (a ) LOAD CONCENTRAT ED AT TOP SHEa/-s1cc’ SHEAR (VS) rRorl IS CONSTANT “SLICE” ABOVE SHEAR RESISrANGE FROtI ‘SLICE~BELQw •~_~~2~ SHEAR (V)FRON1 ~SUCE ABOVE AVERAGE SHEAR STRESS: AVERAGE SHEAR STRESS t~ .tLJh./ — SHEAR RESISrANCE FROM “SLICE? BELOW -AVERPeZ SHEAR STRESS; + ~7 - A -CE LOA. D SHEAR RESISTANCE FROM “SLICE~ BELOW other hand, Figure 3-4b illustrates that if the total horizontal load (H) were to be distributed evenly along the height of a building (w = H/h), the shear at any point (hi) would accumulate from zero at the top to (V1 = wh~). The shear diagram would be triangular with the maximum (V= H) at the foundation and (~) will vary with slice location. Distributed loads can arise from the surface of a building because it offers resistance to wind. Thus, for symmetric elevations, a wind load is often On the Overall Integrity and Major Subsystem Interaction assumed to be fairly evenly distributed over a building’s height and, in design, would be assumed to yield a triangular shear diagram. Unevenly distributed horizontal loads may result from foundation movement due to earthquake or nonsymmetric elevations under wind load. Figure 3-4c illustrates a common type of earthquake load distribution, wherein the shear force is assumed to vary over the height of a rectangular building. TIw load per slice varies according to its mass and its distance from the foundation. Thus, for even mass distribution, the load diagram is assumed to be an inverted triangle, the shear diagram parabolic. Thus far we have illustrated that horizontal slices represent basic subsystems that must interact to resist and transfer not only axial compression under vertical loading, but also horizontal shearing forces under horizontal loading. In a continuously solid form, such a structural capability between imaginary slices is inherent. However, if a solid form were actually to be constructed by stacking blocks, it would not necessarily tend lo satisfy the requirement for shear resistance- Figure 3-5 illustrates what would happen if sufficient shear resistance were not achieved between the blocks. In primitive buildings this was accomplished by either relying on friction between heavy stone blocks or by physically keying the joint FIGURE 3-5 FAILURE TO TRANSFER SI-tEAR RESISTANCE BETWEEN SUBSYSTEM BLOCKS WILL RESULT IN COLLAPSE OF FORM. 14 N -H FIGURE 3-6 PRIMITIVE MEANS Of TRANSFERRING SHEAR RESISTANCE BETWEEN SUBSYSTEM BLOCKS. FRICTION H —H KEYING H —H —~ 4- Overall Integrity and Malor Subsystem Interaction FIGURE 3-8 - HORIZONTAL LOAD DISTRIBUTION DETERMINES SHEAR (I’) SHEAR (H ~ LOAD MOMENT (Nb.) SECTIONAL SHAPE AND DEPTH DETERMINES THE REQUIRED DISTRIBUTION OVER {h) OF: (a) AND MOMENT (M); C-T FORCES. DEIERMIMAJICtJ Of OVERTURN RESISTING FORCES roR”sucC AT h~: -, o.tT” — _I (b) -M _________ c ‘. VRTSISTJSG ARM I that, for equal (V), cases (a) and (c) produce moments larger than case (b). Also note that the magnitude of the C-T couple Is determined by the magnitude of the moment and the distance between C and T. It is a natural property of a continuously solid form to resist both shear and bending to some degree, -M although most materials will exhibit different